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Run-Time Error Checking


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The latest version of this topic can be found at Run-Time Error Checking.

The C run-time library contains the functions that support run-time error checks (RTC). Run-time error checking allows you to build your program such that certain kinds of run-time errors are reported. You specify how the errors are reported and which kinds of errors are reported. For more information, see Run-Time Error Checks.

Use the following functions to customize the way your program does run-time error checking.

Run-Time Error Checking Functions

Function Use .NET Framework equivalent
_RTC_GetErrDesc Returns a brief description of a run-time error check type.
_RTC_NumErrors Returns the total number of errors that can be detected by run-time error checks.
_RTC_SetErrorFunc Designates a function as the handler for reporting run-time error checks.
_RTC_SetErrorType Associates an error that is detected by run-time error checks with a type.

See Also

Run-Time Routines by Category
/RTC (Run-Time Error Checks)
RTC sample
Debug Routines