AccessDeniedException |
Exception that is thrown when access is denied. |
AdministrationException |
Exception for an administration error. |
BuildActivityAttribute |
Represents a build activity attribute. |
BuildAgentAlreadyExistsException |
Exception that is thrown when a build agent already exists. |
BuildAgentDeletionException |
BuildAgentDoesNotExistException |
Exception that is thrown when a build agent does not exist. |
BuildAgentFailureException |
Exception for a build agent failure. |
BuildAgentNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not found. |
BuildAgentNotFoundForUriException |
Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not found at the specified URI. |
BuildAgentNotReadyToSaveException |
Exception that is thrown when the build agent was not ready to save. |
BuildAgentNotRecognizedException |
Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not recognized. |
BuildAgentNotUniqueException |
Exception that is thrown when a build agent was not unique. |
BuildAgentSpecNotUniqueException |
Exception that is thrown when a build agent spec was not unique. |
BuildAgentUpdateException |
Exception that is thrown when a build agent is updating. |
BuildClientUtil |
BuildControllerAlreadyExistsException |
Exception that is thrown when a build controller already exists. |
BuildControllerDeletionException |
Exception that is thrown when an error occurs in the deletion of a build controller. |
BuildControllerDoesNotExistException |
Exception that is thrown when a build controller does not exist. |
BuildControllerNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown when a build controller was not found. |
BuildControllerNotFoundForUriException |
Exception that is thrown when a build controller was not found at the specified URI. |
BuildControllerNotReadyToSaveException |
Exception that is thrown when the build controller was not ready to save. |
BuildControllerSpecNotUniqueException |
Exception that is thrown when a build controller spec was not unique. |
BuildControllerUpdateException |
BuildDefinitionAlreadyExistsException |
Exception that is thrown when a build definition already exists. |
BuildDefinitionDisabledException |
Exception that is thrown when a build definition is disabled. |
BuildDefinitionDoesNotExistException |
Exception that is thrown when a build definition does not exist. |
BuildDefinitionFailureException |
Exception that is thrown for a build definition failure. |
BuildDefinitionNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown when a build definition was not found. |
BuildDefinitionNotFoundForUriException |
Exception that is thrown when a build definition was not found at the specified URI. |
BuildDefinitionSpecNotUniqueException |
Exception that is thrown when a build definition spec was not unique. |
BuildDefinitionUpdateException |
BuildDefinitionXmlSerializer |
BuildDeployment |
This class contains the build summary for the actual deployment and the build summary for source build being deployed. |
BuildDeploymentSpec |
Provides properties for querying build deployments in a team project collection. |
BuildEnumerationHelper |
BuildExtensionAttribute |
Represents a build extension attribute. |
BuildFailedException |
Exception that is thrown when a build failed. |
BuildFailureException |
Exception for a build failure. |
BuildGroupAlreadyExistsException |
Exception that is thrown when a build group already exists. |
BuildGroupDoesNotExistException |
Exception that is thrown when a build group does not exist. |
BuildMachineRequestDoesNotExistException |
BuildNotDeletedException |
Exception for a build that was not deleted. |
BuildNotFinishedException |
Exception that is thrown when a build did not finish. |
BuildNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown when a build was not found. |
BuildNotFoundForUriException |
Exception that is thrown when a build was not found at the specified uniform resource identifier (URI). |
BuildNumberAlreadyExistsException |
Exception for a build number that already exists. |
BuildQualityDoesNotExistException |
Exception that is thrown when build quality does not exist. |
BuildReasonNotSupportedException |
Exception that is thrown when a build reason is not supported. |
BuildServerException |
Base class for a build server exception. |
BuildServiceHostAlreadyExistsException |
Exception that is thrown when a build service host already exists. |
BuildServiceHostDeletionException |
BuildServiceHostDoesNotExistException |
Exception that is thrown when a build service host does not exist. |
BuildServiceHostNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown when a build service host was not found. |
BuildServiceHostNotFoundForUriException |
Exception that is thrown when a build service host was not found at the specified URI. |
BuildServiceHostOwnershipException |
BuildServiceHostSpecNotUniqueException |
Exception that is thrown when a build service host spec was not unique. |
BuildServiceHostUpdateException |
BuildSpecNotUniqueException |
Exception that is thrown when a build spec was not unique. |
BuildStoppedException |
Exception that is thrown when the build stopped. |
BuildSummary |
This class contains basic build information so the UI can display what it needs |
BuildTeamProjectPermission |
Represents a build project permission for a particular user. |
BuildTeamProjectPermission2010 |
Represents a build project permission for a particular user. |
CannotDeleteDefinitionBuildExistsException |
Exception that is thrown when the build definition cannot be deleted because of an existing build. |
CannotDeleteInProgressBuildException |
Exception that is caused by an attempt to delete a build that is in progress. |
CannotRedeployException |
CannotStartBuildException |
CannotStopBuildException |
Exception that is thrown when the build cannot be stopped. |
ChangesetDisplayInformation |
This class contains changeset number, user display name |
ConfigurationFolderPathNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown when a configuration folder path was not found. |
CoverageServiceRestartFailureDuringDeleteException |
Exception that is caused when coverage service restarts during a delete operation. |
CustomAssemblyPathNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown when a custom assembly path was not found. |
CustomBuildServiceException |
Exception for an error with a custom build service. |
DeleteBuildFailedException |
Exception that is thrown when a build delete request failed. |
DeploymentEnvironment |
This class contains all the deployment environment metadata and also the secret environment properties. This class does not serialize the secret values: those are fetched from the client on demand. |
DeploymentEnvironmentCreationData |
DeploymentEnvironmentMetadata |
This class contains the "public" information about a DeploymentEnvironent. This includes the Name, TeamProject, ConnectedServiceName, FriendlyName, Kind, and Description. Used by Clients to display DeploymentEnviornment without revealing the secret information. |
DeploymentEnvironmentNotFoundException |
DeploymentService |
DuplicateBuildUpdateRequestException |
DuplicateInformationChangeRequestException |
Exception that is caused by a duplicate information change request. |
DuplicateProcessTemplateException |
Exception for a duplicate process template. |
GatedCheckInTicketValidationException |
Exception that is caused by an error that occurs in gated check-in ticker validation. |
InformationAddRequestCycleException |
Exception that is caused by an error in an information add request cycle. |
InformationChangeRequestException |
Exception that is caused by an error in an information change request. |
InformationNodeConverters |
Provides methods to convert IBuildInformationNode objects to more specific types. |
InformationNodeDoesNotExistException |
Exception that is thrown when an information node does not exist. |
InformationParentNodeDoesNotExistException |
Exception that is thrown when an information node parent does not exist. |
InvalidBuildAgentReservationException |
Exception for an invalid build agent reservation. |
InvalidBuildGroupItemUpdateException |
Exception that is caused by a build group item update that is not valid. |
InvalidBuildRequestException |
Exception that is caused by a build request that is not valid. |
InvalidBuildUriException |
Exception that is caused by a build URI that is not valid. |
InvalidFinalStatusException |
Exception for a final status that is not valid. |
InvalidPlatformFlavorException |
Exception that is caused by a platform flavor that is not valid. |
InvalidQueueRequestException |
Exception that is thrown when an error occurs because a queue request is not valid. |
MultipleDefaultProcessTemplatesException |
Exception caused by the existence of multiple default process templates. |
MultipleUpgradeProcessTemplatesException |
Exception that is caused by the existence of multiple upgrade process templates. |
PollingCompletedEventArgs |
Event arguments for a polling completed event. |
ProcessTemplateDeletedException |
Exception that is thrown when a process template is deleted. |
ProcessTemplateNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown when the process template was not found. |
ProjectFileCreationException |
Exception for an error in project file creation. |
ProjectFileTemplateNotFoundException |
Exception that is thrown when a project file template was not found. |
QueuedBuildDoesNotExistException |
Exception that is thrown when a queued build does not exist. |
QueuedBuildUpdateException |
Exception that is thrown when an error occurs with a queued build update. |
RequestedForDisplayInformation |
This class contains requestedFor user tfid and display name |
ResponseFileCreationException |
Exception for an error in response file creation. |
SecurityException |
Exception for a security error. |
SharedResourceAlreadyAcquiredException |
Exception that is thrown when a shared resource was already acquired. |
SharedResourceAlreadyRequestedException |
Exception that is thrown when a shared resource was already requested. |
StatusChangedEventArgs |
Event arguments for a status change event. |
StopBuildFailedException |
Exception that is thrown when a build stop request failed. |
StopBuildTimeoutException |
Exception that is caused by a time-out on the request to stop a build. |