Dynamically Binding Columns in Your Provider
Make sure you really need dynamic column binding. You might need it because:
Your rowset columns are not defined at compile time.
You support an element such as bookmarks that adds columns.
To implement dynamic column binding
Remove any PROVIDER_COLUMN_MAPs from your code.
In the user record (your structure), add the following declaration:
static ATLCOLUMNINFO* GetColumnInfo(void* pThis, ULONG* pcCols);
Implement the GetColumnInfo function. This function lays out how the information is stored. You might need to get properties or other information for this function. You might want to create a macro, similar to the COLUMN_ENTRY macro, to add your own information.
The following example shows a GetColumnInfo function.
// Check the property flag for bookmarks, if it is set, set the zero // ordinal entry in the column map with the bookmark information. CAgentRowset* pRowset = (CAgentRowset*) pThis; CComQIPtr<IRowsetInfo, &IID_IRowsetInfo> spRowsetProps = pRowset; CDBPropIDSet set(DBPROPSET_ROWSET); set.AddPropertyID(DBPROP_BOOKMARKS); DBPROPSET* pPropSet = NULL; ULONG ulPropSet = 0; HRESULT hr; if (spRowsetProps) hr = spRowsetProps->GetProperties(1, &set, &ulPropSet, &pPropSet); if (pPropSet) { CComVariant var = pPropSet->rgProperties[0].vValue; CoTaskMemFree(pPropSet->rgProperties); CoTaskMemFree(pPropSet); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (var.boolVal == VARIANT_TRUE)) { ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY_EX(ulCols, OLESTR("Bookmark"), 0, sizeof(DWORD), DBTYPE_BYTES, 0, 0, GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, dwBookmark, DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISBOOKMARK) ulCols++; } } // Next, set up the other columns. ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY(ulCols, OLESTR("Command"), 1, 256, DBTYPE_STR, 0xFF, 0xFF, GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, szCommand) ulCols++; ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY(ulCols, OLESTR("Text"), 2, 256, DBTYPE_STR, 0xFF, 0xFF, GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, szText) ulCols++; ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY(ulCols, OLESTR("Command2"), 3, 256, DBTYPE_STR, 0xFF, 0xFF, GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, szCommand2) ulCols++; ADD_COLUMN_ENTRY(ulCols, OLESTR("Text2"), 4, 256, DBTYPE_STR, 0xFF, 0xFF, GUID_NULL, CAgentMan, szText2) ulCols++; if (pcCols != NULL) *pcCols = ulCols; return _rgColumns; }