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ITestPoint Interface

Represents the execution state of a test case in a suite against a configuration as part of a test plan.

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.dll)


Public Interface ITestPoint _
    Inherits IIdentifiable(Of Integer), INotifyPropertyChanged, ITestPointProperties
public interface ITestPoint : IIdentifiable<int>, 
    INotifyPropertyChanged, ITestPointProperties
public interface class ITestPoint : IIdentifiable<int>, 
    INotifyPropertyChanged, ITestPointProperties
type ITestPoint =  
        interface IIdentifiable<int>
        interface INotifyPropertyChanged 
        interface ITestPointProperties 
public interface ITestPoint extends IIdentifiable<int>, INotifyPropertyChanged, ITestPointProperties

The ITestPoint type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AssignedTo Gets the identity of the user to which this test point is assigned.
Public property AssignedToName User this point is assigned to.
Public property AssignedToTeamFoundationId User this point is assigned to.
Public property Comment Gets or sets a comment for the associated test point. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property ConfigurationId Gets the identifier of the ITestConfiguration that this point tests.
Public property ConfigurationName Name of the T[:Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client.ITestConfiguration] that this point represents.
Public property HasCachedProperties Determines whether the Point object has any cached properties from the server.
Public property History Gets a collection of ITestPointProperties objects that represent a historical list of the properties of this test point over time.
Public property Id Gets the identifier. (Inherited from IIdentifiable<TKey>.)
Public property IsTestCaseAutomated Returns the same result as TestCaseWorkItem.IsAutomated, but may use cached properties to answer the question
Public property Item Access the properties of the test case of the point, possibly from the internal cached-properties table
Public property LastUpdated Gets the date that this object was last updated. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property LastUpdatedBy Gets the identity of the last person to update this object. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property LastUpdatedByName Last person to update point. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property MostRecentFailureType Gets the most recent FailureType for the associated test point. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property MostRecentResolutionStateId Gets the ID for the most recent resolution state setting. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property MostRecentResult Gets the most recent test case result.
Public property MostRecentResultId Gets the ID of the most recent result setting. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property MostRecentResultOutcome Gets the most recent result outcome setting. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property MostRecentResultState Gets the most recent result state setting. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property MostRecentRunId Gets the most recent test run ID. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property Plan Gets the associated test plan.
Public property Revision Gets the internal revision number of the associated test point. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property State Gets the current state of the associated test point. (Inherited from ITestPointProperties.)
Public property SuiteId Gets the identifier for the test suite that contains this test point.
Public property TestCaseExists Gets a value that indicates whether the current test case exists on the server.
Public property TestCaseId Gets the ID of the associated test case.
Public property TestCaseWorkItem Gets the work item that is associated with the associated test case.
Public property UserData Gets or sets an arbitrary object that the user has associated with this test point.



  Name Description
Public method Block Blocks this test point by setting the ITestPointProperties.State property to TestPointState.NotReady.
Public method QueryAssociatedWorkItemsFromResults Retrieves an array of integer IDs for the work items that are associated with the corresponding results of this test point.
Public method Refresh Updates this object by using data from the server.
Public method Save Persists this object on the server.
Public method Unblock Unblocks this test point by setting the ITestPointProperties.State property to TestPointState.Ready.



  Name Description
Public event PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged.)


See Also


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Client Namespace



