FtmBase Class
Represents a free-threaded marshaler object.
class FtmBase : public Microsoft::WRL::Implements<
Microsoft::WRL::RuntimeClassFlags< WinRtClassicComMix >,
Microsoft::WRL::CloakedIid< IMarshal > >;
For more information, see the "IMarshal" topic in the "COM Interfaces" subtopic of the "COM Reference" topic in the MSDN Library.
Public Constructors
Name |
Description |
Initializes a new instance of the FtmBase class. |
Public Methods
Name |
Description |
Creates a global interface table (GIT). |
Forcibly releases all external connections to an object. The object's server calls the object's implementation of this method prior to shutting down. |
Get the upper bound on the number of bytes needed to marshal the specified interface pointer on the specified object. |
Gets the CLSID that COM uses to locate the DLL containing the code for the corresponding proxy. COM loads this DLL to create an uninitialized instance of the proxy. |
Writes into a stream the data required to initialize a proxy object in some client process. |
Destroys a marshaled data packet. |
Initializes a newly created proxy and returns an interface pointer to that proxy. |
Public Data Members
Name |
Description |
Holds a reference to the free threaded marshaler. |
Inheritance Hierarchy
Header: ftm.h
Namespace: Microsoft::WRL