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Reflection Emit Technology Sample

This sample demonstrates how to use reflection emit. Reflection emit is a run-time feature that allows code to create dynamic assemblies, modules, and types. You can dynamically create instances of these types to use, or you can use reflection emit to generate an assembly and persist it to disk as an executable file or DLL. This sample consists of two executables. The first executable, EmitAssembly.exe, generates a dynamic type and tests it, or it generates a dynamic type and persists it to disk as a DLL. The second executable, TestEmittedAssembly.exe, simply tests the assembly dynamically emitted by the EmitAssembly.exe. The type emitted by EmitAssembly.exe is a simple class called "HelloWorld" whose constructor takes a single string parameter. The type also implements a GetGreeting() method which returns the string passed to the instance constructor.

For information about using the samples, see the following topics:

To build the sample using the command prompt

  1. Open a Command Prompt window and navigate to one of the language-specific subdirectories for the sample.

  2. Type msbuild ReflectionEmitCS.sln or msbuild ReflectionEmitVB.sln, depending on your choice of programming language, at the command line.

  3. Build the testing assembly by compiling the EmitAssembly class. Depending on your programming language choice, type csc /target:library EmitAssembly.cs or vbc /target:library TestEmittedAssembly.vb at the command line. The resulting output file is EmitAssembly.dll.

To build the sample using Visual Studio

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to one of the language-specific subdirectories for the sample.

  2. Double-click the icon for ReflectionEmitCS.sln or ReflectionEmitVB.sln, depending on your choice of programming language, to open the file in Visual Studio.

  3. In the Build menu, select Build Solution.

  4. Build the testing assembly by building the EmitAssembly class. Create a Class Library project using the EmitAssembly.cs or EmitAssembly.vb file and build the project. The resulting output file is EmitAssembly.dll.

To run the sample

  1. Open the Command Prompt window and navigate to the directory that contains the new executable.

  2. Type EmitAssembly.exe, followed by the value you want to pass as a parameter, at the command line.


The sample builds a console application. You must launch and run it in a Command Prompt window to view its output.


For more information about reflection emit, see the comments in the source code files.


The MsBuild Tool builds two executable files: EmitAssembly.exe and TestEmittedAssembly.exe. However, to build TestEmittedAssembly.exe, the compiler needs to be able to open the referenced assembly "EmittedAssembly.dll". After building EmitAssembly.exe, the MsBuild Tool executes EmitAssembly with the command line parameter "2" indicating that the sample should emit the dynamic assembly.

The EmitAssembly executable accepts a command line parameter indicating which test you would like to execute. A value of 1 causes the sample to emit the dynamic type into its AppDomain, and test the static members in the sample. A value of 2 causes the sample to emit the dynamic type into an assembly and persist the assembly to disk in the form of a .DLL and a .MOD file. After doing this, you might want to run TestEmittedAssembly.exe or ILDasm.exe to test the emitted code.

For example:


ILDasm EmittedModule.mod

A value of 3 causes the sample to emit the dynamic type into an assembly and emit a second dynamic type that tests the code of the first dynamic type.

The sample uses the following technologies and classes:

See Also



















Other Resources


Emitting Dynamic Methods and Assemblies

Dynamic Source Code Generation and Compilation

Handling and Raising Events

Managed and Unmanaged Events