Workplace Analytics Data export

Data export is available only as part of a Microsoft service engagement.


As of February 2022, this product is no longer being supported.

Your company might have unique data-analysis needs requiring custom exploration of Workplace Analytics insights and data that goes beyond what's available in Workplace Analytics. For example, you might have custom data exploration that requires you to combine Workplace Analytics data with data outside of Workplace Analytics.

As part of the service agreement, you can ask your Microsoft representative to enable Data export in the Workplace Analytics app. If you have two or more partitions set up in Workplace Analytics, you can also specify for which partitions to enable Data export in the app. The ability to specify what data can be exported by whom helps you maintain data protection.

After data export is enabled, your Viva Insights or Workplace Analytics can view and use the Data export page in Workplace Analytics to save the SAS URI, which points to an Azure storage container with write-only permission.

Saving the SAS URI enables a workflow that exports the Workplace Analytics data to the storage container. The data will be exported each time it is refreshed in Workplace Analytics, for the agreed duration of the CS agreement.

Data included in the export

You can export pre-processed Workplace Analytics data to a designated Azure storage container as .csv files. The export uses the latest available organizational data that was uploaded and processed in Workplace Analytics.

If you add new organizational data attributes to your Workplace Analytics upload, you must also add them as additional fields in the export in Data export > Field privacy. The new fields are added to the next data export after the data upload is next refreshed and processed in Workplace Analytics. For details, see Subsequent organizational data uploads.

The following .csv files are included in data exports. Select a file to view what's included in that file, such as the data column names, data types, and definitions:

Azure environment requirements

Before exporting Workplace Analytics data, confirm the following:

  • Your company has a current Azure subscription and an Azure storage account with an Azure storage container for storing the exported Workplace Analytics data.

  • Have a write-only SAS URI for the storage container. To learn more about SAS, see Delegating Access with a Shared Access Signature.

To export data

  1. If you have already installed Azure Templates, use the SAS URI created after deployment which grants write-only access to the raw data folder that was set up during deployment and use that URI in Step 3.

  2. If you have partitions set up in Workplace Analytics, select which partition you want to export data from. If not, skip to the next step.

  3. In Workplace Analytics, go to Controls > Analyst settings > Data export.

  4. In Azure storage container SAS URI, enter the URI for the Azure storage container.

  5. In the Field privacy section, select which fields to export as raw values and as hashed values. Note the options for the required fields at the top of the list are locked and unchangeable, as shown in the following graphic.


    When you add new attributes to your organizational data and you want to include them in a data export, you must repeat this step to add the new attributes as additional fields to include in the export.

  6. Select Save (top right) to save your selections and enable a workflow that exports the Workplace Analytics data to the storage container. The applicable data is then exported to Azure during each subsequent data refresh in Workplace Analytics.

    Workplace Analytics data export settings page.

Exported .csv files

The .csv files that are listed in this section are included in data exports.


This file includes one row for each meeting or appointment with the following metrics. Recurring meetings result in a row for each occurrence.

Column name Data type Description
MeetingId string Unique identifier for each meeting (including recurring meetings); primary key
ICalUid string Meeting calendar ID
Subject string Meeting subject (respects tenant privacy settings; see Workplace Analytics Privacy settings for details)
IsRecurring Boolean True if this is a recurring meeting
IsCanceled Boolean True if the meeting was canceled
StartTime datetime Meeting start time
DurationMinutes integer Meeting length in minutes
TotalAccept integer Total number of meeting acceptances
TotalDecline integer Total number of meeting declines
TotalNoResponse integer Total number of invitees who did not respond to the meeting invite
TotalTentativelyAccepted integer Total number of invitees who tentatively accepted
TotalAttendees integer Sum of total accept, total no-response, plus organizer
TotalDoubleBooked integer Number of attendees who had conflicting meetings or appointments on their calendar
TotalEmailsDuringMeeting integer Number of emails sent during the meeting by all attendees who did not decline the meeting invitation


This file has one row for each participant in a calendar meeting with the following metrics.

Column name Data type Description
MeetingId string Unique identifier for each meeting (including recurring meetings); foreign key matching Meetings table
PersonHistoricalId string Unique value for a participant any time an HR attribute changes; foreign key matching PersonHistorical table
LocalStartTime datetime Start time of the meeting in the participant's local time
IsOrganizer Boolean True if this participant organized the meeting
IsDoubleBooked Boolean True if this person has more than one meeting at this time in their calendar
Response enumerated Invitee's response to the meeting: declined, tentative, accepted, or no response
DurationMinutesAdjusted double Time spent in meeting, adjusted if double booked
NumberOfEmailsDuringMeeting integer The number of emails sent by this participant in this meeting


This file includes one row for each person that has HR attribute changes and for each HR change with the following metrics. A new row is created when a person's HR attributes change.

Column name Data type Description
PersonHistoricalId string Unique value for every person for each HR change; primary key
EmailAddress string Masked value, unique for every email address
StartDate datetime Effective start date of last HR change (does not apply for original hire date, or leave date)
EndDate datetime Effective end date of last HR change (does not apply for original hire date, or leave date)
PopulationType string Type of employee. See PopulationType.
ManagerId string Unique value for each person's manager
HR Attribute 1 varies HR values that have been added to the dataset; see HR attributes.
HR Attribute n varies HR values that have been added to the dataset; see HR attributes.
LevelDesignation string HR values for employee levels that represent an employee's experience, management level, or seniority within the organization.
Organization string HR values for the internal organization for which employees belong that's specific and identifiable by the organization's leaders.
IsInternal Boolean True if PopulationType is either MeasuredEmployee or InternalCollaborator
ExternalCollaboratorId string Email address if PopulationType is ExternalCollaborator and the tenant is configured to include external email IDs in the report


The following describes possible values for the PopulationType column.

Value Description
MeasuredEmployee An employee who has a Workplace Analytics license assigned
InternalCollaborator A person within the company who does not have a Workplace Analytics license assigned
ExternalCollaborator A person with a domain that does not match the default company domain
DistributionList An Active Directory distribution list
MeetingRoom A meeting room

HR attributes

The HR attributes represent organizational data your company has uploaded for use in Workplace Analytics. The attributes include a required set of attributes, optional attributes, and custom attributes. For more information about these attributes, see Prepare organizational data.


This file includes one row for every email sent and received with the following metrics.

Column name Data type Description
MailId string Unique identifier for every email sent; foreign key matching primary key of the Mails table
PersonHistoricalId: string Unique identifer for every person; foreign key matching PersonHistorical table primary key
IsSender Boolean True if this person sent the email
LocalSentTime datetime Local time when the email was sent
PersonTimeSpentInHours double Time spent reading or writing email in hours (heuristic estimated value)
PersonTimeSpentInMinutes double Time spent reading or writing email in minutes (heuristic estimated value)


This file includes one row for every email sent with the following metrics.

Column name Data type Description
MailId string Unique identifier for each email; primary key
ConversationId string Unique thread identifier
Subject string Meeting subject (respects tenant privacy settings; see Workplace Analytics Privacy settings for details)
SentTime datetime When the email was sent, in the sender's local time
SenderTimeSpentinMinutes double How many minutes spent writing the email (heuristic estimated value)
NumberOfRecipients integer Number of email recipients, not including the sender


This file includes one row for each call with the following metrics. Recurring, scheduled calls (also referred to as meetings) result in a row for each occurrence.

Column name Data type Description
CallRecordId string Unique identifier for each call (including scheduled calls); primary key
MeetingId string Meeting calendar ID (iCalUID + StartDate) associated metadata found on the mapped MeetingId (if a scheduled call/meeting)
AppName string Name of the source app (for example: Teams, Skype)
IsScheduledCall Boolean True if this is a scheduled call
TotalParticipants integer Sum of total participants for the call
InteractionType enumerated Invitee's response to the call: joined or attended, tentative, accepted, or no response


This file includes one row for each participant in a call with the following metrics.

Column name Data type Description
CallRecordId string Unique identifier for each call (including scheduled calls); primary key
PersonHistoricalId string Unique value for a participant any time an HR attribute changes; foreign key matching PersonHistorical table
IsOrganizer Boolean True if this participant organized the call
LocalStartTime datetime Start time of the call in the participant's local time
LocalEndTime datetime End time of the call in the participant's local time


This file includes one row for each instant message with the following metrics.

Column name Data type Description
InstantMessageId string Unique identifier for each instant message; foreign key matching InstantMessage table
AppName string Name of the source app (for example: Teams, Skype)
SentTime datetime Sent time of the instant message in the participant's local time
InteractionType enumerated The type of instant message received by a person: GroupChat, OneOnOneChat
TotalParticipants double Sum of total IM participants (includes sender)


This file includes one row for each participant in an instant message with the following metrics.

Column name Data type Description
InstantMessageId string Unique identifier for each instant message; foreign key matching InstantMessage table
PersonHistoricalId string Unique value for a participant any time an HR attribute changes; foreign key matching PersonHistorical table
isAfterHours Boolean True if this instant message was sent after hours
IsSender Boolean True if this person was the instant message sender
LocalSentTime datetime Sent time of the instant message in the participant's local time
SenderTimeSpentInMinutes double Time spent in instant message, approximation