OpenQuoteChar (clsDataSource)
This feature will be removed in the next version of Microsoft SQL Server. Do not use this feature in new development work, and modify applications that currently use this feature as soon as possible.
The OpenQuoteChar property of an object of ClassType clsDataSource contains the left (opening) quote character used by the source database.
Data Type
To properly qualify a table or column name that contains white space, a data source may require the name be delimited or enclosed using a quote character. The quote character is generally specific to the data source or data source driver.
The following code specifies a FromClause for a dimension and uses the proper delimiter characters for the data source:
'Assume an object (dsoDimension) of
'ClassType clsDatabaseDimension exists and
'get the quoting characters from the data source
Dim sLQuote As String, sRQuote As String
sLQuote = dsoDimension.Datasource.OpenQuoteChar
sRQuote = dsoDimension.Datasource.CloseQuoteChar
'Set the comma-separated list of the dimension tables
dsoDimension.FromClause = sLQuote & "store" & sRQuote