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RandomCoverageDynamicTraversal Members

A random coverage dynamic traversal.

The following tables list the members exposed by the RandomCoverageDynamicTraversal type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  RandomCoverageDynamicTraversal The constructor.


Protected Fields

  Name Description
protected field callDelegates  A mapping relation between call transition and its callback delegates. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected field eventDelegates  A mapping relation between event transition and its callback delegates. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected field returnDelegates  A mapping relation between return transition and its callback delegates. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected field startTime  The start time of dynamic traversal. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected field stateCoverageCounterDict  Dictionary stores state coverage information. (Inherited from CoverageDynamicTraversal)
protected field testCleanup  Test cleanup callback delegate. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected field testInitialize  Test initialize callback delegate. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected field testProperties  Test properties associates with the traversal. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected field transitionCoverageCounterDict  Dictionary stores transition coverage information. (Inherited from CoverageDynamicTraversal)
protected field transitionSystem  Transition system which is traversed on. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property Manager  The test manager used to monitor return/event queue, handle event/return selection. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
public property ProceedControlTimeout  Gets or sets proceed control timeout. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
public property QuiescenceTimeout  Gets or sets quiescence timeout. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method ChooseControllableTransition Overridden. Choose a controllable transition.
public method ChooseInitialState Overridden. Choose an initial state from transition system
public method Equals  (Inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  (Inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (Inherited from Object)
public method RunTestSuite  In general, the strategy interacts with serialized transition system to verify SUT on the fly. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
public method ShouldStopTestCaseAt Overridden. Stop test case only at end state.
public method ShouldStopTestSuite Overridden. Whether to stop the test suite.
public method ToString  (Inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method CoverState  The event handler when a state is covered. (Inherited from CoverageDynamicTraversal)
protected method CoverTransition  The event handler when a transition is taken (Inherited from CoverageDynamicTraversal)
protected method Finalize  (Inherited from Object)
protected method GenerateExpectedEvents  Generate ExpectedEvent array for a list of event transitions. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected method GenerateExpectedReturns  Generate ExpectedReturn array for a list of return transitions. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected method GetUniqueTestCaseName  Get an unique test case name. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object)
protected method RunTest  Run test from a given initial state. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected method SplitEventControlTransitions  Split transtions to event transitions and control transitions. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)


Protected Events

  Name Description
protected event StateReached  State notification handler which can be used to collect state coverage information. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)
protected event TransitionTaken  Transition notification handler which can be used to collect transition coverage information. (Inherited from DynamicTraversalBase)


See Also


RandomCoverageDynamicTraversal Class
Microsoft.SpecExplorer.DynamicTraversal Namespace