DHCP Server Management API Functions
The DHCP Server Management API library defines the following functions.
Function | Description |
DhcpAddFilterV4 | Adds a link-layer address or address pattern to the allow/deny lists. |
DhcpAddServer | Adds a new server to the existing list of DHCP servers maintained in the domain directory service. |
DhcpAddSubnetElement | Adds an element describing a feature or aspect of the subnet to the subnet entry in the DHCP database. |
DhcpAddSubnetElementV4 | Adds an element describing a feature or aspect of the subnet to the subnet entry in the DHCP database. This function extends DhcpAddSubnetElement by incorporating subnet elements that consider client type. |
DhcpAddSubnetElementV5 | Adds an element describing a feature or aspect of the subnet to the subnet entry in the DHCP database. |
DhcpAuditLogGetParams | Returns the audit log configuration settings from the DHCP server. |
DhcpAuditLogSetParams | Sets the parameters for audit log generation on a DHCP server. |
DhcpCreateClass | Creates a custom option class. |
DhcpCreateClientInfo | Creates a client information record on the DHCP server. |
DhcpCreateClientInfoV4 | Creates a client information record on the DHCP server. Includes the client type in the record. |
DhcpCreateClientInfoVQ | Creates the provided DHCP client lease record in the DHCP server database. |
DhcpCreateOption | Creates an option definition for the default user and vendor class at the default option level. |
DhcpCreateOptionV5 | Creates a DHCP option for a specified user and vendor class. |
DhcpCreateSubnet | Creates a new subnet on the DHCP server. |
DhcpCreateSubnetVQ | Creates a new IPv4 subnet and its associated NAP state information on the DHCP server. |
DhcpDeleteClass | Deletes a DHCP class from the DHCP server. |
DhcpDeleteClientInfo | Deletes a client information record from the DHCP server. |
DhcpDeleteFilterV4 | Deletes a link-layer address or address pattern from a DHCP server's allow/deny lists. |
DhcpDeleteServer | Deletes a DHCP server and any related objects from the directory service. |
DhcpDeleteSubnet | Deletes a subnet from the DHCP server. |
DhcpDeleteSuperScopeV4 | Deletes a superscope from the DHCP server. |
DhcpDsCleanup | Frees up directory service resources allocated for DHCP services by DhcpDsInit |
DhcpDsInit | Initializes memory within the directory service for a new DHCP server process. |
DhcpEnumClasses | Enumerates the user or vendor classes configured for the DHCP server. |
DhcpEnumFilterV4 | Enumerates all of the filter records from the DHCP server's allow or deny list. |
DhcpEnumOptions | Returns an enumerated set of options stored on the DHCPv4 server. |
DhcpEnumOptionsV5 | Returns an enumerated list of DHCP options for a given user or vendor class. |
DhcpEnumOptionValues | Returns an enumerated list of option values (just the option data and the associated ID number) for a given scope. |
DhcpEnumOptionValuesV5 | Returns an enumerated list of option values for a specific scope within a given user or vendor class. |
DhcpEnumServers | Returns an enumerated list of DHCP servers found in the directory service. |
DhcpEnumSubnetClients | Returns an enumerated list of clients with served IP addresses in the specified subnet. |
DhcpEnumSubnetClientsV4 | Returns an enumerated list of client lease records with served IP addresses in the specified subnet. This function extends the functionality provided in DhcpEnumSubnetClients by returning a list of DHCP_CLIENT_INFO_V4 structures that contain the specific client type (DHCP and/or BOOTP). |
DhcpEnumSubnetClientsV5 | Returns an enumerated list of clients with served IP addresses in the specified subnet. |
DhcpEnumSubnetClientsVQ | Returns all DHCP clients serviced from the specified IPv4 subnet. |
DhcpEnumSubnetClientsFilterStatusInfo | Enumerates all of the DHCP clients serviced on the specified subnet, and includes link-layer filter status for each of them. |
DhcpEnumSubnetElements | Returns an enumerated list of elements for a specific DHCP subnet. |
DhcpEnumSubnetElementsV4 | Returns an enumerated list of elements for a specific DHCP subnet. This function extends DhcpEnumSubnetElements by returning a list of DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_DATA_V4 structures, which can contain IP reservations based on client type. |
DhcpEnumSubnetElementsV5 | Returns an enumerated list of elements for a specific DHCP subnet. |
DhcpEnumSubnets | Returns an enumerated list of subnets defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpGetAllOptions | Returns an array that contains all options defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpGetAllOptionValues | Returns an array that contains all option values defined for a specific scope on the DHCP server. |
DhcpGetClassInfo | Returns the user or vendor class information configured on a specific DHCP server. |
DhcpGetClientInfo | Returns information about a specific DHCP client. |
DhcpGetClientInfoV4 | Returns information on a specific DHCP client. Also returns client type information. |
DhcpGetClientInfoVQ | Returns DHCP client lease record information from the DHCP server database. |
DhcpGetClientOptions | Returns only ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, as it is not used or supported. |
DhcpGetFilterV4 | Returns the enable/disable settings for the DHCPv6 server's allow/deny lists. |
DhcpGetMibInfoV5 | Obtains a MIB data structure that contains current statistics about the specified DHCP server. |
DhcpGetOptionInfo | Returns information on a specific DHCP option for the default user and vendor class. |
DhcpGetOptionInfoV5 | Returns information on a specific DHCP option. |
DhcpGetOptionValue | Returns a DHCP option value (the option code and associated data) for a particular scope. |
DhcpGetOptionValueV5 | Returns a DHCP option value (the option code and associated data) for a particular scope. Allows the caller to specify a class and/or vendor for the option. |
DhcpGetServerBindingInfo | Returns endpoint bindings set on the DHCP server. |
DhcpGetServerSpecificStrings | Retrieves the names of the default vendor class and user class. |
DhcpGetSubnetDelayOffer | Obtains the delay period for DHCP OFFER messages after a DISCOVER message is received. |
DhcpGetSubnetInfo | Returns information on a specific subnet. |
DhcpGetSubnetInfoVQ | Returns the information about a specific IPv4 subnet defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpGetSuperScopeInfoV4 | Returns information on the superscope of a DHCP server. |
DhcpGetVersion | Returns the major and minor version numbers of the DHCP server. |
DhcpGetThreadOptions | Retrieves the current thread options as set by DhcpSetThreadOptions. |
DhcpHlprAddV4PolicyCondition | Allocates, initializes, and adds a DHCP server policy condition to a DHCP server policy. |
DhcpHlprAddV4PolicyExpr | Allocates, initializes, and adds a DHCP server policy expression to a DHCP server policy. |
DhcpHlprAddV4PolicyRange | Adds a DHCP IPv4 range to a DHCP server policy. |
DhcpHlprCreateV4Policy | Allocates and initializes a DHCP server policy structure. |
DhcpHlprFreeV4Policy | Frees the memory of all the data structures within a DHCP server policy structure. |
DhcpHlprIsV4PolicySingleUC | Verifies that a DHCP server policy is based on a single user class. |
DhcpHlprIsV4PolicyValid | Verifies a DHCP server policy. |
DhcpHlprIsV4PolicyWellFormed | Verifies that a DHCP server policy structure is well formed. |
DhcpHlprModifyV4PolicyExpr | Modifies the DHCP server policy expression in a DHCP server policy structure. |
DhcpHlprResetV4PolicyExpr | Resets the DHCP server policy expression in a DHCP server policy structure. |
DhcpModifyClass | Modifies a DHCP class defined on the server. |
DhcpRemoveOption | Removes the definition of a specific option for the default user class and vendor class at the default option level on the DHCP server. |
DhcpRemoveOptionV5 | Removes an option defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpRemoveOptionValue | Removes the option value for a specific option on the DHCP4 server for the default user class and vendor class, for the specified scope. |
DhcpRemoveOptionValueV5 | Removes an option value from a scope defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpRemoveSubnetElement | Removes an IPv4 subnet element from an IPv4 subnet defined on the DHCPv4 server. |
DhcpRemoveSubnetElementV4 | Removes an IPv4 subnet element from an IPv4 subnet defined on the DHCPv4 server. The function extends the functionality provided by DhcpRemoveSubnetElement by allowing the specification of a subnet that contains client type (DHCP or BOOTP) information. |
DhcpRemoveSubnetElementV5 | Removes an element from a subnet defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpRpcFreeMemory | Frees a block of buffer space returned as a parameter by the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service. |
DhcpScanDatabase | Enumerates the leased DHCPv4 client IPv4 addresses that are not synchronized between the in-memory cache and the server database. |
DhcpServerBackupDatabase | Backs up the DHCP server database configuration, settings, and DHCP client lease record to a specified file location. |
DhcpServerGetConfig | Returns the specific configuration settings of a DHCP server. |
DhcpServerGetConfigV4 | Returns the specific configuration settings of a DHCP server. This function extends the functionality of DhcpServerGetConfig by adding configuration parameters for the number of ping retries a server uses to determine connectability, the settings for the boot file table, and the audit log state. Configuration information includes information on the JET database used to store subnet and client lease information, and the supported protocols |
DhcpServerGetConfigVQ | Returns the current DHCP server configuration settings. |
DhcpServerQueryAttribute | Returns specific attribute information from the DHCP server. |
DhcpServerQueryAttributes | Returns an array of attributes set on the DHCP server. |
DhcpServerQueryDnsRegCredentials | Retrieves the current Domain Name System (DNS) credentials used by the DHCP server for client dynamic DNS registration. |
DhcpServerRedoAuthorization | Determine whether the DHCP server is authorized and restores leasing operations if it is not. |
DhcpServerRestoreDatabase | Restores the settings, configuration, and records for a client lease database from a specific backup location (path). |
DhcpServerSetConfig | Configures a DHCPv4 server with specific settings, including information on the JET database used to store subnet and client lease information, and the supported protocols. |
DhcpServerSetConfigV4 | Configures a DHCP server with specific settings. |
DhcpServerSetConfigVQ | Sets or updates DHCP server settings. |
DhcpServerSetDnsRegCredentialsV5 | Sets the credentials used by the DHCP server to create Domain Name System (DNS) registrations for the DHCP client lease record. |
DhcpSetClientInfo | Sets information on a client whose IP address lease is administrated by the DHCP server. |
DhcpSetClientInfoV4 | Sets information on a client whose IP address lease is administrated by the DHCP server. Allows the caller to specify the client type (DHCP or BOOTP). |
DhcpSetClientInfoVQ | Sets or modifies an existing DHCP client lease record in the DHCP server record database. |
DhcpSetFilterV4 | Enables or disables the allow and deny lists on a DHCP server. |
DhcpSetOptionInfo | Modifies the option definition of the specified option for the default user class and vendor class at the default option level. |
DhcpSetOptionInfoV5 | Sets information for a specific DHCP option. |
DhcpSetOptionValue | Sets information for a specific option value on the DHCP server. |
DhcpSetOptionValueV5 | Sets information for a specific option value on the DHCP server. This function extends the functionality provided by DhcpSetOptionValue by allowing the caller to specify a class and/or vendor for the option. |
DhcpSetOptionValues | Sets option codes and their associated data values for a specific scope defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpSetOptionValuesV5 | Sets option codes and their associated data values for a specific scope defined on the DHCP server. This function extends the functionality provided by DhcpSetOptionValues by allowing the caller to specify a class and/or vendor for the options. |
DhcpSetServerBindingInfo | Sets endpoint bindings for the DHCP server. |
DhcpSetSubnetDelayOffer | Sets the delay period for DHCP OFFER messages after a DISCOVER message is received. |
DhcpSetSubnetInfo | Sets information about a subnet defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpSetSubnetInfoVQ | Sets information about a subnet defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpSetSuperScopeV4 | Sets a subnet as the superscope on a DHCP server. |
DhcpSetThreadOptions | Sets options on the currently executing DHCP thread. |
DhcpV4FailoverAddScopeToRelationship | Adds a DHCPv4 scope to the specified failover relationship. |
DhcpV4FailoverCreateRelationship | Creates a new DHCPv4 failover relationship between two servers. |
DhcpV4FailoverDeleteRelationship | Deletes a DHCPv4 failover relationship between two servers. |
DhcpV4FailoverDeleteScopeFromRelationship | Deletes a DHCPv4 scope from the specified failover relationship. |
DhcpV4FailoverEnumRelationship | Enumerates all failover relationships present on the server. |
DhcpV4FailoverGetAddressStatus | Returns the status of a IPv4 address. |
DhcpV4FailoverGetClientInfo | Retrieves the DHCPv4 client lease information. |
DhcpV4FailoverGetRelationship | Retrieves relationship details for a specific relationship name. |
DhcpV4FailoverGetScopeRelationship | Retrieves the failover relationship that is configured on a specified DHCPv4 scope. |
DhcpV4FailoverGetScopeStatistics | Retrieves the address usage statistics of a specific scope that is part of a failover relationship. |
DhcpV4FailoverGetSystemTime | Returns the current time on the DHCP server. |
DhcpV4FailoverSetRelationship | Sets or modifies the parameters of a DHCPv4 server failover relationship. |
DhcpV4FailoverTriggerAddrAllocation | Redistributes the free addresses between the primary server and the secondary server that are part of a failover relationship. |
DhcpV4GetFreeIPAddress | Retrieves the list of available IPv4 addresses that can be leased to clients. |
DhcpV4EnumSubnetClients | Enumerates all DHCP client records serviced from the specified IPv4 subnet. |
DhcpV4EnumSubnetReservations | Enumerates the reservations for a specific DHCP IPv4 subnet. |
DhcpV4CreateClientInfo | Creates a DHCPv4 client lease record in the DHCP server database. |
DhcpV4GetClientInfo | Retrieves DHCP client lease record information from the DHCP server database. |
DhcpV4RemoveOptionValue | Removes an option value from a scope defined on the DHCP server. This function extends the functionality provided by DhcpRemoveOptionValueV5 by allowing the caller to specify a policy for the option. |
DhcpV4GetAllOptionValues | Retrieves an array of DHCP option values (the option code and associated data) for a particular scope. |
DhcpV4SetOptionValues | Sets option codes and their associated data values for a specific scope defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpV4SetOptionValue | Sets information for a specific option value on the DHCP server. This function extends the functionality provided by DhcpSetOptionValueV5 by allowing the caller to specify a policy for the option. |
DhcpV4GetOptionValue | Retrieves a DHCP option value (the option code and associated data) for a particular scope. This function extends the functionality provided by DhcpGetOptionValueV5 by allowing the caller to specify a policy for the option. |
DhcpV4CreatePolicy | Creates a new policy on the DHCP Server. |
DhcpV4EnumPolicies | Enumerates the policies configured on the DHCP Server. |
DhcpV4GetPolicy | Retrieves a policy from the DHCP Server. |
DhcpV4SetPolicy | Updates one or more parameters of an existing policy. |
DhcpV4DeletePolicy | Deletes an existing policy from the DHCP Server. |
DhcpV4SetPolicyEnforcement | Sets the policy enforcement state of the server or the specified IPv4 subnet on the DHCP Server. |
DhcpV4QueryPolicyEnforcement | Retrieves the policy enforcement state on the server or the specified IPv4 subnet from the DHCP Server. |
DhcpV4AddPolicyRange | adds an IP address range to a policy. |
DhcpV4RemovePolicyRange | Removes the specified IP address range from the list of IP address ranges of the policy. |
DHCP V6 Functions
V6 Function | Description |
DhcpAddSubnetElementV6 | Adds an element describing a feature or aspect of the subnet to the subnet entry in the DHCP database. |
DhcpCreateClassV6 | Creates a custom DHCPv6 option class. |
DhcpCreateOptionV6 | Creates a DHCP option. |
DhcpCreateSubnetV6 | Creates a new subnet on the DHCP server. |
DhcpDeleteClassV6 | Deletes a DHCP class from the DHCPv6 server. |
DhcpDeleteClientInfoV6 | Deletes the specified DHCPv6 client address release record from the DHCPv6 server database. |
DhcpDeleteSubnetV6 | Deletes a subnet from the DHCP server. |
DhcpEnumClassesV6 | Enumerates the user or vendor classes configured for the DHCPv6 server. |
DhcpEnumOptionsV6 | Returns an enumerated list of DHCP options for a given class and/or vendor. |
DhcpEnumOptionValuesV6 | Returns an enumerated list of option values (the option data and the associated ID number) for a specific scope within a given class. |
DhcpEnumSubnetsV6 | Returns an enumerated list of subnets defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpEnumSubnetClientsV6 | Returns an enumerated list of clients with served IP addresses in the specified subnet. |
DhcpEnumSubnetElementsV6 | Returns an enumerated list of elements for a specific DHCP subnet. |
DhcpGetAllOptionsV6 | Returns an array that contains all options defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpGetAllOptionValuesV6 | Returns an array that contains all option values defined for a specific scope on the DHCP server. |
DhcpGetClientInfoV6 | Returns IPv6 address lease information for a specific IPv6 client reservation from the DHCPv6 server. |
DhcpGetMibInfoV6 | Returns the IPv6 counter values of the DHCP server. |
DhcpGetOptionInfoV6 | Returns information on a specific DHCP option. |
DhcpGetOptionValueV6 | Returns the option value for a specific option defined on the DHCPv6 server for a specific user or vendor class. |
DhcpGetServerBindingInfoV6 | Returns an array of IPv6 interface binding information specific to the DHCPv6 server. |
DhcpGetSubnetInfoV6 | Returns information on a specific subnet. |
DhcpModifyClassV6 | Modifies a DHCPv6 user or vendor class defined on the server. |
DhcpRemoveOptionV6 | Removes an option defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpRemoveOptionValueV6 | Removes an option value from a scope defined on the DHCP server |
DhcpRemoveSubnetElementV6 | Removes an element from a subnet defined on the DHCP server. |
DhcpServerGetConfigV6 | Returns the configuration information for the DHCPv6 server. |
DhcpSetClientInfoV6 | Sets or modifies the reserved DHCPv6 client lease record in the DHCPv6 server database. |
DhcpSetOptionInfoV6 | Sets information for a specific DHCP option. |
DhcpSetOptionValueV6 | Sets information for a specific option value on the DHCP server. |
DhcpSetServerBindingInfoV6 | Sets or modifies the IPv6 interface bindings for the DHCPv6 server. |
DhcpServerSetConfigV6 | Sets the DHCPv6 server configuration data at the scope or server level. |
DhcpSetSubnetInfoV6 | Sets or updates the information for an IPv6 subnet defined on the DHCPv6 server. |
DhcpV6CreateClientInfo | Creates a DHCPv6 client lease record in the DHCP server database. |
DhcpV6GetFreeIPAddress | Retrieves the list of available IPv6 addresses that can be leased to clients. |
DhcpV6GetStatelessStatistics | Retrieves the stateless server IPv6 subnet statistics. |
DhcpV6GetStatelessStoreParams | Retrieves the current DHCPv6 stateless client inventory configuration settings at the server or scope level. |
DhcpV6SetStatelessStoreParams | Sets the DHCPv6 stateless client inventory configuration settings at the server or scope level. |