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How to: Modify Type Members (Class Designer)

Class Designer enables you to modify the members of types that are displayed on the diagram. You can modify the members of any type displayed on a class diagram that are not read-only. (See Display of Read-Only Information (Class Designer).) You modify type members by using in-place editing on the design surface, Properties window, and the Class Details window.

All the members displayed in the Class Details window represent the members of the types on the class diagram. There are four kinds of members: methods, properties, fields, and events.

All member rows appear under headings that group the members by kind. For example, all properties appear under the heading Properties, which, as a node in the grid, can be collapsed or expanded.

Each member row displays the following elements:

  • Member Icon

    Each kind of member is represented by its own icon. Point the mouse at the member icon to display the member’s signature. Click the member icon or the whitespace to the left of the member icon to select the row.

  • Member Name

    The Name column in a member row displays the name of the member. This name is also displayed in the Name property in the Properties window. Use this cell to change the name of any member that has read-write permissions.

    If the Name column is too narrow to show the whole name, pointing the mouse on the member name displays the entire name.

  • Member Type

    The Member Type cell uses IntelliSense, which lets you select from a list of all the types available in the current project or referenced projects.

  • Member Modifier

    Change the visibility modifier of a member to either Public (public), Private (private), Friend (internal) Protected (protected), Protected Friend (protected internal), or Default.

  • <add member>

    The last row in the Class Details window contains the text <add member> in the Name cell. If you click this cell, you can create a new member. For more information, see How to: Create a Member (Class Designer).

  • Member properties in the Properties window

    The Class Details window displays a subset of the member properties that are displayed in the Properties window. Changing a property in one location will update the value of the property globally. This includes the display of its value in the other location.

  • Summary

    The Summary cell exposes a summary of information about the member. Click the ellipsis in the Summary cell to view or edit information about the Summary, Return Type, and Remarks for the member.

  • Hide

    When the Hide check box is selected, the member is not displayed in the type.

To modify a type member

  1. Using Class Designer, select a type.

  2. If the Class Details window is not displayed, click the Class Details Window button on the Class Designer toolbar.

  3. Edit the values in the fields of the Class Details window grid. After each edit, press ENTER, or otherwise move focus away from the edited field, for example, by pressing TAB. Your edits reflect immediately in code.


    If you want to modify only the name of a member, you can do so by using in-place editing.

See Also


How to: Open the Class Details Window (Class Designer)


Display of Read-Only Information (Class Designer)

Other Resources

Creating and Configuring Type Members (Class Designer)