The Control of Visual FoxPro from Other Applications
Because Visual FoxPro acts as a server (with level 2 compliance) as well as a client, applications that support Automation can create instances of Visual FoxPro, run Visual FoxPro commands, and access Visual FoxPro objects.
You can even manipulate Visual FoxPro from applications that don't support Automation by using Fpole.dll.
You control Visual FoxPro from other applications by using the Visual FoxPro Application object. An Application object is automatically created whenever Visual FoxPro is launched, either directly, through DDE or through Automation.
For example, the following lines of code in Visual BasicĀ®, or a Microsoft Excel module create a reference to a Visual FoxPro application object:
Dim oFox as Object
Set oFox = CreateObject("VisualFoxPro.Application")
Once you have a reference to the Visual FoxPro Application object, you can call methods associated with the application object and access other objects through the collection properties of the Application object.
Methods of the Application Object
DataToClip | Help |
DoCmd | Quit |
Eval | RequestData |
The following example uses Visual Basic for Applications code in an Excel module to create a Visual FoxPro Application object, open a Visual FoxPro table, and add the results of a query to the active spreadsheet:
Sub FoxTest()
Dim oFox as Object
Set oFox = CreateObject("VisualFoxPro.Application")
oFox.DoCmd "USE customer"
oFox.DoCmd "SELECT contact, phone FROM customer
WHERE country = " + Chr$(39) + USA+ Chr$(39) + " INTO CURSOR cust"
oFox.DataToClip "cust",,3
End Sub
The Visual FoxPro Application Object Model
An application object is automatically created whenever Visual FoxPro is launched, either directly, through Automation or DDE. This application object provides access to all other objects created in a Visual FoxPro session through Collection properties.
Visual FoxPro application object model
Accessing Objects Through Collection Properties
The Visual FoxPro application object and all container objects in Visual FoxPro have a count property and a collection property associated with them. The collection property is an array referencing each contained object. The count property is a numeric property indicating the number of contained objects.
The following table lists objects and the corresponding collection and count properties.
These properties allow you to use a program loop to manage all or specific contained objects. For example, the following lines of code set the Visible property of all forms to True (.T.):
FOR EACH Form IN Application.Forms
Form.Visible = .T.
See Also
The Subclassing of Objects | Creating Automation Servers | Adding OLE | Fpole.dll | Using Remote Automation