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CA1019: Define accessors for attribute arguments







Breaking Change



In its constructor, an attribute defines arguments that do not have corresponding properties.

Rule Description

Attributes can define mandatory arguments that must be specified when you apply the attribute to a target. These are also known as positional arguments because they are supplied to attribute constructors as positional parameters. For every mandatory argument, the attribute should also provide a corresponding read-only property so that the value of the argument can be retrieved at execution time. This rule checks that for each constructor parameter, you have defined the corresponding property.

Attributes can also define optional arguments, which are also known as named arguments. These arguments are supplied to attribute constructors by name and should have a corresponding read/write property.

For mandatory and optional arguments, the corresponding properties and constructor parameters should use the same name but different casing. Properties use Pascal casing, and parameters use camel casing.

How to Fix Violations

To fix a violation of this rule, add a read-only property for each constructor parameter that does not have one.

When to Suppress Warnings

Suppress a warning from this rule if you do not want the value of the mandatory argument to be retrievable.

Custom Attributes Example


The following example shows two attributes that define a mandatory (positional) parameter. The first implementation of the attribute is incorrectly defined. The second implementation is correct.


Imports System

Namespace DesignLibrary

' Violates rule: DefineAccessorsForAttributeArguments.
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)>  _
NotInheritable Public Class BadCustomAttribute
    Inherits Attribute
    Private data As String 

    ' Missing the property that corresponds to  
    ' the someStringData parameter. 
    Public Sub New(someStringData As String)
        data = someStringData
    End Sub 'New 
End Class 'BadCustomAttribute

' Satisfies rule: Attributes should have accessors for all arguments.
<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)>  _
NotInheritable Public Class GoodCustomAttribute
    Inherits Attribute
    Private data As String 

    Public Sub New(someStringData As String)
        data = someStringData
    End Sub 'New 

    'The constructor parameter and property 
    'name are the same except for case. 

    Public ReadOnly Property SomeStringData() As String 
            Return data
        End Get 
    End Property 
End Class  

End Namespace
using System;

namespace DesignLibrary
// Violates rule: DefineAccessorsForAttributeArguments.

   public sealed class BadCustomAttribute :Attribute 
      string data;

      // Missing the property that corresponds to  
      // the someStringData parameter. 

      public BadCustomAttribute(string someStringData)
         data = someStringData;

// Satisfies rule: Attributes should have accessors for all arguments.

   public sealed class GoodCustomAttribute :Attribute 
      string data;

      public GoodCustomAttribute(string someStringData)
         data = someStringData;
      //The constructor parameter and property 
      //name are the same except for case. 

      public string SomeStringData
            return data;

Positional and Named Arguments


Positional and named arguments make to clear to consumers of your library which arguments are mandatory for the attribute and which arguments are optional.

The following example shows an implementation of an attribute that has both positional and named arguments.


using System; 

namespace DesignLibrary
    public sealed class GoodCustomAttribute : Attribute    
        string mandatory;        
        string optional;         

        public GoodCustomAttribute(string mandatoryData)        
            mandatory = mandatoryData;        

        public string MandatoryData        
            get { return mandatory; }        

        public string OptionalData        
            get { return optional; }            
            set { optional = value; }        


The following example shows how to apply the custom attribute to two properties.


[GoodCustomAttribute("ThisIsSomeMandatoryData", OptionalData = "ThisIsSomeOptionalData")]
public string MyProperty
    get { return myProperty; }
    set { myProperty = value; }

public string MyOtherProperty
    get { return myOtherProperty; }
    set { myOtherProperty = value; }

CA1813: Avoid unsealed attributes

See Also

Other Resources

Attribute Usage Guidelines