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C Library Reference

This section contains reference information for the Concurrency Visualizer SDK.


The C language standard reserves the use of identifiers that begin with an underscore (_) character for implementations such as libraries. Do not use names beginning with an underscore in your code. The behavior of code elements whose names follow this convention are not guaranteed and are subject to change in future releases. For these reasons, such code elements are omitted from this documentation.

In This Section

CvCreateDefaultMarkerSeriesOfDefaultProvider Function

CvCreateMarkerSeries Function

CvCreateMarkerSeriesWithCodePageA Function

CvEnterSpan Function

CvInitProvider Function

CvIsEnabled Function

CvLeaveSpan Function

CvReleaseMarkerSeries Function

CvReleaseProvider Function

CvWriteAlert Function

CvWriteFlag Function

CvWriteMessage Function