CSimpleRow Class
Provides a default implementation for the row handle, which is used in the IRowsetImpl class.
class CSimpleRow
Adds a reference count to an existing row handle. |
Compares two rows to see if they refer to the same row instance. |
The constructor. |
Releases rows. |
Data Members
Reference count to an existing row handle. |
An index to the rowset representing the cursor. |
A row handle is logically a unique tag for a result row. IRowsetImpl creates a new CSimpleRow for every row requested in IRowsetImpl::GetNextRows. CSimpleRow can also be replaced with your own implementation of the row handle, as it is a default template argument to IRowsetImpl. The only requirement to replacing this class is to have the replacement class provide a constructor that accepts a single parameter of type LONG.
Header: atldb.h