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/FR, /Fr   (Create .SBR File)

OverviewHow Do ICompiler Options

These options create an .SBR file containing symbolic information. During the build process, the Microsoft Browse Information File Maintenance Utility (BSCMAKE) uses the .SBR files to create a .BSC file that you can examine in browse windows.

Command Line Project Settings Description
/FR[filename] Generate Browse Info Creates an .SBR file with complete symbolic information
/Fr[filename] Exclude Local Variables from Browse Info Creates an .SBR file without information on local variables

To find these options in the development environment, click Settings on the Project menu. Then click the C/C++ tab, and click Listing Files in the Category box.

By default, the output file has the source file’s base name and an .SBR extension. On the command line, use filename to specify a name and directory other than the default. (No space is allowed before the file name argument.) Or in the Project Settings dialog box, use the Intermediate Browse Info File Destination text box. An .SBR extension is required.

The /Zn option suppresses packing of the .SBR file.