Constructs an object of class bitset<N> and initializes the bits to zero, or to some specified value, or to values obtained from characters in a string.
bitset( );
unsigned long long _Val
explicit bitset(
const char * _CStr
class CharType,
class Traits,
class Allocator
explicit bitset(
const basic_string< CharType, Traits, Allocator >& _Str,
typename basic_string<
CharType, Traits, Allocator >::size_type _Pos = 0
class CharType,
class Traits,
class Allocator
explicit bitset(
const basic_string< CharType, Traits, Allocator >& _Str,
typename basic_string<
CharType, Traits, Allocator >::size_type _Pos,
typename basic_string<
CharType, Traits, Allocator >::size_type _Count,
CharType _Zero = CharType (’0’),
CharType _One = CharType (’1’)
The unsigned integer whose base two representation is used to initialize the bits in the bitset being constructed._Str
The string of zeros and ones used to initialize the bitset bit values._CStr
A C-style string of zeros and ones used to initialize the bitset bit values._Pos
The position of the character in the string, counting from left to right and starting with zero, used to initialize the first bit in the bitset._Count
The number of characters in the string that is used to provide initial values for the bits in the bitset._Zero
The character that is used to represent a zero. The default is '0'._One
The character that is used to represent a one. The default is '1'.
Three constructors can be used to construct obects of class bitset<N>:
The first constructor accepts no parameters, constructs an object of class bitset<N> and initializes all N bits to a default value of zero.
The second constructor constructs an object of class bitset<N> and initializes the bits by using the single unsigned long long parameter.
The third constructor constructs an object of class bitset<N>, initializing the N bits to values that correspond to the characters provided in a c-style character string of zeros and ones. You call the constructor without casting the string into a string type: bitset<5> b5("01011");
There are also two constructor templates provided:
The first constructor template constructs an object of class bitset<N> and initializes bits from the characters provided in a string of zeros and ones. If any characters of the string are other than 0 or 1, the constructor throws an object of class invalid argument. If the position specified (_Pos) is beyond the length of the string, then the constructor throws an object of class out_of_range. The constructor sets only those bits at position j in the bitset for which the character in the string at position _Pos + j is 1. By default, _Pos is 0.
The second constructor template is similar to the first, but includes an additional parameter (_Count) that is used to specify the number of bits to initialize. It also has two optional parameters, _Zero and _One, which indicate what character in _Str is to be interpreted to mean a 0 bit and a 1 bit, respectively.
// bitset_bitset.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
int main( )
// Using the default constructor
using namespace std;
bitset<2> b0;
cout << "The set of bits in bitset<2> b0 is: ( "
<< b0 << " )." << endl;
// Using the second member function
bitset<5> b1 ( 6 );
cout << "The set of bits in bitset<5> b1( 6 ) is: ( "
<< b1 << " )." << endl;
// The template parameter N can be an expresssion
bitset< 2 * sizeof ( int ) > b2;
cout << "The set of bits in bitset<2 * sizeof ( int ) > b2 is: ( "
<< b2 << " )." << endl;
// The base two representation will be truncated
// if its length exceeds the size of the bitset
bitset<3> b3 ( 6 );
cout << "The set of bits in bitset<3> b3( 6 ) is ( "
<< b3 << " )." << endl;
// Using a c-style string to initialize the bitset
bitset<7> b3andahalf ( "1001001" );
cout << "The set of bits in bitset<7> b3andahalf ( \"1001001\" )"
<< " is ( " << b3andahalf << " )." << endl;
// Using the fifth member function with the first parameter
string bitval4 ( "10011" );
bitset<5> b4 ( bitval4 );
cout << "The set of bits in bitset<5> b4( bitval4 ) is ( "
<< b4 << " )." << endl;
// Only part of the string may be used for initialization
// Starting at position 3 for a length of 6 (100110)
string bitval5 ("11110011011");
bitset<6> b5 ( bitval5, 3, 6 );
cout << "The set of bits in bitset<11> b5( bitval, 3, 6 ) is ( "
<< b5 << " )." << endl;
// The bits not initialized with part of the string
// will default to zero
bitset<11> b6 ( bitval5, 3, 5 );
cout << "The set of bits in bitset<11> b6( bitval5, 3, 5 ) is ( "
<< b6 << " )." << endl;
// Starting at position 2 and continue to the end of the string
bitset<9> b7 ( bitval5, 2 );
cout << "The set of bits in bitset<9> b7( bitval, 2 ) is ( "
<< b7 << " )." << endl;
The set of bits in bitset<2> b0 is: ( 00 ). The set of bits in bitset<5> b1( 6 ) is: ( 00110 ). The set of bits in bitset<2 * sizeof ( int ) > b2 is: ( 00000000 ). The set of bits in bitset<3> b3( 6 ) is ( 110 ). The set of bits in bitset<5> b4( bitval4 ) is ( 10011 ). The set of bits in bitset<11> b5( bitval, 3, 6 ) is ( 100110 ). The set of bits in bitset<11> b6( bitval5, 3, 5 ) is ( 00000010011 ). The set of bits in bitset<9> b7( bitval, 2 ) is ( 110011011 ).
Header: <bitset>
Namespace: std