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New Search Property List

Use this dialog box to create a search property list.


  • Search property list name
    Enter the name of the search property list.

  • Owner
    Specify the owner of the search property list. If you want ownership to be assigned to yourself, that is, to the current user, leave this field empty. To specify a different user, click the browse button.

Create Search Property List Options

Click one of the following options:

  • Create an empty search property list
    Creates a search property list without any properties.

  • Create from an existing search property list
    Copies the properties of an existing search property list into the new property list. Search property lists are database objects, so you must specify the database that contains the property list that you want to copy.

    • Source database
      Specify the name of the database to which the existing search property list belongs. The current database is selected by default. Optionally, you can use the list box to select another database, if your current connection is associated with a user ID in that database.

    • Source search property list
      Select the name of an existing search property list from those belonging to the selected database.



To Use SQL Server Management Studio to Manage Search Property Lists

For information about how to create, view, change, or delete a search property list, and about how to configure a full-text index for property searching, see Search Document Properties with Search Property Lists.

See Also



sys.registered_search_property_lists (Transact-SQL)


Search Document Properties with Search Property Lists