dhcpssdk.h header

This header is used by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). For more information, see:

dhcpssdk.h contains the following programming interfaces:

Callback functions


The DhcpControlHook function is called by Microsoft DHCP Server when the DHCP Server service is started, stopped, paused, or continued.

The DhcpDeleteClientHook function is called by Microsoft DHCP Server directly before a client lease is deleted from the active leases database.

LPDHCP_DROP_SEND callback function

The DhcpServerCalloutEntry function is called by Microsoft DHCP Server to initialize a third-party DLL, and to discover for which events the third-party DLL wants notification. The DhcpServerCalloutEntry function is implemented by third-party DLLs.

The DhcpAddressOfferHook function is called by Microsoft DHCP Server directly before Microsoft DHCP Server sends an acknowledgment (ACK) to a DHCP REQUEST message.

The DhcpHandleOptionsHook function enables third-party DLLs to obtain commonly used options from a DHCP packet, avoiding the need to process the entire DHCP packet. The DhcpHandleOptionsHook function should not block.

The DhcpNewPktHook function is called by Microsoft DHCP Server shortly after it receives a DHCP packet slated for processing.

The DhcpAddressDelHook function is called by Microsoft DHCP Server when one of the following four defined events occurs.



The DHCP_CALLOUT_TABLE structure is used by Microsoft DHCP Server and third-party DLLs to send notification requests for DHCP Server events.

The DHCP_SERVER_OPTIONS structure specifies requested DHCP Server options.