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NamedRange.FormulaArray Property

Gets or sets the array formula of the NamedRange control.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel
Assembly:  Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel (in Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.dll)


Property FormulaArray As Object
Object FormulaArray { get; set; }

Property Value

Type: System.Object
The array formula of the NamedRange control.


This property returns (or can be set to) a single formula or an array.

If the NamedRange control does not contain an array formula, this property returns nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).

If you use this property to enter an array formula, the formula must use the R1C1 reference style, not the A1 reference style.


The following code example creates a NamedRange and then uses the FormulaArray property to set the value of the NamedRange to equal the sum of the array of cells A1 through A3.

This example is for a document-level customization.

Private formualArrayRange As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.NamedRange

    Private Sub SetFormulaArray()
        formualArrayRange = Me.Controls.AddNamedRange( _
            Me.Range("B1"), "formualArrayRange")
        Me.Range("A1", "A3").Value2 = 3333
        Me.formualArrayRange.FormulaArray = "=Sum(R1C1:R3C1)" 
    End Sub
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.NamedRange formualArrayRange;
private void SetFormulaArray()
    formualArrayRange = this.Controls.AddNamedRange(
        this.Range["B1"], "formualArrayRange");
    this.Range["A1", "A3"].Value2 = 3333;
    this.formualArrayRange.FormulaArray = "=Sum(R1C1:R3C1)";

.NET Framework Security

See Also


NamedRange Interface

Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel Namespace