This interface represents a field, that is, a description of a symbol or type.
IDebugField : IUnknown
Notes for Implementers
A symbol provider implements this interface as the base class for all fields.
Notes for Callers
This interface is the base class for all fields. Based on the return value of IDebugField::GetKind, this interface may return more specialized interfaces by using QueryInterface. In addition, many interfaces return IDebugField objects from various methods.
Methods in Vtable Order
The following table shows the methods of IDebugField.
Method |
Description |
Gets displayable information about the symbol or type. |
Gets the kind of field. |
Gets the type of field. |
Gets the container of the field. |
Gets the address of the field. |
Gets the size of a field, in bytes. |
Gets extended information about a field. |
Compares two fields. |
Gets type-independent information about the symbol or type. |
A type is equivalent to a C language typedef.
In the following C++ language example, weather is a class type, and sunny and stormy are symbols:
class weather;
weather sunny;
weather stormy;
Whether a field represents a symbol or type can be determined by calling IDebugField::GetKind and examining the FIELD_KIND result. If the FIELD_KIND_TYPE bit is set, the field is a type, and if the FIELD_KIND_SYMBOL bit is set, it is a symbol.
Header: sh.h
Namespace: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Debugger.Interop.dll