IWMSServer Interface
The IWMSServer interface resides at the top of the server hierarchy. You can use it to specify and retrieve server properties, and to create objects needed to manage a server.
In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMSServer interface exposes the following methods.
Method |
Description |
CreatePlaylist |
Creates an IXMLDOMDocumentIXMLDOMDocument Interface. |
DownloadContent |
Downloads audio or video content locally using the WMS Archive Data Writer plug-in. |
ExportXML |
Creates an XML document containing the server configuration data. |
get_AllowClientsToConnect |
Retrieves a Boolean value that indicates whether the server can receive client connections. |
get_Authenticators |
Retrieves an IWMSPluginsIWMSPlugins Interface containing a collection of authentication plug-ins. You can use authentication plug-ins to establish the identity of clients that are requesting connections. |
get_AvailableIPAddresses |
Retrieves an IWMSAvailableIPAddressesIWMSAvailableIPAddresses Interface containing a collection of IP addresses that can be used by the server to publish content. |
get_CacheProxy |
Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of cache plug-ins that can be used to control the caching policy of the server. |
get_ControlProtocols |
Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of control protocol plug-ins that can be used to interpret and respond to client requests. |
get_CPUUtilization |
Retrieves the CPU utilization of the computer on which the server is running. |
get_CurrentCounters |
Retrieves an IWMSServerCurrentCountersIWMSServerCurrentCounters Interface that contains information about the server counters. |
get_DataSources |
Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface that contains a collection of data source plug-ins. |
get_DefaultPath |
Retrieves the default path name of the server. |
get_DefaultPluginLoadType |
Retrieves an enumeration value that indicates whether the server loads authentication, event notification, and authorization plug-ins as in-process or out-of-process objects. |
get_DiagnosticEvents |
Retrieves an IWMSDiagnosticEventsIWMSDiagnosticEvents Interface that you can use to retrieve information about critical errors and warnings. |
get_EnableReverseProxyMode |
Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the server sends all requested content to cache and proxy plug-ins. |
get_EventHandlers |
Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of event notification and authorization plug-ins. |
get_FileDescriptions |
Retrieves an IWMSFileDescriptionsIWMSFileDescriptions Interface containing a collection of IWMSFileDescription interfaces that describe content files, playlist files, and directories. |
get_FileType |
Retrieves the type of a content file identified by a specific path. |
get_Limits |
Retrieves an IWMSServerLimitsIWMSServerLimits Interface that contains the limits specified for the server. |
get_MediaParsers |
Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of media parser plug-ins. |
get_MonikerName |
Retrieves the moniker display name that can be used to create and initialize a WMSServer object. |
get_Name |
Retrieves the server name. |
get_OSProductType |
Retrieves the operating system product type that Windows Media Services is running on. |
get_OutgoingDistributionConnections |
Retrieves an IWMSOutgoingDistributionConnectionsIWMSOutgoingDistributionConnections Interface that contains a collection of the streams being distributed to the server. |
get_PeakCounters |
Retrieves an IWMSServerPeakCountersIWMSServerPeakCounters Interface that contains methods that can be used to retrieve peak counter information collected by a running server. |
get_Players |
Retrieves an IWMSPlayersIWMSPlayers Interface containing a collection of IWMSPlayer interfaces, each of which contains specific information about a connected client. |
get_PlaylistParsers |
Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of playlist parser plug-ins. You can use a playlist parser plug-in to support a playlist format. |
get_Properties |
Retrieves an IWMSNamedValuesIWMSNamedValues Interface containing a collection of name-value pairs that contain descriptive information about the server. |
get_PublishingPoints |
Retrieves an IWMSPublishingPointsIWMSPublishingPoints Interface containing a collection of IWMSPublishingPoint interfaces. |
get_RootDirectories |
Retrieves an IWMSRootDirectoriesIWMSRootDirectories Interface containing a collection of server root directories. |
get_StartTime |
Retrieves the date and time at which the Windows Media server was started. |
get_Status |
Retrieves an enumeration value indicating the current state of the server. |
get_StreamFilters |
Reserved for future use. |
get_TotalCounters |
Retrieves an IWMSServerTotalCountersIWMSServerTotalCounters Interface that can be used to obtain information about various totals maintained by the server. |
get_UnicastDataSinks |
Retrieves an IWMSPlugins interface containing a collection of unicast data sink plug-ins that can be used to send data packets to a client. |
get_Version |
Retrieves the version number of the server. |
put_AllowClientsToConnect |
Specifies a Boolean value that indicates whether the server can receive client connections. |
put_DefaultPath |
Specifies the default path name of the server. |
put_DefaultPluginLoadType |
Specifies an enumeration value that indicates whether the server loads authentication, event notification, and authorization plug-ins as in-process or out-of-process objects. |
put_EnableReverseProxyMode |
Specifies a Boolean value indicating whether the server sends all requested content to cache and proxy plug-ins. |
The following example illustrates how to retrieve a pointer to an IWMSServer interface.
#include <windows.h>
#include "wmsserver.h"
// Declare variables and interfaces.
IWMSServer *pServer;
// Initialize the COM library and retrieve a pointer
// to an IWMSServer interface.
hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WMSServer,
(void **)&pServer);
if (FAILED(hr)) goto EXIT;
// TODO: Release temporary COM objects and uninitialize COM.