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GetDeviceScrollSizes gets the current mapping mode, the total size, and the line and page sizes of the scrollable view.

void GetDeviceScrollSizes( 
   int& nMapMode, 
   SIZE& sizeTotal, 
   SIZE& sizePage, 
   SIZE& sizeLine  
) const;


  • nMapMode
    Returns the current mapping mode for this view. For a list of possible values, see SetScrollSizes.

  • sizeTotal
    Returns the current total size of the scroll view in device units.

  • sizePage
    Returns the current horizontal and vertical amounts to scroll in each direction in response to a mouse click in a scroll-bar shaft. The cx member contains the horizontal amount. The cy member contains the vertical amount.

  • sizeLine
    Returns the current horizontal and vertical amounts to scroll in each direction in response to a mouse click in a scroll arrow. The cx member contains the horizontal amount. The cy member contains the vertical amount.


Sizes are in device units. This member function is rarely called.


Header: afxwin.h

See Also


CScrollView Class

Hierarchy Chart



Other Resources

CScrollView Members