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Recommended Backup Schedule for System Center 2012 - Operations Manager


Updated: May 13, 2016

Applies To: System Center 2012 R2 Operations Manager, System Center 2012 - Operations Manager, System Center 2012 SP1 - Operations Manager

You should determine how often and when to run backups. In general, you should perform database backups according to your company’s backup policy.

Backup Schedule

The following table suggests a schedule for regular backups of your Operations Manager features. These suggestions are specific to your Operations Manager environment and are meant to complement other regularly scheduled backups in your environment.

You should schedule those backup jobs at a time that does not conflict with the schedule of the Operations Manager grooming tasks. The Operations Manager grooming jobs run on the Operations Manager database server and both read from and write to the database. Backing up the database during the same time might cause failures in the backup job, the grooming job, or both.

At a minimum, an incremental backup of the operational database should be performed on a daily basis. A complete backup should be performed on the operational database weekly. The master and msdb databases should be backed up any time a change occurs that affects either database, but you should back them up at least monthly.

Feature to back up

Full backup

Incremental backup

Operational database



Data warehouse database



Reporting server

On a recurring basis, with the frequency depending on how often reports change in your organization, and every time after significant changes are made to report definitions (including additions, changes, and deletions).

Same as full backup

Audit Collection Services (ACS) database



Master database (Master)

Every time, after installing and configuring the Operations Manager database features and after making significant changes to logons or other security changes.

Per IT policies

Msdb database (Msdbdata)

After the initial installation and configuration of the Operations Manager database features.

After changing the scheduled Microsoft SQL Server Agent jobs that Operations Manager uses.

Custom Management Packs (.xml files)

Monthly or after making significant changes to management packs.

Not applicable