DhcpCreateOptionV5 function (dhcpsapi.h)

The DhcpCreateOptionV5 function creates a DHCP option.


DWORD DhcpCreateOptionV5(
  [in]           LPWSTR         ServerIpAddress,
  [in]           DWORD          Flags,
  [in]           DHCP_OPTION_ID OptionId,
  [in, optional] LPWSTR         ClassName,
  [in, optional] LPWSTR         VendorName,
  [in]           LPDHCP_OPTION  OptionInfo


[in] ServerIpAddress

Unicode string that specifies the IP address or hostname of the DHCP server.

[in] Flags

Flag value that indicates whether the option is for a specific or default vendor class.

Value Meaning
The option value is retrieved for a default vendor class.
The option value is retrieved for a specific vendor class. The vendor name is supplied in VendorName.

[in] OptionId

DHCP_OPTION_ID value that contains the unique option ID number (also called an "option code") of the new option. Many of these option ID numbers are defined; a complete list of standard DHCP and BOOTP option codes can be found in DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions.

[in, optional] ClassName

Unicode string that specifies the name of the DHCP class that will contain this option. This field is optional.

[in, optional] VendorName

Unicode string that contains a vendor name string if the class specified in ClassName is a vendor-specific class.

[in] OptionInfo

DHCP_OPTION structure that contains information describing the new DHCP option, including the name, an optional comment, and any related data items.

Return value

This function returns ERROR_SUCCESS upon a successful call. Otherwise, it returns one of the DHCP Server Management API Error Codes.

Return code Description
This call was performed by a client who is not a member of the "DHCP Administrators" security group.
An error occurred while accessing the DHCP server's database.
The specified option definition already exists in the DHCP server database.
The specified class name is unknown or incorrectly formed.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header dhcpsapi.h
Library Dhcpsapi.lib
DLL Dhcpsapi.dll

See also