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This function is called to return the class factory.


This function cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime.

ATLINLINE ATLAPI AtlComModuleGetClassObject( 
_ATL_COM_MODULE * pComModule, 
REFCLSID rclsid, 
REFIID riid, 
LPVOID* ppv  


  • pComModule
    Pointer to the COM module.

  • rclsid
    The CLSID of the object to be created.

  • riid
    The IID of the requested interface.

  • ppv
    A pointer to the interface pointer identified by riid. If the object does not support this interface, ppv is set to NULL.

Return Value

Returns S_OK on success, or an error HRESULT on failure.


This helper function is utilized by CComModule::GetClassObject (obsolete in ATL 7.0) and CAtlDllModuleT::GetClassObject.


Header: atlbase.h

See Also

Other Resources

Server Registration Global Functions