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Required Port Supplier Interfaces


This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here

A port supplier must implement the IDebugPortSupplier2 interface.IDebugPortSupplier2

Because a port supplier supplies ports, it must also implement them. Therefore, it must implement the following interfaces:

  • IDebugPort2

    Describes the port and can enumerate all processes running on the port.

  • IDebugPortEx2

    Provides for launching and terminating processes on the port.

  • IDebugPortNotify2

    Provides a mechanism for programs running within this port's context to notify it of program node creation and destruction. For more information, see Program Nodes.

  • IConnectionPointContainer

    Provides a connection point for IDebugPortEvents2.

Port Supplier Operation

The IDebugPortEvents2 sink receives notifications when process and programs are created and destroyed on a port. A port is required to send IDebugProcessCreateEvent2 when a process is created and IDebugProcessDestroyEvent2 when a process is destroyed on the port. A port is also required to send IDebugProgramCreateEvent2 when a program is created and IDebugProgramDestroyEvent2 when a program is destroyed in a process running on the port.

A port typically sends program create and destroy events in response to the AddProgramNode and RemoveProgramNode methods, respectively.

Because a port can launch and terminate both physical processes and logical programs, these interfaces must also be implemented by the debug engine:

See Also

Implementing a Port Supplier