Server Core Functions by DLL
This list contains, by the associated DLL, the APIs supported in full by Server Core. Other APIs may be provided via the DLLs included with Server Core, and depending on how they are called, may operate without error. However, when APIs not listed in this documentation are utilized and the code does not have any dependencies outside of the dlls included in Server Core, it is highly recommended that the code is tested to ensure it works properly.
DLL Name | Function Name |
activeds.dll | ADsBuildEnumerator |
activeds.dll | ADsBuildVarArrayInt |
activeds.dll | ADsBuildVarArrayStr |
activeds.dll | ADsEncodeBinaryData |
activeds.dll | ADsEnumerateNext |
activeds.dll | ADsFreeEnumerator |
activeds.dll | ADsGetLastError |
activeds.dll | ADsGetObject |
activeds.dll | ADsSetLastError |
activeds.dll | AllocADsMem |
activeds.dll | AllocADsStr |
activeds.dll | FreeADsMem |
activeds.dll | FreeADsStr |
activeds.dll | ReallocADsMem |
activeds.dll | ReallocADsStr |
advapi32.dll | AbortSystemShutdownA |
advapi32.dll | AbortSystemShutdownW |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheck |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckByType |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmA |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmW |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckByTypeResultList |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmA |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleA |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleW |
advapi32.dll | AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmW |
advapi32.dll | AddAccessAllowedAce |
advapi32.dll | AddAccessAllowedAceEx |
advapi32.dll | AddAccessAllowedObjectAce |
advapi32.dll | AddAccessDeniedAce |
advapi32.dll | AddAccessDeniedAceEx |
advapi32.dll | AddAccessDeniedObjectAce |
advapi32.dll | AddAce |
advapi32.dll | AddAuditAccessAce |
advapi32.dll | AddAuditAccessAceEx |
advapi32.dll | AddAuditAccessObjectAce |
advapi32.dll | AddUsersToEncryptedFile |
advapi32.dll | AdjustTokenGroups |
advapi32.dll | AdjustTokenPrivileges |
advapi32.dll | AllocateAndInitializeSid |
advapi32.dll | AllocateLocallyUniqueId |
advapi32.dll | AreAllAccessesGranted |
advapi32.dll | AreAnyAccessesGranted |
advapi32.dll | BackupEventLogA |
advapi32.dll | BackupEventLogW |
advapi32.dll | BuildExplicitAccessWithNameA |
advapi32.dll | BuildTrusteeWithNameA |
advapi32.dll | BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndNameA |
advapi32.dll | BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndSidA |
advapi32.dll | BuildTrusteeWithSidA |
advapi32.dll | ChangeServiceConfig2A |
advapi32.dll | ChangeServiceConfig2W |
advapi32.dll | ChangeServiceConfigA |
advapi32.dll | ChangeServiceConfigW |
advapi32.dll | CheckTokenMembership |
advapi32.dll | ClearEventLogA |
advapi32.dll | ClearEventLogW |
advapi32.dll | CloseEncryptedFileRaw |
advapi32.dll | CloseEventLog |
advapi32.dll | CloseServiceHandle |
advapi32.dll | CloseThreadWaitChainSession |
advapi32.dll | CloseTrace |
advapi32.dll | ControlService |
advapi32.dll | ControlServiceExA |
advapi32.dll | ControlServiceExW |
advapi32.dll | ConvertSidToStringSidA |
advapi32.dll | ConvertSidToStringSidW |
advapi32.dll | ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity |
advapi32.dll | CopySid |
advapi32.dll | CreatePrivateObjectSecurity |
advapi32.dll | CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx |
advapi32.dll | CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance |
advapi32.dll | CreateProcessAsUserA |
advapi32.dll | CreateProcessAsUserW |
advapi32.dll | CreateProcessWithLogonW |
advapi32.dll | CreateProcessWithTokenW |
advapi32.dll | CreateRestrictedToken |
advapi32.dll | CreateServiceA |
advapi32.dll | CreateServiceW |
advapi32.dll | CreateTraceInstanceId |
advapi32.dll | CreateWellKnownSid |
advapi32.dll | CredGetSessionTypes |
advapi32.dll | CryptContextAddRef |
advapi32.dll | CryptCreateHash |
advapi32.dll | CryptDecrypt |
advapi32.dll | CryptDeriveKey |
advapi32.dll | CryptDestroyHash |
advapi32.dll | CryptDestroyKey |
advapi32.dll | CryptDuplicateHash |
advapi32.dll | CryptDuplicateKey |
advapi32.dll | CryptEncrypt |
advapi32.dll | CryptExportKey |
advapi32.dll | CryptGenKey |
advapi32.dll | CryptGenRandom |
advapi32.dll | CryptGetHashParam |
advapi32.dll | CryptGetKeyParam |
advapi32.dll | CryptGetProvParam |
advapi32.dll | CryptGetUserKey |
advapi32.dll | CryptHashData |
advapi32.dll | CryptHashSessionKey |
advapi32.dll | CryptImportKey |
advapi32.dll | CryptReleaseContext |
advapi32.dll | CryptSetHashParam |
advapi32.dll | CryptSetKeyParam |
advapi32.dll | CryptSetProvParam |
advapi32.dll | CryptSignHashA |
advapi32.dll | CryptSignHashW |
advapi32.dll | CryptVerifySignatureA |
advapi32.dll | CryptVerifySignatureW |
advapi32.dll | DecryptFileA |
advapi32.dll | DecryptFileW |
advapi32.dll | DeleteAce |
advapi32.dll | DeleteService |
advapi32.dll | DeregisterEventSource |
advapi32.dll | DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity |
advapi32.dll | DuplicateEncryptionInfoFile |
advapi32.dll | DuplicateToken |
advapi32.dll | DuplicateTokenEx |
advapi32.dll | EncryptFileA |
advapi32.dll | EncryptFileW |
advapi32.dll | EncryptionDisable |
advapi32.dll | EnumDependentServicesA |
advapi32.dll | EnumDependentServicesW |
advapi32.dll | EnumerateTraceGuids |
advapi32.dll | EnumerateTraceGuidsEx |
advapi32.dll | EnumServicesStatusA |
advapi32.dll | EnumServicesStatusExA |
advapi32.dll | EnumServicesStatusExW |
advapi32.dll | EnumServicesStatusW |
advapi32.dll | EqualDomainSid |
advapi32.dll | EqualPrefixSid |
advapi32.dll | EqualSid |
advapi32.dll | EventAccessControl |
advapi32.dll | EventAccessRemove |
advapi32.dll | EventActivityIdControl |
advapi32.dll | EventEnabled |
advapi32.dll | EventProviderEnabled |
advapi32.dll | EventRegister |
advapi32.dll | EventUnregister |
advapi32.dll | EventWrite |
advapi32.dll | EventWriteString |
advapi32.dll | EventWriteTransfer |
advapi32.dll | FileEncryptionStatusA |
advapi32.dll | FileEncryptionStatusW |
advapi32.dll | FindFirstFreeAce |
advapi32.dll | FreeEncryptionCertificateHashList |
advapi32.dll | FreeInheritedFromArray |
advapi32.dll | FreeSid |
advapi32.dll | GetAce |
advapi32.dll | GetAclInformation |
advapi32.dll | GetAuditedPermissionsFromAclA |
advapi32.dll | GetAuditedPermissionsFromAclW |
advapi32.dll | GetEffectiveRightsFromAclA |
advapi32.dll | GetEffectiveRightsFromAclW |
advapi32.dll | GetEventLogInformation |
advapi32.dll | GetExplicitEntriesFromAclA |
advapi32.dll | GetExplicitEntriesFromAclW |
advapi32.dll | GetFileSecurityA |
advapi32.dll | GetFileSecurityW |
advapi32.dll | GetInheritanceSourceA |
advapi32.dll | GetInheritanceSourceW |
advapi32.dll | GetKernelObjectSecurity |
advapi32.dll | GetLengthSid |
advapi32.dll | GetManagedApplicationCategories |
advapi32.dll | GetManagedApplications |
advapi32.dll | GetNamedSecurityInfoA |
advapi32.dll | GetNamedSecurityInfoW |
advapi32.dll | GetNumberOfEventLogRecords |
advapi32.dll | GetOldestEventLogRecord |
advapi32.dll | GetPrivateObjectSecurity |
advapi32.dll | GetSecurityDescriptorControl |
advapi32.dll | GetSecurityDescriptorDacl |
advapi32.dll | GetSecurityDescriptorGroup |
advapi32.dll | GetSecurityDescriptorLength |
advapi32.dll | GetSecurityDescriptorOwner |
advapi32.dll | GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl |
advapi32.dll | GetSecurityDescriptorSacl |
advapi32.dll | GetSecurityInfo |
advapi32.dll | GetServiceDisplayNameA |
advapi32.dll | GetServiceDisplayNameW |
advapi32.dll | GetServiceKeyNameA |
advapi32.dll | GetServiceKeyNameW |
advapi32.dll | GetSidIdentifierAuthority |
advapi32.dll | GetSidLengthRequired |
advapi32.dll | GetSidSubAuthority |
advapi32.dll | GetSidSubAuthorityCount |
advapi32.dll | GetTokenInformation |
advapi32.dll | GetTraceEnableFlags |
advapi32.dll | GetTraceEnableLevel |
advapi32.dll | GetTraceLoggerHandle |
advapi32.dll | GetTrusteeFormA |
advapi32.dll | GetTrusteeNameA |
advapi32.dll | GetTrusteeTypeA |
advapi32.dll | GetUserNameA |
advapi32.dll | GetUserNameW |
advapi32.dll | GetWindowsAccountDomainSid |
advapi32.dll | ImpersonateAnonymousToken |
advapi32.dll | ImpersonateLoggedOnUser |
advapi32.dll | ImpersonateNamedPipeClient |
advapi32.dll | ImpersonateSelf |
advapi32.dll | InitializeAcl |
advapi32.dll | InitializeSecurityDescriptor |
advapi32.dll | InitializeSid |
advapi32.dll | InitiateSystemShutdownA |
advapi32.dll | InitiateSystemShutdownExA |
advapi32.dll | InitiateSystemShutdownExW |
advapi32.dll | InitiateSystemShutdownW |
advapi32.dll | InstallApplication |
advapi32.dll | IsTokenRestricted |
advapi32.dll | IsValidAcl |
advapi32.dll | IsValidSecurityDescriptor |
advapi32.dll | IsValidSid |
advapi32.dll | IsWellKnownSid |
advapi32.dll | LockServiceDatabase |
advapi32.dll | LookupAccountNameA |
advapi32.dll | LookupAccountNameW |
advapi32.dll | LookupAccountSidA |
advapi32.dll | LookupAccountSidW |
advapi32.dll | LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameA |
advapi32.dll | LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameW |
advapi32.dll | LookupPrivilegeNameA |
advapi32.dll | LookupPrivilegeNameW |
advapi32.dll | LookupPrivilegeValueA |
advapi32.dll | LookupPrivilegeValueW |
advapi32.dll | LookupSecurityDescriptorPartsA |
advapi32.dll | LookupSecurityDescriptorPartsW |
advapi32.dll | LsaAddAccountRights |
advapi32.dll | LsaClose |
advapi32.dll | LsaCreateTrustedDomainEx |
advapi32.dll | LsaDeleteTrustedDomain |
advapi32.dll | LsaEnumerateAccountRights |
advapi32.dll | LsaEnumerateAccountsWithUserRight |
advapi32.dll | LsaEnumerateTrustedDomains |
advapi32.dll | LsaEnumerateTrustedDomainsEx |
advapi32.dll | LsaFreeMemory |
advapi32.dll | LsaLookupNames |
advapi32.dll | LsaLookupNames2 |
advapi32.dll | LsaLookupSids |
advapi32.dll | LsaNtStatusToWinError |
advapi32.dll | LsaOpenPolicy |
advapi32.dll | LsaOpenTrustedDomainByName |
advapi32.dll | LsaQueryDomainInformationPolicy |
advapi32.dll | LsaQueryForestTrustInformation |
advapi32.dll | LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfo |
advapi32.dll | LsaQueryTrustedDomainInfoByName |
advapi32.dll | LsaRemoveAccountRights |
advapi32.dll | LsaRetrievePrivateData |
advapi32.dll | LsaSetDomainInformationPolicy |
advapi32.dll | LsaSetForestTrustInformation |
advapi32.dll | LsaSetTrustedDomainInfoByName |
advapi32.dll | LsaSetTrustedDomainInformation |
advapi32.dll | LsaStorePrivateData |
advapi32.dll | MakeAbsoluteSD |
advapi32.dll | MakeSelfRelativeSD |
advapi32.dll | MapGenericMask |
advapi32.dll | MSChapSrvChangePassword2 |
advapi32.dll | NotifyBootConfigStatus |
advapi32.dll | NotifyChangeEventLog |
advapi32.dll | NotifyServiceStatusChangeA |
advapi32.dll | NotifyServiceStatusChangeW |
advapi32.dll | ObjectCloseAuditAlarmA |
advapi32.dll | ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW |
advapi32.dll | ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmA |
advapi32.dll | ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmW |
advapi32.dll | ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA |
advapi32.dll | ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW |
advapi32.dll | ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmA |
advapi32.dll | ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW |
advapi32.dll | OpenBackupEventLogA |
advapi32.dll | OpenBackupEventLogW |
advapi32.dll | OpenEncryptedFileRawA |
advapi32.dll | OpenEncryptedFileRawW |
advapi32.dll | OpenEventLogA |
advapi32.dll | OpenEventLogW |
advapi32.dll | OpenProcessToken |
advapi32.dll | OpenSCManagerA |
advapi32.dll | OpenSCManagerW |
advapi32.dll | OpenServiceA |
advapi32.dll | OpenServiceW |
advapi32.dll | OpenThreadToken |
advapi32.dll | OpenThreadWaitChainSession |
advapi32.dll | PrivilegeCheck |
advapi32.dll | PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA |
advapi32.dll | PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW |
advapi32.dll | QueryRecoveryAgentsOnEncryptedFile |
advapi32.dll | QueryServiceConfig2A |
advapi32.dll | QueryServiceConfig2W |
advapi32.dll | QueryServiceConfigA |
advapi32.dll | QueryServiceConfigW |
advapi32.dll | QueryServiceLockStatusA |
advapi32.dll | QueryServiceLockStatusW |
advapi32.dll | QueryServiceObjectSecurity |
advapi32.dll | QueryServiceStatus |
advapi32.dll | QueryServiceStatusEx |
advapi32.dll | QueryUsersOnEncryptedFile |
advapi32.dll | ReadEncryptedFileRaw |
advapi32.dll | ReadEventLogA |
advapi32.dll | ReadEventLogW |
advapi32.dll | RegCloseKey |
advapi32.dll | RegCreateKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegCreateKeyExA |
advapi32.dll | RegCreateKeyExW |
advapi32.dll | RegCreateKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RegDeleteKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegDeleteKeyExA |
advapi32.dll | RegDeleteKeyExW |
advapi32.dll | RegDeleteKeyValueA |
advapi32.dll | RegDeleteKeyValueW |
advapi32.dll | RegDeleteKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RegDeleteValueA |
advapi32.dll | RegDeleteValueW |
advapi32.dll | RegDisablePredefinedCache |
advapi32.dll | RegDisablePredefinedCacheEx |
advapi32.dll | RegDisableReflectionKey |
advapi32.dll | RegEnableReflectionKey |
advapi32.dll | RegEnumKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegEnumKeyExA |
advapi32.dll | RegEnumKeyExW |
advapi32.dll | RegEnumKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RegFlushKey |
advapi32.dll | RegGetKeySecurity |
advapi32.dll | RegisterEventSourceA |
advapi32.dll | RegisterEventSourceW |
advapi32.dll | RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA |
advapi32.dll | RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExA |
advapi32.dll | RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW |
advapi32.dll | RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW |
advapi32.dll | RegisterTraceGuidsA |
advapi32.dll | RegisterTraceGuidsW |
advapi32.dll | RegisterWaitChainCOMCallback |
advapi32.dll | RegLoadAppKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegLoadAppKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RegLoadKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegLoadKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RegLoadMUIStringA |
advapi32.dll | RegNotifyChangeKeyValue |
advapi32.dll | RegOpenCurrentUser |
advapi32.dll | RegOpenKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegOpenKeyExA |
advapi32.dll | RegOpenKeyExW |
advapi32.dll | RegOpenKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RegOpenUserClassesRoot |
advapi32.dll | RegOverridePredefKey |
advapi32.dll | RegQueryMultipleValuesA |
advapi32.dll | RegQueryMultipleValuesW |
advapi32.dll | RegQueryReflectionKey |
advapi32.dll | RegReplaceKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegReplaceKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RegRestoreKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegRestoreKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RegSaveKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegSaveKeyExA |
advapi32.dll | RegSaveKeyExW |
advapi32.dll | RegSaveKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RegSetKeySecurity |
advapi32.dll | RegUnLoadKeyA |
advapi32.dll | RegUnLoadKeyW |
advapi32.dll | RemoveTraceCallback |
advapi32.dll | RemoveUsersFromEncryptedFile |
advapi32.dll | ReportEventA |
advapi32.dll | ReportEventW |
advapi32.dll | RevertToSelf |
advapi32.dll | SaferCloseLevel |
advapi32.dll | SaferComputeTokenFromLevel |
advapi32.dll | SaferCreateLevel |
advapi32.dll | SaferGetPolicyInformation |
advapi32.dll | SaferiIsExecutableFileType |
advapi32.dll | SaferiSearchMatchingHashRules |
advapi32.dll | SetAclInformation |
advapi32.dll | SetEntriesInAclA |
advapi32.dll | SetEntriesInAclW |
advapi32.dll | SetFileSecurityA |
advapi32.dll | SetFileSecurityW |
advapi32.dll | SetKernelObjectSecurity |
advapi32.dll | SetNamedSecurityInfoA |
advapi32.dll | SetNamedSecurityInfoW |
advapi32.dll | SetPrivateObjectSecurity |
advapi32.dll | SetPrivateObjectSecurityEx |
advapi32.dll | SetSecurityDescriptorControl |
advapi32.dll | SetSecurityDescriptorDacl |
advapi32.dll | SetSecurityDescriptorGroup |
advapi32.dll | SetSecurityDescriptorOwner |
advapi32.dll | SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl |
advapi32.dll | SetSecurityDescriptorSacl |
advapi32.dll | SetSecurityInfo |
advapi32.dll | SetServiceBits |
advapi32.dll | SetServiceObjectSecurity |
advapi32.dll | SetServiceStatus |
advapi32.dll | SetThreadToken |
advapi32.dll | SetTokenInformation |
advapi32.dll | SetTraceCallback |
advapi32.dll | SetUserFileEncryptionKey |
advapi32.dll | StartServiceA |
advapi32.dll | StartServiceW |
advapi32.dll | StartTraceA |
advapi32.dll | StartTraceW |
advapi32.dll | TraceEvent |
advapi32.dll | TraceEventInstance |
advapi32.dll | TraceMessage |
advapi32.dll | TraceMessageVa |
advapi32.dll | UninstallApplication |
advapi32.dll | UnlockServiceDatabase |
advapi32.dll | UnregisterTraceGuids |
advapi32.dll | WriteEncryptedFileRaw |
authz.dll | AuthzAccessCheck |
authz.dll | AuthzAddSidsToContext |
authz.dll | AuthzCachedAccessCheck |
authz.dll | AuthzEnumerateSecurityEventSources |
authz.dll | AuthzFreeAuditEvent |
authz.dll | AuthzFreeContext |
authz.dll | AuthzFreeHandle |
authz.dll | AuthzFreeResourceManager |
authz.dll | AuthzGetInformationFromContext |
authz.dll | AuthzInitializeContextFromAuthzContext |
authz.dll | AuthzInitializeContextFromSid |
authz.dll | AuthzInitializeContextFromToken |
authz.dll | AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent |
authz.dll | AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent2 |
authz.dll | AuthzInitializeResourceManager |
authz.dll | AuthzInstallSecurityEventSource |
authz.dll | AuthzOpenObjectAudit |
authz.dll | AuthzRegisterSecurityEventSource |
authz.dll | AuthzReportSecurityEvent |
authz.dll | AuthzReportSecurityEventFromParams |
authz.dll | AuthzUninstallSecurityEventSource |
authz.dll | AuthzUnregisterSecurityEventSource |
cabinet.dll | Extract |
cabinet.dll | FCIAddFile |
cabinet.dll | FCICreate |
cabinet.dll | FCIDestroy |
cabinet.dll | FCIFlushCabinet |
cabinet.dll | FCIFlushFolder |
cabinet.dll | FDICopy |
cabinet.dll | FDICreate |
cabinet.dll | FDIDestroy |
cabinet.dll | FDIIsCabinet |
clfsw32.dll | AddLogContainer |
clfsw32.dll | AddLogContainerSet |
clfsw32.dll | AdvanceLogBase |
clfsw32.dll | AlignReservedLog |
clfsw32.dll | AllocReservedLog |
clfsw32.dll | CloseAndResetLogFile |
clfsw32.dll | CreateLogContainerScanContext |
clfsw32.dll | CreateLogFile |
clfsw32.dll | CreateLogMarshallingArea |
clfsw32.dll | DeleteLogByHandle |
clfsw32.dll | DeleteLogFile |
clfsw32.dll | DeleteLogMarshallingArea |
clfsw32.dll | DeregisterManageableLogClient |
clfsw32.dll | DumpLogRecords |
clfsw32.dll | FlushLogBuffers |
clfsw32.dll | FlushLogToLsn |
clfsw32.dll | FreeReservedLog |
clfsw32.dll | GetLogContainerName |
clfsw32.dll | GetLogFileInformation |
clfsw32.dll | GetLogIoStatistics |
clfsw32.dll | GetNextLogArchiveExtent |
clfsw32.dll | HandleLogFull |
clfsw32.dll | InstallLogPolicy |
clfsw32.dll | LsnBlockOffset |
clfsw32.dll | LsnContainer |
clfsw32.dll | LsnCreate |
clfsw32.dll | LsnEqual |
clfsw32.dll | LsnGreater |
clfsw32.dll | LsnLess |
clfsw32.dll | LsnNull |
clfsw32.dll | LsnRecordSequence |
clfsw32.dll | PrepareLogArchive |
clfsw32.dll | QueryLogPolicy |
clfsw32.dll | ReadLogArchiveMetadata |
clfsw32.dll | ReadLogNotification |
clfsw32.dll | ReadLogRecord |
clfsw32.dll | ReadLogRestartArea |
clfsw32.dll | ReadNextLogRecord |
clfsw32.dll | ReadPreviousLogRestartArea |
clfsw32.dll | RegisterManageableLogClient |
clfsw32.dll | RemoveLogContainer |
clfsw32.dll | RemoveLogContainerSet |
clfsw32.dll | ReserveAndAppendLog |
clfsw32.dll | ReserveAndAppendLogAligned |
clfsw32.dll | ScanLogContainers |
clfsw32.dll | SetEndOfLog |
clfsw32.dll | SetLogArchiveMode |
clfsw32.dll | SetLogArchiveTail |
clfsw32.dll | SetLogFileSizeWithPolicy |
clfsw32.dll | TerminateLogArchive |
clfsw32.dll | TerminateReadLog |
clfsw32.dll | ValidateLog |
clfsw32.dll | WriteLogRestartArea |
clusapi.dll | ClusterCloseEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterControl |
clusapi.dll | ClusterEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterGetEnumCount |
clusapi.dll | ClusterGroupCloseEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterGroupControl |
clusapi.dll | ClusterGroupOpenEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterNetInterfaceControl |
clusapi.dll | ClusterNetworkControl |
clusapi.dll | ClusterNetworkOpenEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterNodeControl |
clusapi.dll | ClusterNodeOpenEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterOpenEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegCloseKey |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegCreateKey |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegDeleteKey |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegDeleteValue |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegEnumKey |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegEnumValue |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegGetKeySecurity |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegOpenKey |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegQueryInfoKey |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegQueryValue |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegSetKeySecurity |
clusapi.dll | ClusterRegSetValue |
clusapi.dll | ClusterResourceControl |
clusapi.dll | ClusterResourceEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterResourceOpenEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterResourceTypeCloseEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterResourceTypeControl |
clusapi.dll | ClusterResourceTypeEnum |
clusapi.dll | ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum |
clusapi.dll | CreateClusterGroup |
clusapi.dll | CreateClusterNotifyPort |
clusapi.dll | CreateClusterResource |
clusapi.dll | CreateClusterResourceType |
clusapi.dll | DeleteClusterGroup |
clusapi.dll | DeleteClusterResource |
clusapi.dll | DeleteClusterResourceType |
clusapi.dll | FailClusterResource |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterFromGroup |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterFromNetInterface |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterGroupKey |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterGroupState |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterInformation |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterKey |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNetInterface |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNetInterfaceKey |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNetInterfaceState |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNetworkId |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNetworkKey |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNetworkState |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNodeId |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNodeKey |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNodeState |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterNotify |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterQuorumResource |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterResourceKey |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterResourceNetworkName |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterResourceState |
clusapi.dll | GetClusterResourceTypeKey |
clusapi.dll | GetNodeClusterState |
clusapi.dll | MoveClusterGroup |
clusapi.dll | OfflineClusterGroup |
clusapi.dll | OfflineClusterResource |
clusapi.dll | OnlineClusterGroup |
clusapi.dll | OnlineClusterResource |
clusapi.dll | OpenCluster |
clusapi.dll | OpenClusterGroup |
clusapi.dll | OpenClusterNetInterface |
clusapi.dll | OpenClusterNetwork |
clusapi.dll | OpenClusterNode |
clusapi.dll | OpenClusterResource |
clusapi.dll | PauseClusterNode |
clusapi.dll | RegisterClusterNotify |
clusapi.dll | RemoveClusterResourceDependency |
clusapi.dll | RemoveClusterResourceNode |
clusapi.dll | RestoreClusterDatabase |
clusapi.dll | ResumeClusterNode |
clusapi.dll | SetClusterGroupName |
clusapi.dll | SetClusterGroupNodeList |
clusapi.dll | SetClusterName |
clusapi.dll | SetClusterNetworkName |
clusapi.dll | SetClusterQuorumResource |
clusapi.dll | SetClusterResourceName |
clusapi.dll | SetClusterServiceAccountPassword |
comctl32.dll | _TrackMouseEvent |
comctl32.dll | AddMRUStringW |
comctl32.dll | CreateMappedBitmap |
comctl32.dll | CreateMRUListW |
comctl32.dll | CreatePropertySheetPageA |
comctl32.dll | CreatePropertySheetPageW |
comctl32.dll | CreateStatusWindowA |
comctl32.dll | CreateStatusWindowW |
comctl32.dll | CreateToolbarEx |
comctl32.dll | CreateUpDownControl |
comctl32.dll | DefSubclassProc |
comctl32.dll | DestroyPropertySheetPage |
comctl32.dll | DPA_Create |
comctl32.dll | DPA_DeleteAllPtrs |
comctl32.dll | DPA_DeletePtr |
comctl32.dll | DPA_Destroy |
comctl32.dll | DPA_DestroyCallback |
comctl32.dll | DPA_EnumCallback |
comctl32.dll | DPA_GetPtr |
comctl32.dll | DPA_InsertPtr |
comctl32.dll | DPA_LoadStream |
comctl32.dll | DPA_SaveStream |
comctl32.dll | DPA_Search |
comctl32.dll | DPA_SetPtr |
comctl32.dll | DPA_Sort |
comctl32.dll | DrawInsert |
comctl32.dll | DrawStatusTextA |
comctl32.dll | DrawStatusTextW |
comctl32.dll | DSA_Create |
comctl32.dll | DSA_Destroy |
comctl32.dll | DSA_DestroyCallback |
comctl32.dll | DSA_GetItemPtr |
comctl32.dll | DSA_InsertItem |
comctl32.dll | EnumMRUListW |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_EnableScrollBar |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_GetScrollInfo |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_GetScrollPos |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_GetScrollProp |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_GetScrollRange |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_SetScrollInfo |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_SetScrollPos |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_SetScrollProp |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_SetScrollRange |
comctl32.dll | FlatSB_ShowScrollBar |
comctl32.dll | FreeMRUList |
comctl32.dll | GetEffectiveClientRect |
comctl32.dll | GetMUILanguage |
comctl32.dll | GetWindowSubclass |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Add |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_AddMasked |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_BeginDrag |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Copy |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Create |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Destroy |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_DragEnter |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_DragLeave |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_DragMove |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_DragShowNolock |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Draw |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_DrawEx |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_DrawIndirect |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Duplicate |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_EndDrag |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_GetBkColor |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_GetDragImage |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_GetIcon |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_GetIconSize |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_GetImageCount |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_GetImageInfo |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_LoadImageA |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_LoadImageW |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Merge |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Read |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Remove |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Replace |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_ReplaceIcon |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_SetBkColor |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_SetColorTable |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_SetDragCursorImage |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_SetIconSize |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_SetImageCount |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_SetOverlayImage |
comctl32.dll | ImageList_Write |
comctl32.dll | InitCommonControlsEx |
comctl32.dll | InitializeFlatSB |
comctl32.dll | InitMUILanguage |
comctl32.dll | LBItemFromPt |
comctl32.dll | MakeDragList |
comctl32.dll | MenuHelp |
comctl32.dll | PropertySheetA |
comctl32.dll | PropertySheetW |
comctl32.dll | RemoveWindowSubclass |
comctl32.dll | SetWindowSubclass |
comctl32.dll | ShowHideMenuCtl |
comctl32.dll | Str_SetPtrW |
comctl32.dll | UninitializeFlatSB |
comdlg32.dll | ChooseColorA |
comdlg32.dll | ChooseColorW |
comdlg32.dll | ChooseFontA |
comdlg32.dll | ChooseFontW |
comdlg32.dll | CommDlgExtendedError |
comdlg32.dll | FindTextA |
comdlg32.dll | FindTextW |
comdlg32.dll | PageSetupDlgA |
comdlg32.dll | PageSetupDlgW |
comdlg32.dll | PrintDlgA |
comdlg32.dll | PrintDlgExA |
comdlg32.dll | PrintDlgExW |
comdlg32.dll | PrintDlgW |
comdlg32.dll | ReplaceTextA |
comdlg32.dll | ReplaceTextW |
credui.dll | CredUIReadSSOCredW |
credui.dll | CredUIStoreSSOCredW |
crypt32.dll | CertAddRefServerOcspResponse |
crypt32.dll | CertAddRefServerOcspResponseContext |
crypt32.dll | CertAddStoreToCollection |
crypt32.dll | CertAlgIdToOID |
crypt32.dll | CertCloseServerOcspResponse |
crypt32.dll | CertCompareCertificate |
crypt32.dll | CertCompareCertificateName |
crypt32.dll | CertCompareIntegerBlob |
crypt32.dll | CertDuplicateCertificateChain |
crypt32.dll | CertDuplicateCRLContext |
crypt32.dll | CertDuplicateStore |
crypt32.dll | CertEnumCRLContextProperties |
crypt32.dll | CertEnumSubjectInSortedCTL |
crypt32.dll | CertEnumSystemStoreLocation |
crypt32.dll | CertFindAttribute |
crypt32.dll | CertFindCertificateInCRL |
crypt32.dll | CertFindExtension |
crypt32.dll | CertFindRDNAttr |
crypt32.dll | CertFindSubjectInSortedCTL |
crypt32.dll | CertGetServerOcspResponseContext |
crypt32.dll | CertOIDToAlgId |
crypt32.dll | CertRDNValueToStrA |
crypt32.dll | CertRDNValueToStrW |
crypt32.dll | CertSerializeCRLStoreElement |
crypt32.dll | CertSetStoreProperty |
crypt32.dll | CertVerifyCRLRevocation |
crypt32.dll | CertVerifyCRLTimeValidity |
crypt32.dll | CertVerifyTimeValidity |
crypt32.dll | CertVerifyValidityNesting |
crypt32.dll | CryptBinaryToStringA |
crypt32.dll | CryptBinaryToStringW |
crypt32.dll | CryptEnumOIDFunction |
crypt32.dll | CryptEnumOIDInfo |
crypt32.dll | CryptFindLocalizedName |
crypt32.dll | CryptFindOIDInfo |
crypt32.dll | CryptGetDefaultOIDDllList |
crypt32.dll | CryptGetOIDFunctionValue |
crypt32.dll | CryptHashCertificate |
crypt32.dll | CryptHashCertificate2 |
crypt32.dll | CryptInitOIDFunctionSet |
crypt32.dll | CryptInstallDefaultContext |
crypt32.dll | CryptMemAlloc |
crypt32.dll | CryptMemRealloc |
crypt32.dll | CryptMsgClose |
crypt32.dll | CryptMsgDuplicate |
crypt32.dll | CryptMsgOpenToDecode |
crypt32.dll | CryptProtectData |
crypt32.dll | CryptProtectMemory |
crypt32.dll | CryptRegisterDefaultOIDFunction |
crypt32.dll | CryptRegisterOIDFunction |
crypt32.dll | CryptRegisterOIDInfo |
crypt32.dll | CryptSetOIDFunctionValue |
crypt32.dll | CryptSIPAddProvider |
crypt32.dll | CryptSIPRemoveProvider |
crypt32.dll | CryptStringToBinaryA |
crypt32.dll | CryptStringToBinaryW |
crypt32.dll | CryptUninstallDefaultContext |
crypt32.dll | CryptUnprotectData |
crypt32.dll | CryptUnprotectMemory |
crypt32.dll | CryptUnregisterDefaultOIDFunction |
crypt32.dll | CryptUnregisterOIDFunction |
crypt32.dll | CryptUnregisterOIDInfo |
crypt32.dll | CryptUpdateProtectedState |
crypt32.dll | PFXIsPFXBlob |
cryptdll.dll | MD5Final |
cryptdll.dll | MD5Init |
cryptdll.dll | MD5Update |
cryptnet.dll | CryptGetObjectUrl |
cryptui.dll | CryptUIWizFreeDigitalSignContext |
dbghelp.dll | EnumDirTree |
dbghelp.dll | EnumDirTreeW |
dbghelp.dll | EnumerateLoadedModules64 |
dbghelp.dll | EnumerateLoadedModulesW64 |
dbghelp.dll | GetTimestampForLoadedLibrary |
dbghelp.dll | ImageDirectoryEntryToData |
dbghelp.dll | ImageDirectoryEntryToDataEx |
dbghelp.dll | ImagehlpApiVersion |
dbghelp.dll | ImagehlpApiVersionEx |
dbghelp.dll | ImageNtHeader |
dbghelp.dll | ImageRvaToSection |
dbghelp.dll | ImageRvaToVa |
dbghelp.dll | MakeSureDirectoryPathExists |
dbghelp.dll | MiniDumpReadDumpStream |
dbghelp.dll | MiniDumpWriteDump |
dbghelp.dll | SearchTreeForFile |
dbghelp.dll | SearchTreeForFileW |
dbghelp.dll | StackWalk64 |
dbghelp.dll | SymCleanup |
dbghelp.dll | SymEnumerateModules64 |
dbghelp.dll | SymEnumerateModulesW64 |
dbghelp.dll | SymEnumProcesses |
dbghelp.dll | SymGetModuleBase64 |
dbghelp.dll | SymGetModuleInfo64 |
dbghelp.dll | SymGetOptions |
dbghelp.dll | SymGetSearchPath |
dbghelp.dll | SymGetSearchPathW |
dbghelp.dll | SymInitialize |
dbghelp.dll | SymInitializeW |
dbghelp.dll | SymMatchFileName |
dbghelp.dll | SymMatchFileNameW |
dbghelp.dll | SymMatchString |
dbghelp.dll | SymMatchStringW |
dbghelp.dll | SymRefreshModuleList |
dbghelp.dll | SymRegisterCallback64 |
dbghelp.dll | SymRegisterCallbackW64 |
dbghelp.dll | SymRegisterFunctionEntryCallback64 |
dbghelp.dll | SymSetParentWindow |
dbghelp.dll | SymSetSearchPath |
dbghelp.dll | SymSetSearchPathW |
dbghelp.dll | SymSrvGetFileIndexes |
dbghelp.dll | SymSrvGetFileIndexesW |
dbghelp.dll | SymSrvGetFileIndexInfo |
dbghelp.dll | SymSrvGetFileIndexInfoW |
dbghelp.dll | SymUnDName64 |
dbghelp.dll | SymUnloadModule64 |
dbghelp.dll | UnDecorateSymbolName |
dbghelp.dll | UnDecorateSymbolNameW |
dbghelp.dll | UnmapDebugInformation |
dciman32.dll | DCIBeginAccess |
dciman32.dll | DCICloseProvider |
dciman32.dll | DCICreatePrimary |
dciman32.dll | DCIDestroy |
dciman32.dll | DCIEndAccess |
dciman32.dll | DCIOpenProvider |
dhcpcsvc.dll | DhcpCApiInitialize |
dhcpcsvc.dll | DhcpDeRegisterParamChange |
dhcpcsvc.dll | DhcpRegisterParamChange |
dhcpcsvc.dll | DhcpRemoveDNSRegistrations |
dhcpcsvc.dll | DhcpRequestParams |
dhcpcsvc.dll | DhcpUndoRequestParams |
dhcpcsvc.dll | McastApiCleanup |
dhcpcsvc.dll | McastApiStartup |
dhcpcsvc.dll | McastEnumerateScopes |
dhcpcsvc.dll | McastGenUID |
dhcpcsvc.dll | McastReleaseAddress |
dhcpcsvc.dll | McastRenewAddress |
dhcpcsvc.dll | McastRequestAddress |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpAddSubnetElementV5 |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpCreateClientInfo |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpCreateOptionV5 |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpDeleteClientInfo |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpEnumSubnetClients |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpEnumSubnets |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpGetClientInfo |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpGetOptionValue |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpGetServerBindingInfo |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpGetSubnetInfo |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpGetVersion |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpRemoveSubnetElementV5 |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpRpcFreeMemory |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpSetClientInfo |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpSetOptionValueV5 |
dhcpsapi.dll | DhcpSetServerBindingInfo |
dnsapi.dll | DnsAcquireContextHandle_A |
dnsapi.dll | DnsAcquireContextHandle_W |
dnsapi.dll | DnsExtractRecordsFromMessage_UTF8 |
dnsapi.dll | DnsExtractRecordsFromMessage_W |
dnsapi.dll | DnsFree |
dnsapi.dll | DnsModifyRecordsInSet_A |
dnsapi.dll | DnsModifyRecordsInSet_UTF8 |
dnsapi.dll | DnsModifyRecordsInSet_W |
dnsapi.dll | DnsNameCompare_A |
dnsapi.dll | DnsNameCompare_W |
dnsapi.dll | DnsQuery_A |
dnsapi.dll | DnsQuery_UTF8 |
dnsapi.dll | DnsQuery_W |
dnsapi.dll | DnsQueryConfig |
dnsapi.dll | DnsRecordCompare |
dnsapi.dll | DnsRecordCopyEx |
dnsapi.dll | DnsRecordListFree |
dnsapi.dll | DnsRecordSetCompare |
dnsapi.dll | DnsRecordSetCopyEx |
dnsapi.dll | DnsRecordSetDetach |
dnsapi.dll | DnsReleaseContextHandle |
dnsapi.dll | DnsValidateName_A |
dnsapi.dll | DnsValidateName_UTF8 |
dnsapi.dll | DnsValidateName_W |
dnsapi.dll | DnsWriteQuestionToBuffer_UTF8 |
dnsapi.dll | DnsWriteQuestionToBuffer_W |
dsprop.dll | ADsPropCheckIfWritable |
dsprop.dll | ADsPropGetInitInfo |
dsprop.dll | ADsPropSendErrorMessage |
dsprop.dll | ADsPropSetHwnd |
dsprop.dll | ADsPropSetHwndWithTitle |
dssec.dll | DSCreateSecurityPage |
dsuiext.dll | DsBrowseForContainerA |
dsuiext.dll | DsBrowseForContainerW |
dsuiext.dll | DsGetFriendlyClassName |
dsuiext.dll | DsGetIcon |
eappprxy.dll | EapHostPeerClearConnection |
eappprxy.dll | EapHostPeerFreeEapError |
eappprxy.dll | EapHostPeerInitialize |
eappprxy.dll | EapHostPeerUninitialize |
esent.dll | JetAddColumnA |
esent.dll | JetAddColumnW |
esent.dll | JetBeginExternalBackup |
esent.dll | JetBeginExternalBackupInstance |
esent.dll | JetBeginSessionA |
esent.dll | JetBeginSessionW |
esent.dll | JetBeginTransaction |
esent.dll | JetBeginTransaction2 |
esent.dll | JetCloseDatabase |
esent.dll | JetCloseFile |
esent.dll | JetCloseFileInstance |
esent.dll | JetCloseTable |
esent.dll | JetCommitTransaction |
esent.dll | JetComputeStats |
esent.dll | JetCreateIndex2A |
esent.dll | JetCreateIndex2W |
esent.dll | JetCreateIndexA |
esent.dll | JetCreateIndexW |
esent.dll | JetDefragment2A |
esent.dll | JetDefragment2W |
esent.dll | JetDefragment3A |
esent.dll | JetDefragmentA |
esent.dll | JetDefragmentW |
esent.dll | JetDelete |
esent.dll | JetDeleteColumn2A |
esent.dll | JetDeleteColumn2W |
esent.dll | JetDeleteColumnA |
esent.dll | JetDeleteColumnW |
esent.dll | JetDeleteIndexA |
esent.dll | JetDeleteIndexW |
esent.dll | JetDupCursor |
esent.dll | JetDupSession |
esent.dll | JetEnableMultiInstanceA |
esent.dll | JetEnableMultiInstanceW |
esent.dll | JetEndExternalBackup |
esent.dll | JetEndExternalBackupInstance |
esent.dll | JetEndExternalBackupInstance2 |
esent.dll | JetEnumerateColumns |
esent.dll | JetEscrowUpdate |
esent.dll | JetFreeBuffer |
esent.dll | JetGetAttachInfoA |
esent.dll | JetGetAttachInfoInstanceA |
esent.dll | JetGetAttachInfoInstanceW |
esent.dll | JetGetAttachInfoW |
esent.dll | JetGetBookmark |
esent.dll | JetGetCurrentIndexA |
esent.dll | JetGetCurrentIndexW |
esent.dll | JetGetCursorInfo |
esent.dll | JetGetDatabaseInfoA |
esent.dll | JetGetDatabaseInfoW |
esent.dll | JetGetInstanceInfoA |
esent.dll | JetGetInstanceInfoW |
esent.dll | JetGetInstanceMiscInfo |
esent.dll | JetGetLock |
esent.dll | JetGetLogInfoA |
esent.dll | JetGetLogInfoInstance2A |
esent.dll | JetGetLogInfoInstance2W |
esent.dll | JetGetLogInfoInstanceA |
esent.dll | JetGetLogInfoInstanceW |
esent.dll | JetGetLogInfoW |
esent.dll | JetGetLS |
esent.dll | JetGetRecordPosition |
esent.dll | JetGetRecordSize |
esent.dll | JetGetSecondaryIndexBookmark |
esent.dll | JetGetSystemParameterA |
esent.dll | JetGetSystemParameterW |
esent.dll | JetGetTableColumnInfoA |
esent.dll | JetGetTableColumnInfoW |
esent.dll | JetGetTableIndexInfoA |
esent.dll | JetGetTableIndexInfoW |
esent.dll | JetGetTableInfoA |
esent.dll | JetGetTableInfoW |
esent.dll | JetGetThreadStats |
esent.dll | JetGetTruncateLogInfoInstanceA |
esent.dll | JetGetTruncateLogInfoInstanceW |
esent.dll | JetGetVersion |
esent.dll | JetGotoBookmark |
esent.dll | JetGotoPosition |
esent.dll | JetGotoSecondaryIndexBookmark |
esent.dll | JetGrowDatabase |
esent.dll | JetIndexRecordCount |
esent.dll | JetMakeKey |
esent.dll | JetMove |
esent.dll | JetOpenDatabaseA |
esent.dll | JetOpenDatabaseW |
esent.dll | JetOpenFileA |
esent.dll | JetOpenFileInstanceA |
esent.dll | JetOpenFileInstanceW |
esent.dll | JetOpenFileW |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotAbort |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotEnd |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotFreezeA |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotFreezeW |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotGetFreezeInfoA |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotGetFreezeInfoW |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotPrepare |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotPrepareInstance |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotThaw |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotTruncateLog |
esent.dll | JetOSSnapshotTruncateLogInstance |
esent.dll | JetPrepareUpdate |
esent.dll | JetRegisterCallback |
esent.dll | JetRenameColumnA |
esent.dll | JetRenameColumnW |
esent.dll | JetResetSessionContext |
esent.dll | JetResetTableSequential |
esent.dll | JetRetrieveColumn |
esent.dll | JetRetrieveColumns |
esent.dll | JetRetrieveKey |
esent.dll | JetSeek |
esent.dll | JetSetColumn |
esent.dll | JetSetColumns |
esent.dll | JetSetCurrentIndex2A |
esent.dll | JetSetCurrentIndex2W |
esent.dll | JetSetCurrentIndex3A |
esent.dll | JetSetCurrentIndex3W |
esent.dll | JetSetCurrentIndex4A |
esent.dll | JetSetCurrentIndex4W |
esent.dll | JetSetCurrentIndexA |
esent.dll | JetSetCurrentIndexW |
esent.dll | JetSetDatabaseSizeA |
esent.dll | JetSetDatabaseSizeW |
esent.dll | JetSetIndexRange |
esent.dll | JetSetLS |
esent.dll | JetSetSessionContext |
esent.dll | JetSetSystemParameterA |
esent.dll | JetSetSystemParameterW |
esent.dll | JetSetTableSequential |
esent.dll | JetStopBackup |
esent.dll | JetStopBackupInstance |
esent.dll | JetStopService |
esent.dll | JetStopServiceInstance |
esent.dll | JetTruncateLog |
esent.dll | JetTruncateLogInstance |
esent.dll | JetUnregisterCallback |
esent.dll | JetUpdate |
esent.dll | JetUpdate2 |
faultrep.dll | AddERExcludedApplicationA |
faultrep.dll | AddERExcludedApplicationW |
faultrep.dll | ReportFault |
fltlib.dll | FilterAttach |
fltlib.dll | FilterAttachAtAltitude |
fltlib.dll | FilterClose |
fltlib.dll | FilterConnectCommunicationPort |
fltlib.dll | FilterCreate |
fltlib.dll | FilterDetach |
fltlib.dll | FilterFindFirst |
fltlib.dll | FilterFindNext |
fltlib.dll | FilterGetDosName |
fltlib.dll | FilterGetInformation |
fltlib.dll | FilterGetMessage |
fltlib.dll | FilterInstanceCreate |
fltlib.dll | FilterInstanceFindFirst |
fltlib.dll | FilterLoad |
fltlib.dll | FilterReplyMessage |
fltlib.dll | FilterSendMessage |
fltlib.dll | FilterUnload |
fltlib.dll | FilterVolumeFindFirst |
fltlib.dll | FilterVolumeInstanceFindFirst |
fltmgr.sys | FltCbdqDisable |
fltmgr.sys | FltCbdqEnable |
fltmgr.sys | FltClearCallbackDataDirty |
fltmgr.sys | FltClearCancelCompletion |
fltmgr.sys | FltDecodeParameters |
fltmgr.sys | FltGetIrpName |
fltmgr.sys | FltGetSwappedBufferMdlAddress |
fltmgr.sys | FltIs32bitProcess |
fltmgr.sys | FltIsCallbackDataDirty |
fltmgr.sys | FltIsIoCanceled |
fltmgr.sys | FltReferenceFileNameInformation |
fltmgr.sys | FltRetainSwappedBufferMdlAddress |
fltmgr.sys | FltSetCallbackDataDirty |
fltmgr.sys | FltSetCancelCompletion |
fltmgr.sys | FltSupportsStreamContexts |
framedyn.dll | CInstance::GetWBEMINT64 |
framedyn.dll | CInstance::SetCharSplat |
framedyn.dll | CInstance::SetCHString |
framedyn.dll | CInstance::SetWBEMINT64 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutAdd0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutCreateEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutDeleteById0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutDeleteByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutDestroyEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutEnum0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutGetById0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutGetByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutGetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutSetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutSubscribeChanges0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutSubscriptionsGet0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmCalloutUnsubscribeChanges0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmEngineClose0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmEngineGetSecurityInfo0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmEngineOpen0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterAdd0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterCreateEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterDeleteById0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterDeleteByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterDestroyEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterEnum0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterGetById0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterGetByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterGetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterSetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterSubscribeChanges0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterSubscriptionsGet0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFilterUnsubscribeChanges0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmFreeMemory0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmGetAppIdFromFileName0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmIPsecTunnelAdd0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmLayerCreateEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmLayerDestroyEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmLayerEnum0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmLayerGetById0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmLayerGetByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmLayerGetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmLayerSetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderAdd0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextAdd0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextCreateEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextDeleteById0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextDeleteByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextDestroyEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextEnum0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextGetById0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextGetByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextGetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextSetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextSubscribeChanges0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextSubscriptionsGet0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderContextUnsubscribeChanges0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderCreateEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderDeleteByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderDestroyEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderEnum0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderGetByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderGetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderSetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderSubscriptionsGet0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmProviderUnsubscribeChanges0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSessionCreateEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSessionDestroyEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSessionEnum0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSubLayerAdd0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSubLayerCreateEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSubLayerDestroyEnumHandle0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSubLayerGetByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSubLayerGetSecurityInfoByKey0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSubLayerSubscribeChanges0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSubLayerSubscriptionsGet0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmSubLayerUnsubscribeChanges0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmTransactionAbort0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmTransactionBegin0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | FwpmTransactionCommit0 |
fwpuclnt.dll | IPsecSaDbSetSecurityInfo0 |
gdi32.dll | GetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat |
gpedit.dll | CreateGPOLink |
gpedit.dll | DeleteAllGPOLinks |
gpedit.dll | DeleteGPOLink |
gpedit.dll | ExportRSoPData |
gpedit.dll | ImportRSoPData |
httpapi.dll | HttpAddFragmentToCache |
httpapi.dll | HttpAddUrl |
httpapi.dll | HttpAddUrlToUrlGroup |
httpapi.dll | HttpCloseRequestQueue |
httpapi.dll | HttpCloseServerSession |
httpapi.dll | HttpCloseUrlGroup |
httpapi.dll | HttpCreateHttpHandle |
httpapi.dll | HttpCreateRequestQueue |
httpapi.dll | HttpCreateServerSession |
httpapi.dll | HttpCreateUrlGroup |
httpapi.dll | HttpDeleteServiceConfiguration |
httpapi.dll | HttpFlushResponseCache |
httpapi.dll | HttpInitialize |
httpapi.dll | HttpQueryRequestQueueProperty |
httpapi.dll | HttpQueryServerSessionProperty |
httpapi.dll | HttpQueryServiceConfiguration |
httpapi.dll | HttpQueryUrlGroupProperty |
httpapi.dll | HttpReadFragmentFromCache |
httpapi.dll | HttpReceiveClientCertificate |
httpapi.dll | HttpReceiveHttpRequest |
httpapi.dll | HttpReceiveRequestEntityBody |
httpapi.dll | HttpRemoveUrl |
httpapi.dll | HttpRemoveUrlFromUrlGroup |
httpapi.dll | HttpSendHttpResponse |
httpapi.dll | HttpSendResponseEntityBody |
httpapi.dll | HttpSetRequestQueueProperty |
httpapi.dll | HttpSetServerSessionProperty |
httpapi.dll | HttpSetServiceConfiguration |
httpapi.dll | HttpSetUrlGroupProperty |
httpapi.dll | HttpShutdownRequestQueue |
httpapi.dll | HttpTerminate |
httpapi.dll | HttpWaitForDemandStart |
httpapi.dll | HttpWaitForDisconnect |
icmp.dll | IcmpCloseHandle |
icmp.dll | IcmpCreateFile |
icmp.dll | IcmpParseReplies |
icmp.dll | IcmpSendEcho2 |
imagehlp.dll | BindImage |
imagehlp.dll | BindImageEx |
imagehlp.dll | CheckSumMappedFile |
imagehlp.dll | GetImageConfigInformation |
imagehlp.dll | GetImageUnusedHeaderBytes |
imagehlp.dll | ImageAddCertificate |
imagehlp.dll | ImageEnumerateCertificates |
imagehlp.dll | ImageGetCertificateData |
imagehlp.dll | ImageGetCertificateHeader |
imagehlp.dll | ImageGetDigestStream |
imagehlp.dll | ImageLoad |
imagehlp.dll | ImageRemoveCertificate |
imagehlp.dll | ImageUnload |
imagehlp.dll | MapAndLoad |
imagehlp.dll | MapFileAndCheckSumA |
imagehlp.dll | MapFileAndCheckSumW |
imagehlp.dll | ReBaseImage |
imagehlp.dll | SetImageConfigInformation |
imagehlp.dll | SplitSymbols |
imagehlp.dll | TouchFileTimes |
imagehlp.dll | UnMapAndLoad |
imagehlp.dll | UpdateDebugInfoFile |
imagehlp.dll | UpdateDebugInfoFileEx |
iphlpapi.dll | AddIPAddress |
iphlpapi.dll | CancelIPChangeNotify |
iphlpapi.dll | ConvertInterfaceAliasToLuid |
iphlpapi.dll | ConvertInterfaceGuidToLuid |
iphlpapi.dll | ConvertInterfaceIndexToLuid |
iphlpapi.dll | ConvertInterfaceLuidToGuid |
iphlpapi.dll | ConvertInterfaceLuidToIndex |
iphlpapi.dll | ConvertInterfaceLuidToNameA |
iphlpapi.dll | ConvertInterfaceLuidToNameW |
iphlpapi.dll | ConvertInterfaceNameToLuidA |
iphlpapi.dll | ConvertInterfaceNameToLuidW |
iphlpapi.dll | CreateIpForwardEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | CreateIpNetEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | CreateProxyArpEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | DeleteIPAddress |
iphlpapi.dll | DeleteIpForwardEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | DeleteIpNetEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | DeleteProxyArpEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | DisableMediaSense |
iphlpapi.dll | EnableRouter |
iphlpapi.dll | FlushIpNetTable |
iphlpapi.dll | GetAdapterIndex |
iphlpapi.dll | GetAdapterOrderMap |
iphlpapi.dll | GetAdaptersAddresses |
iphlpapi.dll | GetAdaptersInfo |
iphlpapi.dll | GetBestInterface |
iphlpapi.dll | GetBestInterfaceEx |
iphlpapi.dll | GetBestRoute |
iphlpapi.dll | GetCurrentThreadCompartmentId |
iphlpapi.dll | GetExtendedTcpTable |
iphlpapi.dll | GetExtendedUdpTable |
iphlpapi.dll | GetFriendlyIfIndex |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIcmpStatistics |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIcmpStatisticsEx |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIfEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIfEntry2 |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIfTable |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIfTable2 |
iphlpapi.dll | GetInterfaceInfo |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIpAddrTable |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIpErrorString |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIpForwardTable |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIpNetTable |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIpStatistics |
iphlpapi.dll | GetIpStatisticsEx |
iphlpapi.dll | GetNetworkInformation |
iphlpapi.dll | GetNetworkParams |
iphlpapi.dll | GetNumberOfInterfaces |
iphlpapi.dll | GetOwnerModuleFromTcp6Entry |
iphlpapi.dll | GetOwnerModuleFromTcpEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | GetOwnerModuleFromUdp6Entry |
iphlpapi.dll | GetOwnerModuleFromUdpEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | GetPerAdapterInfo |
iphlpapi.dll | GetRTTAndHopCount |
iphlpapi.dll | GetSessionCompartmentId |
iphlpapi.dll | GetTcpStatistics |
iphlpapi.dll | GetTcpStatisticsEx |
iphlpapi.dll | GetTcpTable |
iphlpapi.dll | GetUdpStatistics |
iphlpapi.dll | GetUdpStatisticsEx |
iphlpapi.dll | GetUdpTable |
iphlpapi.dll | GetUniDirectionalAdapterInfo |
iphlpapi.dll | Icmp6CreateFile |
iphlpapi.dll | Icmp6ParseReplies |
iphlpapi.dll | Icmp6SendEcho2 |
iphlpapi.dll | IcmpCloseHandle |
iphlpapi.dll | IcmpCreateFile |
iphlpapi.dll | IcmpParseReplies |
iphlpapi.dll | IcmpSendEcho |
iphlpapi.dll | IcmpSendEcho2 |
iphlpapi.dll | IpReleaseAddress |
iphlpapi.dll | IpRenewAddress |
iphlpapi.dll | NotifyAddrChange |
iphlpapi.dll | NotifyRouteChange |
iphlpapi.dll | PfAddFiltersToInterface |
iphlpapi.dll | PfAddGlobalFilterToInterface |
iphlpapi.dll | PfBindInterfaceToIndex |
iphlpapi.dll | PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress |
iphlpapi.dll | PfDeleteInterface |
iphlpapi.dll | PfDeleteLog |
iphlpapi.dll | PfRemoveFiltersFromInterface |
iphlpapi.dll | PfSetLogBuffer |
iphlpapi.dll | SendARP |
iphlpapi.dll | SetCurrentThreadCompartmentId |
iphlpapi.dll | SetIfEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | SetIpForwardEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | SetIpNetEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | SetIpStatistics |
iphlpapi.dll | SetIpTTL |
iphlpapi.dll | SetNetworkInformation |
iphlpapi.dll | SetSessionCompartmentId |
iphlpapi.dll | SetTcpEntry |
iphlpapi.dll | UnenableRouter |
kernel32.dll | _llseek |
kernel32.dll | _lwrite |
kernel32.dll | AcquireSRWLockExclusive |
kernel32.dll | AcquireSRWLockShared |
kernel32.dll | ActivateActCtx |
kernel32.dll | AddAtomW |
kernel32.dll | AddConsoleAliasA |
kernel32.dll | AddConsoleAliasW |
kernel32.dll | AddRefActCtx |
kernel32.dll | AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor |
kernel32.dll | AddVectoredContinueHandler |
kernel32.dll | AddVectoredExceptionHandler |
kernel32.dll | AllocateUserPhysicalPages |
kernel32.dll | AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma |
kernel32.dll | ApplicationRecoveryFinished |
kernel32.dll | ApplicationRecoveryInProgress |
kernel32.dll | AreFileApisANSI |
kernel32.dll | AssignProcessToJobObject |
kernel32.dll | BackupRead |
kernel32.dll | BackupSeek |
kernel32.dll | BindIoCompletionCallback |
kernel32.dll | BuildCommDCBA |
kernel32.dll | BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA |
kernel32.dll | BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW |
kernel32.dll | BuildCommDCBW |
kernel32.dll | CallbackMayRunLong |
kernel32.dll | CancelIo |
kernel32.dll | CancelIoEx |
kernel32.dll | CancelSynchronousIo |
kernel32.dll | CancelThreadpoolIo |
kernel32.dll | CancelWaitableTimer |
kernel32.dll | ChangeTimerQueueTimer |
kernel32.dll | CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3A |
kernel32.dll | CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3W |
kernel32.dll | CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent |
kernel32.dll | ClearCommBreak |
kernel32.dll | ClearCommError |
kernel32.dll | CloseHandle |
kernel32.dll | ClosePrivateNamespace |
kernel32.dll | CloseThreadpool |
kernel32.dll | CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroup |
kernel32.dll | CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers |
kernel32.dll | CloseThreadpoolIo |
kernel32.dll | CloseThreadpoolTimer |
kernel32.dll | CloseThreadpoolWait |
kernel32.dll | CloseThreadpoolWork |
kernel32.dll | CompareFileTime |
kernel32.dll | ConnectNamedPipe |
kernel32.dll | ContinueDebugEvent |
kernel32.dll | ConvertFiberToThread |
kernel32.dll | ConvertThreadToFiber |
kernel32.dll | ConvertThreadToFiberEx |
kernel32.dll | CreateBoundaryDescriptorA |
kernel32.dll | CreateBoundaryDescriptorW |
kernel32.dll | CreateConsoleScreenBuffer |
kernel32.dll | CreateDirectoryA |
kernel32.dll | CreateDirectoryW |
kernel32.dll | CreateEventA |
kernel32.dll | CreateEventExA |
kernel32.dll | CreateEventExW |
kernel32.dll | CreateEventW |
kernel32.dll | CreateFiber |
kernel32.dll | CreateFiberEx |
kernel32.dll | CreateFileMappingA |
kernel32.dll | CreateFileMappingNumaA |
kernel32.dll | CreateFileMappingNumaW |
kernel32.dll | CreateFileMappingW |
kernel32.dll | CreateHardLinkA |
kernel32.dll | CreateHardLinkTransactedA |
kernel32.dll | CreateHardLinkTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | CreateHardLinkW |
kernel32.dll | CreateIoCompletionPort |
kernel32.dll | CreateJobObjectA |
kernel32.dll | CreateJobObjectW |
kernel32.dll | CreateMailslotA |
kernel32.dll | CreateMailslotW |
kernel32.dll | CreateMemoryResourceNotification |
kernel32.dll | CreateMutexA |
kernel32.dll | CreateMutexExA |
kernel32.dll | CreateMutexExW |
kernel32.dll | CreateMutexW |
kernel32.dll | CreateNamedPipeA |
kernel32.dll | CreateNamedPipeW |
kernel32.dll | CreatePipe |
kernel32.dll | CreatePrivateNamespaceA |
kernel32.dll | CreatePrivateNamespaceW |
kernel32.dll | CreateSemaphoreA |
kernel32.dll | CreateSemaphoreExA |
kernel32.dll | CreateSemaphoreExW |
kernel32.dll | CreateSemaphoreW |
kernel32.dll | CreateSymbolicLinkA |
kernel32.dll | CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedA |
kernel32.dll | CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | CreateSymbolicLinkW |
kernel32.dll | CreateTapePartition |
kernel32.dll | CreateThreadpool |
kernel32.dll | CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup |
kernel32.dll | CreateThreadpoolIo |
kernel32.dll | CreateThreadpoolTimer |
kernel32.dll | CreateThreadpoolWait |
kernel32.dll | CreateThreadpoolWork |
kernel32.dll | CreateTimerQueue |
kernel32.dll | CreateTimerQueueTimer |
kernel32.dll | CreateToolhelp32Snapshot |
kernel32.dll | CreateWaitableTimerA |
kernel32.dll | CreateWaitableTimerExA |
kernel32.dll | CreateWaitableTimerExW |
kernel32.dll | CreateWaitableTimerW |
kernel32.dll | DeactivateActCtx |
kernel32.dll | DebugActiveProcess |
kernel32.dll | DebugActiveProcessStop |
kernel32.dll | DebugBreak |
kernel32.dll | DebugBreakProcess |
kernel32.dll | DebugSetProcessKillOnExit |
kernel32.dll | DecodePointer |
kernel32.dll | DecodeSystemPointer |
kernel32.dll | DeleteAtom |
kernel32.dll | DeleteBoundaryDescriptor |
kernel32.dll | DeleteCriticalSection |
kernel32.dll | DeleteFiber |
kernel32.dll | DeleteFileA |
kernel32.dll | DeleteFileTransactedA |
kernel32.dll | DeleteFileTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | DeleteFileW |
kernel32.dll | DeleteTimerQueue |
kernel32.dll | DeleteTimerQueueEx |
kernel32.dll | DeleteTimerQueueTimer |
kernel32.dll | DisableThreadLibraryCalls |
kernel32.dll | DisassociateCurrentThreadFromCallback |
kernel32.dll | DisconnectNamedPipe |
kernel32.dll | DnsHostnameToComputerNameA |
kernel32.dll | DnsHostnameToComputerNameW |
kernel32.dll | DosDateTimeToFileTime |
kernel32.dll | DuplicateHandle |
kernel32.dll | EncodePointer |
kernel32.dll | EncodeSystemPointer |
kernel32.dll | EnterCriticalSection |
kernel32.dll | EnumResourceNamesA |
kernel32.dll | EnumResourceNamesW |
kernel32.dll | EnumResourceTypesA |
kernel32.dll | EnumResourceTypesW |
kernel32.dll | EnumSystemFirmwareTables |
kernel32.dll | EraseTape |
kernel32.dll | EscapeCommFunction |
kernel32.dll | ExitProcess |
kernel32.dll | ExitThread |
kernel32.dll | ExpandEnvironmentStringsA |
kernel32.dll | ExpandEnvironmentStringsW |
kernel32.dll | FatalAppExitA |
kernel32.dll | FatalAppExitW |
kernel32.dll | FatalExit |
kernel32.dll | FileTimeToDosDateTime |
kernel32.dll | FileTimeToLocalFileTime |
kernel32.dll | FileTimeToSystemTime |
kernel32.dll | FillConsoleOutputAttribute |
kernel32.dll | FillConsoleOutputCharacterA |
kernel32.dll | FillConsoleOutputCharacterW |
kernel32.dll | FindActCtxSectionGuid |
kernel32.dll | FindActCtxSectionStringA |
kernel32.dll | FindActCtxSectionStringW |
kernel32.dll | FindAtomA |
kernel32.dll | FindAtomW |
kernel32.dll | FindClose |
kernel32.dll | FindCloseChangeNotification |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstChangeNotificationA |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstChangeNotificationW |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstFileA |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstFileExA |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstFileExW |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstFileNameTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstFileNameW |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstFileTransactedA |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstFileTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstFileW |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstStreamTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | FindFirstStreamW |
kernel32.dll | FindNextChangeNotification |
kernel32.dll | FindNextFileA |
kernel32.dll | FindNextFileNameW |
kernel32.dll | FindNextFileW |
kernel32.dll | FindNextStreamW |
kernel32.dll | FindNextVolumeA |
kernel32.dll | FindNextVolumeW |
kernel32.dll | FindResourceA |
kernel32.dll | FindResourceExA |
kernel32.dll | FindResourceExW |
kernel32.dll | FindResourceW |
kernel32.dll | FindVolumeClose |
kernel32.dll | FlsAlloc |
kernel32.dll | FlsFree |
kernel32.dll | FlsGetValue |
kernel32.dll | FlsSetValue |
kernel32.dll | FlushConsoleInputBuffer |
kernel32.dll | FlushFileBuffers |
kernel32.dll | FlushInstructionCache |
kernel32.dll | FlushProcessWriteBuffers |
kernel32.dll | FlushViewOfFile |
kernel32.dll | FreeConsole |
kernel32.dll | FreeEnvironmentStringsA |
kernel32.dll | FreeLibrary |
kernel32.dll | FreeLibraryAndExitThread |
kernel32.dll | FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns |
kernel32.dll | FreeUserPhysicalPages |
kernel32.dll | GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent |
kernel32.dll | GetAtomNameA |
kernel32.dll | GetAtomNameW |
kernel32.dll | GetBinaryTypeA |
kernel32.dll | GetBinaryTypeW |
kernel32.dll | GetCommandLineA |
kernel32.dll | GetCommandLineW |
kernel32.dll | GetCommConfig |
kernel32.dll | GetCommMask |
kernel32.dll | GetCommModemStatus |
kernel32.dll | GetCommProperties |
kernel32.dll | GetCommState |
kernel32.dll | GetCommTimeouts |
kernel32.dll | GetCompressedFileSizeA |
kernel32.dll | GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedA |
kernel32.dll | GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | GetCompressedFileSizeW |
kernel32.dll | GetComputerNameA |
kernel32.dll | GetComputerNameExA |
kernel32.dll | GetComputerNameExW |
kernel32.dll | GetComputerNameW |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasA |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasesA |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasesLengthA |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasesLengthW |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasesW |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasExesA |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasExesLengthA |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasExesW |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleAliasW |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleCP |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleCursorInfo |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleDisplayMode |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleFontSize |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleHistoryInfo |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleMode |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleOriginalTitleA |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleOriginalTitleW |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleOutputCP |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleProcessList |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleSelectionInfo |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleTitleA |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleTitleW |
kernel32.dll | GetConsoleWindow |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentActCtx |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentConsoleFont |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentConsoleFontEx |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentDirectoryA |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentDirectoryW |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentProcess |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentProcessId |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentProcessorNumber |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentThread |
kernel32.dll | GetCurrentThreadId |
kernel32.dll | GetDevicePowerState |
kernel32.dll | GetDiskFreeSpaceA |
kernel32.dll | GetDiskFreeSpaceExA |
kernel32.dll | GetDiskFreeSpaceExW |
kernel32.dll | GetDiskFreeSpaceW |
kernel32.dll | GetDllDirectoryA |
kernel32.dll | GetDllDirectoryW |
kernel32.dll | GetEnvironmentStrings |
kernel32.dll | GetEnvironmentStringsW |
kernel32.dll | GetEnvironmentVariableA |
kernel32.dll | GetEnvironmentVariableW |
kernel32.dll | GetErrorMode |
kernel32.dll | GetExitCodeProcess |
kernel32.dll | GetExitCodeThread |
kernel32.dll | GetFileAttributesA |
kernel32.dll | GetFileAttributesExA |
kernel32.dll | GetFileAttributesExW |
kernel32.dll | GetFileAttributesTransactedA |
kernel32.dll | GetFileAttributesTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | GetFileAttributesW |
kernel32.dll | GetFileBandwidthReservation |
kernel32.dll | GetFileInformationByHandle |
kernel32.dll | GetFileInformationByHandleEx |
kernel32.dll | GetFileSize |
kernel32.dll | GetFileSizeEx |
kernel32.dll | GetFileTime |
kernel32.dll | GetFileType |
kernel32.dll | GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA |
kernel32.dll | GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW |
kernel32.dll | GetFullPathNameA |
kernel32.dll | GetFullPathNameTransactedA |
kernel32.dll | GetFullPathNameTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | GetFullPathNameW |
kernel32.dll | GetHandleInformation |
kernel32.dll | GetLargePageMinimum |
kernel32.dll | GetLargestConsoleWindowSize |
kernel32.dll | GetLastError |
kernel32.dll | GetLocalTime |
kernel32.dll | GetLogicalDrives |
kernel32.dll | GetLogicalDriveStringsA |
kernel32.dll | GetLogicalDriveStringsW |
kernel32.dll | GetLogicalProcessorInformation |
kernel32.dll | GetLongPathNameA |
kernel32.dll | GetLongPathNameTransactedA |
kernel32.dll | GetLongPathNameTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | GetLongPathNameW |
kernel32.dll | GetMailslotInfo |
kernel32.dll | GetModuleFileNameA |
kernel32.dll | GetModuleFileNameW |
kernel32.dll | GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameA |
kernel32.dll | GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW |
kernel32.dll | GetNamedPipeClientProcessId |
kernel32.dll | GetNamedPipeClientSessionId |
kernel32.dll | GetNamedPipeInfo |
kernel32.dll | GetNamedPipeServerProcessId |
kernel32.dll | GetNamedPipeServerSessionId |
kernel32.dll | GetNativeSystemInfo |
kernel32.dll | GetNumaAvailableMemoryNode |
kernel32.dll | GetNumaHighestNodeNumber |
kernel32.dll | GetNumaNodeProcessorMask |
kernel32.dll | GetNumaProcessorNode |
kernel32.dll | GetNumaProximityNode |
kernel32.dll | GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents |
kernel32.dll | GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons |
kernel32.dll | GetOverlappedResult |
kernel32.dll | GetPriorityClass |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileIntA |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileIntW |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileSectionA |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileSectionW |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileStringA |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileStringW |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileStructA |
kernel32.dll | GetPrivateProfileStructW |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessAffinityMask |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessHandleCount |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessHeap |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessHeaps |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessId |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessIdOfThread |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessIoCounters |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessPriorityBoost |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessShutdownParameters |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessTimes |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessVersion |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessWorkingSetSize |
kernel32.dll | GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx |
kernel32.dll | GetProductInfo |
kernel32.dll | GetProfileIntA |
kernel32.dll | GetProfileIntW |
kernel32.dll | GetProfileSectionA |
kernel32.dll | GetProfileSectionW |
kernel32.dll | GetProfileStringA |
kernel32.dll | GetProfileStringW |
kernel32.dll | GetQueuedCompletionStatus |
kernel32.dll | GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx |
kernel32.dll | GetShortPathNameA |
kernel32.dll | GetShortPathNameW |
kernel32.dll | GetStartupInfoA |
kernel32.dll | GetStartupInfoW |
kernel32.dll | GetStdHandle |
kernel32.dll | GetStringTypeW |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemDirectoryA |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemDirectoryW |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemFileCacheSize |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemFirmwareTable |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemInfo |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemPowerStatus |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemRegistryQuota |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemTime |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemTimeAdjustment |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemTimeAsFileTime |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemTimes |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemWow64DirectoryA |
kernel32.dll | GetSystemWow64DirectoryW |
kernel32.dll | GetTapeParameters |
kernel32.dll | GetTapePosition |
kernel32.dll | GetTapeStatus |
kernel32.dll | GetTempPathA |
kernel32.dll | GetTempPathW |
kernel32.dll | GetThreadContext |
kernel32.dll | GetThreadId |
kernel32.dll | GetThreadIOPendingFlag |
kernel32.dll | GetThreadPriority |
kernel32.dll | GetThreadPriorityBoost |
kernel32.dll | GetThreadSelectorEntry |
kernel32.dll | GetThreadTimes |
kernel32.dll | GetTickCount |
kernel32.dll | GetTickCount64 |
kernel32.dll | GetVersion |
kernel32.dll | GetVersionExA |
kernel32.dll | GetVersionExW |
kernel32.dll | GetVolumeInformationA |
kernel32.dll | GetVolumeInformationW |
kernel32.dll | GetWindowsDirectoryA |
kernel32.dll | GetWindowsDirectoryW |
kernel32.dll | GetWriteWatch |
kernel32.dll | GlobalAddAtomA |
kernel32.dll | GlobalAddAtomW |
kernel32.dll | GlobalAlloc |
kernel32.dll | GlobalDeleteAtom |
kernel32.dll | GlobalFindAtomA |
kernel32.dll | GlobalFindAtomW |
kernel32.dll | GlobalFlags |
kernel32.dll | GlobalFree |
kernel32.dll | GlobalGetAtomNameA |
kernel32.dll | GlobalGetAtomNameW |
kernel32.dll | GlobalHandle |
kernel32.dll | GlobalLock |
kernel32.dll | GlobalMemoryStatus |
kernel32.dll | GlobalMemoryStatusEx |
kernel32.dll | GlobalReAlloc |
kernel32.dll | GlobalSize |
kernel32.dll | GlobalUnlock |
kernel32.dll | Heap32First |
kernel32.dll | Heap32ListFirst |
kernel32.dll | Heap32ListNext |
kernel32.dll | Heap32Next |
kernel32.dll | HeapAlloc |
kernel32.dll | HeapCompact |
kernel32.dll | HeapCreate |
kernel32.dll | HeapDestroy |
kernel32.dll | HeapFree |
kernel32.dll | HeapLock |
kernel32.dll | HeapQueryInformation |
kernel32.dll | HeapReAlloc |
kernel32.dll | HeapSetInformation |
kernel32.dll | HeapSize |
kernel32.dll | HeapUnlock |
kernel32.dll | HeapValidate |
kernel32.dll | HeapWalk |
kernel32.dll | InitAtomTable |
kernel32.dll | InitializeConditionVariable |
kernel32.dll | InitializeCriticalSection |
kernel32.dll | InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount |
kernel32.dll | InitializeCriticalSectionEx |
kernel32.dll | InitializeProcThreadAttributeList |
kernel32.dll | InitializeSListHead |
kernel32.dll | InitializeSRWLock |
kernel32.dll | InitOnceBeginInitialize |
kernel32.dll | InitOnceComplete |
kernel32.dll | InitOnceExecuteOnce |
kernel32.dll | InitOnceInitialize |
kernel32.dll | InterlockedCompareExchange64 |
kernel32.dll | InterlockedFlushSList |
kernel32.dll | InterlockedPopEntrySList |
kernel32.dll | InterlockedPushEntrySList |
kernel32.dll | IsBadStringPtrA |
kernel32.dll | IsBadStringPtrW |
kernel32.dll | IsDebuggerPresent |
kernel32.dll | IsProcessInJob |
kernel32.dll | IsProcessorFeaturePresent |
kernel32.dll | IsSystemResumeAutomatic |
kernel32.dll | IsThreadAFiber |
kernel32.dll | IsThreadpoolTimerSet |
kernel32.dll | IsWow64Process |
kernel32.dll | LeaveCriticalSection |
kernel32.dll | LeaveCriticalSectionWhenCallbackReturns |
kernel32.dll | LoadResource |
kernel32.dll | LocalAlloc |
kernel32.dll | LocalFileTimeToFileTime |
kernel32.dll | LocalFlags |
kernel32.dll | LocalFree |
kernel32.dll | LocalLock |
kernel32.dll | LocalReAlloc |
kernel32.dll | LocalUnlock |
kernel32.dll | LockFile |
kernel32.dll | LockFileEx |
kernel32.dll | LockResource |
kernel32.dll | lstrlenA |
kernel32.dll | lstrlenW |
kernel32.dll | MapUserPhysicalPages |
kernel32.dll | MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter |
kernel32.dll | MapViewOfFile |
kernel32.dll | MapViewOfFileEx |
kernel32.dll | MapViewOfFileExNuma |
kernel32.dll | Module32FirstW |
kernel32.dll | Module32NextW |
kernel32.dll | NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathA |
kernel32.dll | NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW |
kernel32.dll | OpenEventA |
kernel32.dll | OpenEventW |
kernel32.dll | OpenFileById |
kernel32.dll | OpenFileMappingA |
kernel32.dll | OpenFileMappingW |
kernel32.dll | OpenJobObjectA |
kernel32.dll | OpenJobObjectW |
kernel32.dll | OpenMutexA |
kernel32.dll | OpenMutexW |
kernel32.dll | OpenPrivateNamespaceA |
kernel32.dll | OpenPrivateNamespaceW |
kernel32.dll | OpenProcess |
kernel32.dll | OpenSemaphoreA |
kernel32.dll | OpenSemaphoreW |
kernel32.dll | OpenThread |
kernel32.dll | OpenWaitableTimerA |
kernel32.dll | OpenWaitableTimerW |
kernel32.dll | OutputDebugStringA |
kernel32.dll | OutputDebugStringW |
kernel32.dll | PeekConsoleInputA |
kernel32.dll | PeekConsoleInputW |
kernel32.dll | PeekNamedPipe |
kernel32.dll | PostQueuedCompletionStatus |
kernel32.dll | PrepareTape |
kernel32.dll | Process32FirstW |
kernel32.dll | Process32NextW |
kernel32.dll | ProcessIdToSessionId |
kernel32.dll | PulseEvent |
kernel32.dll | PurgeComm |
kernel32.dll | QueryActCtxSettingsW |
kernel32.dll | QueryActCtxW |
kernel32.dll | QueryDepthSList |
kernel32.dll | QueryDosDeviceA |
kernel32.dll | QueryDosDeviceW |
kernel32.dll | QueryFullProcessImageNameW |
kernel32.dll | QueryIdleProcessorCycleTime |
kernel32.dll | QueryInformationJobObject |
kernel32.dll | QueryMemoryResourceNotification |
kernel32.dll | QueryPerformanceCounter |
kernel32.dll | QueryPerformanceFrequency |
kernel32.dll | QueryProcessCycleTime |
kernel32.dll | QueryThreadCycleTime |
kernel32.dll | QueueUserAPC |
kernel32.dll | QueueUserWorkItem |
kernel32.dll | RaiseException |
kernel32.dll | ReadConsoleA |
kernel32.dll | ReadConsoleInputA |
kernel32.dll | ReadConsoleInputW |
kernel32.dll | ReadConsoleOutputA |
kernel32.dll | ReadConsoleOutputAttribute |
kernel32.dll | ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA |
kernel32.dll | ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW |
kernel32.dll | ReadConsoleOutputW |
kernel32.dll | ReadConsoleW |
kernel32.dll | ReadDirectoryChangesW |
kernel32.dll | ReadFile |
kernel32.dll | ReadFileEx |
kernel32.dll | ReadFileScatter |
kernel32.dll | ReadProcessMemory |
kernel32.dll | RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback |
kernel32.dll | RegisterApplicationRestart |
kernel32.dll | RegisterWaitForSingleObject |
kernel32.dll | ReleaseActCtx |
kernel32.dll | ReleaseMutex |
kernel32.dll | ReleaseMutexWhenCallbackReturns |
kernel32.dll | ReleaseSemaphore |
kernel32.dll | ReleaseSemaphoreWhenCallbackReturns |
kernel32.dll | ReleaseSRWLockExclusive |
kernel32.dll | ReleaseSRWLockShared |
kernel32.dll | RemoveVectoredContinueHandler |
kernel32.dll | RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler |
kernel32.dll | ReOpenFile |
kernel32.dll | RequestWakeupLatency |
kernel32.dll | ResetEvent |
kernel32.dll | ResetWriteWatch |
kernel32.dll | ResumeThread |
kernel32.dll | RtlCaptureContext |
kernel32.dll | RtlUnwind |
kernel32.dll | ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA |
kernel32.dll | ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW |
kernel32.dll | SearchPathA |
kernel32.dll | SearchPathW |
kernel32.dll | SetCommBreak |
kernel32.dll | SetCommConfig |
kernel32.dll | SetCommMask |
kernel32.dll | SetCommState |
kernel32.dll | SetCommTimeouts |
kernel32.dll | SetComputerNameA |
kernel32.dll | SetComputerNameW |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleCP |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleCtrlHandler |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleCursorInfo |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleCursorPosition |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleDisplayMode |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleHistoryInfo |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleMode |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleScreenBufferSize |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleTextAttribute |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleTitleA |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleTitleW |
kernel32.dll | SetConsoleWindowInfo |
kernel32.dll | SetCriticalSectionSpinCount |
kernel32.dll | SetCurrentConsoleFontEx |
kernel32.dll | SetCurrentDirectoryA |
kernel32.dll | SetCurrentDirectoryW |
kernel32.dll | SetDllDirectoryA |
kernel32.dll | SetDllDirectoryW |
kernel32.dll | SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation |
kernel32.dll | SetEndOfFile |
kernel32.dll | SetEnvironmentVariableA |
kernel32.dll | SetEnvironmentVariableW |
kernel32.dll | SetErrorMode |
kernel32.dll | SetEvent |
kernel32.dll | SetEventWhenCallbackReturns |
kernel32.dll | SetFileApisToANSI |
kernel32.dll | SetFileApisToOEM |
kernel32.dll | SetFileAttributesA |
kernel32.dll | SetFileAttributesTransactedA |
kernel32.dll | SetFileAttributesTransactedW |
kernel32.dll | SetFileAttributesW |
kernel32.dll | SetFileBandwidthReservation |
kernel32.dll | SetFileCompletionNotificationModes |
kernel32.dll | SetFileInformationByHandle |
kernel32.dll | SetFileIoOverlappedRange |
kernel32.dll | SetFilePointer |
kernel32.dll | SetFilePointerEx |
kernel32.dll | SetFileShortNameA |
kernel32.dll | SetFileShortNameW |
kernel32.dll | SetFileTime |
kernel32.dll | SetFileValidData |
kernel32.dll | SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA |
kernel32.dll | SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW |
kernel32.dll | SetHandleInformation |
kernel32.dll | SetInformationJobObject |
kernel32.dll | SetLastError |
kernel32.dll | SetLocalTime |
kernel32.dll | SetMailslotInfo |
kernel32.dll | SetNamedPipeHandleState |
kernel32.dll | SetPriorityClass |
kernel32.dll | SetProcessAffinityMask |
kernel32.dll | SetProcessPriorityBoost |
kernel32.dll | SetProcessShutdownParameters |
kernel32.dll | SetProcessWorkingSetSize |
kernel32.dll | SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx |
kernel32.dll | SetStdHandle |
kernel32.dll | SetSystemFileCacheSize |
kernel32.dll | SetSystemPowerState |
kernel32.dll | SetSystemTime |
kernel32.dll | SetSystemTimeAdjustment |
kernel32.dll | SetTapeParameters |
kernel32.dll | SetTapePosition |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadAffinityMask |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadContext |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadExecutionState |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadIdealProcessor |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadpoolTimer |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadpoolWait |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadPriority |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadPriorityBoost |
kernel32.dll | SetThreadStackGuarantee |
kernel32.dll | SetTimeZoneInformation |
kernel32.dll | SetUnhandledExceptionFilter |
kernel32.dll | SetupComm |
kernel32.dll | SetWaitableTimer |
kernel32.dll | SignalObjectAndWait |
kernel32.dll | SizeofResource |
kernel32.dll | Sleep |
kernel32.dll | SleepConditionVariableCS |
kernel32.dll | SleepConditionVariableSRW |
kernel32.dll | SleepEx |
kernel32.dll | StartThreadpoolIo |
kernel32.dll | SubmitThreadpoolWork |
kernel32.dll | SuspendThread |
kernel32.dll | SwitchToThread |
kernel32.dll | SystemTimeToFileTime |
kernel32.dll | TerminateJobObject |
kernel32.dll | TerminateProcess |
kernel32.dll | TerminateThread |
kernel32.dll | TermsrvAppInstallMode |
kernel32.dll | Thread32First |
kernel32.dll | Thread32Next |
kernel32.dll | TlsAlloc |
kernel32.dll | TlsFree |
kernel32.dll | TlsGetValue |
kernel32.dll | TlsSetValue |
kernel32.dll | Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory |
kernel32.dll | TransactNamedPipe |
kernel32.dll | TransmitCommChar |
kernel32.dll | TryEnterCriticalSection |
kernel32.dll | TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback |
kernel32.dll | UnlockFile |
kernel32.dll | UnlockFileEx |
kernel32.dll | UnmapViewOfFile |
kernel32.dll | UnregisterApplicationRecoveryCallback |
kernel32.dll | UnregisterApplicationRestart |
kernel32.dll | UnregisterWait |
kernel32.dll | UnregisterWaitEx |
kernel32.dll | UpdateProcThreadAttribute |
kernel32.dll | UpdateResourceA |
kernel32.dll | UpdateResourceW |
kernel32.dll | VerifyVersionInfoA |
kernel32.dll | VerifyVersionInfoW |
kernel32.dll | VerSetConditionMask |
kernel32.dll | VirtualAlloc |
kernel32.dll | VirtualAllocEx |
kernel32.dll | VirtualAllocExNuma |
kernel32.dll | VirtualFree |
kernel32.dll | VirtualFreeEx |
kernel32.dll | VirtualLock |
kernel32.dll | VirtualProtect |
kernel32.dll | VirtualProtectEx |
kernel32.dll | VirtualQuery |
kernel32.dll | VirtualQueryEx |
kernel32.dll | VirtualUnlock |
kernel32.dll | WaitCommEvent |
kernel32.dll | WaitForDebugEvent |
kernel32.dll | WaitForMultipleObjects |
kernel32.dll | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx |
kernel32.dll | WaitForSingleObject |
kernel32.dll | WaitForSingleObjectEx |
kernel32.dll | WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks |
kernel32.dll | WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks |
kernel32.dll | WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks |
kernel32.dll | WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks |
kernel32.dll | WaitNamedPipeA |
kernel32.dll | WaitNamedPipeW |
kernel32.dll | WakeAllConditionVariable |
kernel32.dll | WakeConditionVariable |
kernel32.dll | WerRegisterFile |
kernel32.dll | WerRegisterMemoryBlock |
kernel32.dll | WerSetFlags |
kernel32.dll | WerUnregisterFile |
kernel32.dll | WerUnregisterMemoryBlock |
kernel32.dll | Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection |
kernel32.dll | Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection |
kernel32.dll | Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection |
kernel32.dll | Wow64SuspendThread |
kernel32.dll | WriteConsoleA |
kernel32.dll | WriteConsoleInputA |
kernel32.dll | WriteConsoleInputW |
kernel32.dll | WriteConsoleOutputA |
kernel32.dll | WriteConsoleOutputAttribute |
kernel32.dll | WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA |
kernel32.dll | WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW |
kernel32.dll | WriteConsoleOutputW |
kernel32.dll | WriteConsoleW |
kernel32.dll | WriteFile |
kernel32.dll | WriteFileEx |
kernel32.dll | WriteFileGather |
kernel32.dll | WritePrivateProfileSectionA |
kernel32.dll | WritePrivateProfileSectionW |
kernel32.dll | WritePrivateProfileStringA |
kernel32.dll | WritePrivateProfileStringW |
kernel32.dll | WritePrivateProfileStructA |
kernel32.dll | WritePrivateProfileStructW |
kernel32.dll | WriteProcessMemory |
kernel32.dll | WriteProfileSectionA |
kernel32.dll | WriteProfileSectionW |
kernel32.dll | WriteProfileStringA |
kernel32.dll | WriteProfileStringW |
kernel32.dll | WriteTapemark |
kernel32.dll | WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId |
kernel32.dll | ZombifyActCtx |
lz32.dll | GetExpandedNameA |
lz32.dll | GetExpandedNameW |
lz32.dll | LZClose |
lz32.dll | LZCopy |
lz32.dll | LZInit |
lz32.dll | LZOpenFileA |
lz32.dll | LZOpenFileW |
lz32.dll | LZRead |
lz32.dll | LZSeek |
mgmtapi.dll | SnmpMgrClose |
mgmtapi.dll | SnmpMgrCtl |
mgmtapi.dll | SnmpMgrGetTrap |
mgmtapi.dll | SnmpMgrGetTrapEx |
mgmtapi.dll | SnmpMgrOidToStr |
mgmtapi.dll | SnmpMgrOpen |
mgmtapi.dll | SnmpMgrRequest |
mgmtapi.dll | SnmpMgrStrToOid |
mgmtapi.dll | SnmpMgrTrapListen |
mlang.dll | ConvertINetMultiByteToUnicode |
mlang.dll | ConvertINetString |
mlang.dll | ConvertINetUnicodeToMultiByte |
mlang.dll | IsConvertINetStringAvailable |
mlang.dll | LcidToRfc1766A |
mlang.dll | LcidToRfc1766W |
mlang.dll | Rfc1766ToLcidA |
mlang.dll | Rfc1766ToLcidW |
mpr.dll | MultinetGetConnectionPerformanceA |
mpr.dll | MultinetGetConnectionPerformanceW |
mpr.dll | WNetAddConnection2A |
mpr.dll | WNetAddConnection2W |
mpr.dll | WNetAddConnection3A |
mpr.dll | WNetAddConnection3W |
mpr.dll | WNetAddConnectionA |
mpr.dll | WNetAddConnectionW |
mpr.dll | WNetCancelConnection2A |
mpr.dll | WNetCancelConnection2W |
mpr.dll | WNetCancelConnectionA |
mpr.dll | WNetCancelConnectionW |
mpr.dll | WNetCloseEnum |
mpr.dll | WNetGetLastErrorA |
mpr.dll | WNetGetLastErrorW |
mpr.dll | WNetGetResourceInformationA |
mpr.dll | WNetGetResourceInformationW |
mpr.dll | WNetGetResourceParentA |
mpr.dll | WNetGetResourceParentW |
mpr.dll | WNetUseConnectionA |
mpr.dll | WNetUseConnectionW |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminBufferFree |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminEstablishDomainRasServer |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminGetErrorString |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminGetPDCServer |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminInterfaceGetCredentials |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminInterfaceSetCredentials |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminIsDomainRasServer |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminMIBServerConnect |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminMIBServerDisconnect |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminSendUserMessage |
mprapi.dll | MprAdminServerDisconnect |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigBufferFree |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigGetFriendlyName |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigGetGuidName |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceCreate |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceDelete |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceEnum |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceGetHandle |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceGetInfo |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceSetInfo |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceTransportAdd |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceTransportEnum |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetHandle |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceTransportGetInfo |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceTransportRemove |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigInterfaceTransportSetInfo |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigServerBackup |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigServerConnect |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigServerDisconnect |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigServerGetInfo |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigServerRestore |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigServerSetInfo |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigTransportCreate |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigTransportDelete |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigTransportEnum |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigTransportGetHandle |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigTransportGetInfo |
mprapi.dll | MprConfigTransportSetInfo |
mprapi.dll | MprInfoBlockAdd |
mprapi.dll | MprInfoBlockFind |
mprapi.dll | MprInfoBlockQuerySize |
mprapi.dll | MprInfoBlockRemove |
mprapi.dll | MprInfoBlockSet |
mprapi.dll | MprInfoCreate |
mprapi.dll | MprInfoDelete |
mprapi.dll | MprInfoDuplicate |
mprapi.dll | MprInfoRemoveAll |
msctf.dll | SetInputScope |
msctf.dll | SetInputScopes |
msctf.dll | SetInputScopeXML |
msctf.dll | TF_CreateDisplayAttributeMgr |
msctf.dll | TF_CreateInputProcessorProfiles |
msctf.dll | TF_CreateLangBarMgr |
msctf.dll | TF_CreateThreadMgr |
msctf.dll | TF_GetThreadMgr |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseApplyTransformA |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseApplyTransformW |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseExportA |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseExportW |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseGenerateTransformA |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseGenerateTransformW |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseImportA |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseImportW |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseMergeA |
msi.dll | MsiDatabaseMergeW |
msi.dll | MsiGetDatabaseState |
msi.dll | MsiSetExternalUIA |
msi.dll | MsiSetExternalUIW |
msjint40.dll | CchLszOfId2 |
msjter40.dll | JetErrFormattedMessage |
msjter40.dll | JetErrIDARawMessage |
msjter40.dll | JetErrRawMessage |
mswsock.dll | AcceptEx |
mswsock.dll | GetAcceptExSockaddrs |
mswsock.dll | NSPStartup |
mswsock.dll | TransmitFile |
mswsock.dll | WSARecvEx |
mswsock.dll | WSPStartup |
netapi32.dll | DsAddressToSiteNamesA |
netapi32.dll | DsAddressToSiteNamesExA |
netapi32.dll | DsAddressToSiteNamesExW |
netapi32.dll | DsAddressToSiteNamesW |
netapi32.dll | DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsA |
netapi32.dll | DsDeregisterDnsHostRecordsW |
netapi32.dll | DsEnumerateDomainTrustsA |
netapi32.dll | DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW |
netapi32.dll | DsGetDcCloseW |
netapi32.dll | DsGetDcNameA |
netapi32.dll | DsGetDcNameW |
netapi32.dll | DsGetDcNextA |
netapi32.dll | DsGetDcNextW |
netapi32.dll | DsGetDcOpenA |
netapi32.dll | DsGetDcOpenW |
netapi32.dll | DsGetDcSiteCoverageA |
netapi32.dll | DsGetDcSiteCoverageW |
netapi32.dll | DsGetForestTrustInformationW |
netapi32.dll | DsGetSiteNameA |
netapi32.dll | DsGetSiteNameW |
netapi32.dll | DsMergeForestTrustInformationW |
netapi32.dll | DsRoleFreeMemory |
netapi32.dll | DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation |
netapi32.dll | DsValidateSubnetNameA |
netapi32.dll | DsValidateSubnetNameW |
netapi32.dll | I_NetLogonControl2 |
netapi32.dll | NetAlertRaise |
netapi32.dll | NetAlertRaiseEx |
netapi32.dll | NetApiBufferAllocate |
netapi32.dll | NetApiBufferFree |
netapi32.dll | NetApiBufferReallocate |
netapi32.dll | NetApiBufferSize |
netapi32.dll | NetConnectionEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsAddFtRoot |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsAddStdRoot |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsAddStdRootForced |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsGetClientInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsGetFtContainerSecurity |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsGetSecurity |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsGetStdContainerSecurity |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsManagerInitialize |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsMove |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsRemove |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsRemoveFtRoot |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsRemoveFtRootForced |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsRemoveStdRoot |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsSetClientInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsSetFtContainerSecurity |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsSetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsSetSecurity |
netapi32.dll | NetDfsSetStdContainerSecurity |
netapi32.dll | NetFileClose |
netapi32.dll | NetFileEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetFileGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetGetAnyDCName |
netapi32.dll | NetGetDCName |
netapi32.dll | NetGetDisplayInformationIndex |
netapi32.dll | NetGetJoinableOUs |
netapi32.dll | NetGetJoinInformation |
netapi32.dll | NetGroupAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetGroupAddUser |
netapi32.dll | NetGroupDel |
netapi32.dll | NetGroupDelUser |
netapi32.dll | NetGroupEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetGroupGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetGroupGetUsers |
netapi32.dll | NetGroupSetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetGroupSetUsers |
netapi32.dll | NetLocalGroupAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetLocalGroupAddMembers |
netapi32.dll | NetLocalGroupDel |
netapi32.dll | NetLocalGroupDelMembers |
netapi32.dll | NetLocalGroupEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetLocalGroupGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetLocalGroupGetMembers |
netapi32.dll | NetLocalGroupSetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetLocalGroupSetMembers |
netapi32.dll | NetMessageNameEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetQueryDisplayInformation |
netapi32.dll | NetRemoteComputerSupports |
netapi32.dll | NetRemoteTOD |
netapi32.dll | NetRenameMachineInDomain |
netapi32.dll | NetScheduleJobAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetScheduleJobDel |
netapi32.dll | NetScheduleJobEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetScheduleJobGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetServerComputerNameAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetServerComputerNameDel |
netapi32.dll | NetServerDiskEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetServerEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetServerGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetServerSetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetServerTransportAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetServerTransportAddEx |
netapi32.dll | NetServerTransportDel |
netapi32.dll | NetServerTransportEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetSessionDel |
netapi32.dll | NetSessionEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetSessionGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetShareAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetShareCheck |
netapi32.dll | NetShareDel |
netapi32.dll | NetShareEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetShareGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetShareSetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetStatisticsGet |
netapi32.dll | NetUnjoinDomain |
netapi32.dll | NetUseAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetUseDel |
netapi32.dll | NetUseEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetUseGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetUserAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetUserChangePassword |
netapi32.dll | NetUserDel |
netapi32.dll | NetUserEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetUserGetGroups |
netapi32.dll | NetUserGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetUserGetLocalGroups |
netapi32.dll | NetUserModalsGet |
netapi32.dll | NetUserModalsSet |
netapi32.dll | NetUserSetGroups |
netapi32.dll | NetUserSetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetValidatePasswordPolicy |
netapi32.dll | NetValidatePasswordPolicyFree |
netapi32.dll | NetWkstaGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetWkstaSetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetWkstaTransportAdd |
netapi32.dll | NetWkstaTransportDel |
netapi32.dll | NetWkstaTransportEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetWkstaUserEnum |
netapi32.dll | NetWkstaUserGetInfo |
netapi32.dll | NetWkstaUserSetInfo |
netsh.exe | MatchEnumTag |
netsh.exe | MatchToken |
netsh.exe | RegisterHelper |
ntdll.dll | NtClose |
ntdll.dll | NtCompareTokens |
ntdll.dll | NtCreateFile |
ntdll.dll | NtDeviceIoControlFile |
ntdll.dll | NtGetCurrentProcessorNumber |
ntdll.dll | NtOpenFile |
ntdll.dll | NtOpenThread |
ntdll.dll | NtQueryInformationProcess |
ntdll.dll | NtQueryInformationThread |
ntdll.dll | NtQueryObject |
ntdll.dll | NtQueryPerformanceCounter |
ntdll.dll | NtQuerySystemInformation |
ntdll.dll | NtQuerySystemTime |
ntdll.dll | NtWaitForSingleObject |
ntdll.dll | RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString |
ntdll.dll | RtlCompareMemory |
ntdll.dll | RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString |
ntdll.dll | RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply |
ntdll.dll | RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide |
ntdll.dll | RtlFreeAnsiString |
ntdll.dll | RtlFreeOemString |
ntdll.dll | RtlFreeUnicodeString |
ntdll.dll | RtlGetUnloadEventTrace |
ntdll.dll | RtlInitAnsiString |
ntdll.dll | RtlInitString |
ntdll.dll | RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3 |
ntdll.dll | RtlLocalTimeToSystemTime |
ntdll.dll | RtlNtStatusToDosError |
ntdll.dll | RtlQueryRegistryValues |
ntdll.dll | RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970 |
ntdll.dll | RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString |
ntdll.dll | RtlUnicodeStringToOemString |
ntdll.dll | RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize |
ntdll.dll | RtlUniform |
ntdll.dll | RtlUnwind |
ntdsapi.dll | DsAddSidHistoryA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsAddSidHistoryW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindByInstanceA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindByInstanceW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindingSetTimeout |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindToISTGA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindToISTGW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindWithCredA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindWithCredW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindWithSpnA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindWithSpnExA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindWithSpnExW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsBindWithSpnW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsClientMakeSpnForTargetServerA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsClientMakeSpnForTargetServerW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsCrackNamesA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsCrackNamesW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsCrackSpnA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsCrackSpnW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsCrackUnquotedMangledRdnA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsCrackUnquotedMangledRdnW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsFreeDomainControllerInfoA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsFreeDomainControllerInfoW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsFreeNameResultA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsFreeNameResultW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsFreePasswordCredentials |
ntdsapi.dll | DsFreeSchemaGuidMapA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsFreeSchemaGuidMapW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsFreeSpnArrayA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsFreeSpnArrayW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsGetDomainControllerInfoA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsGetDomainControllerInfoW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsGetRdnW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsGetSpnA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsGetSpnW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsInheritSecurityIdentityA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsInheritSecurityIdentityW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsIsMangledDnA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsIsMangledDnW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsIsMangledRdnValueA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsIsMangledRdnValueW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListDomainsInSiteA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListDomainsInSiteW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListInfoForServerA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListInfoForServerW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListRolesA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListRolesW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListServersForDomainInSiteA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListServersForDomainInSiteW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListServersInSiteA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListServersInSiteW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListSitesA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsListSitesW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsMakePasswordCredentialsA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsMakePasswordCredentialsW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsMakeSpnA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsMakeSpnW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsMapSchemaGuidsA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsMapSchemaGuidsW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsQuerySitesByCostA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsQuerySitesByCostW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsQuerySitesFree |
ntdsapi.dll | DsQuoteRdnValueA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsQuoteRdnValueW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsRemoveDsDomainA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsRemoveDsDomainW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsRemoveDsServerA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsRemoveDsServerW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaAddA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaAddW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaConsistencyCheck |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaDelA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaDelW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaFreeInfo |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaGetInfo2W |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaGetInfoW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaModifyA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaModifyW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaSyncA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaSyncAllA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaSyncAllW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaSyncW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaUpdateRefsA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaUpdateRefsW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaVerifyObjectsA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsReplicaVerifyObjectsW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsServerRegisterSpnA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsServerRegisterSpnW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsUnBindA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsUnBindW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsUnquoteRdnValueA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsUnquoteRdnValueW |
ntdsapi.dll | DsWriteAccountSpnA |
ntdsapi.dll | DsWriteAccountSpnW |
ntmsapi.dll | AccessNtmsLibraryDoor |
ntmsapi.dll | AddNtmsMediaType |
ntmsapi.dll | AllocateNtmsMedia |
ntmsapi.dll | BeginNtmsDeviceChangeDetection |
ntmsapi.dll | CancelNtmsLibraryRequest |
ntmsapi.dll | CancelNtmsOperatorRequest |
ntmsapi.dll | ChangeNtmsMediaType |
ntmsapi.dll | CleanNtmsDrive |
ntmsapi.dll | CloseNtmsNotification |
ntmsapi.dll | CloseNtmsSession |
ntmsapi.dll | CreateNtmsMediaA |
ntmsapi.dll | CreateNtmsMediaPoolA |
ntmsapi.dll | CreateNtmsMediaPoolW |
ntmsapi.dll | CreateNtmsMediaW |
ntmsapi.dll | DeallocateNtmsMedia |
ntmsapi.dll | DecommissionNtmsMedia |
ntmsapi.dll | DeleteNtmsDrive |
ntmsapi.dll | DeleteNtmsLibrary |
ntmsapi.dll | DeleteNtmsMedia |
ntmsapi.dll | DeleteNtmsMediaPool |
ntmsapi.dll | DeleteNtmsMediaType |
ntmsapi.dll | DeleteNtmsRequests |
ntmsapi.dll | DisableNtmsObject |
ntmsapi.dll | DismountNtmsDrive |
ntmsapi.dll | DismountNtmsMedia |
ntmsapi.dll | EjectNtmsCleaner |
ntmsapi.dll | EjectNtmsMedia |
ntmsapi.dll | EnableNtmsObject |
ntmsapi.dll | EnumerateNtmsObject |
ntmsapi.dll | ExportNtmsDatabase |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsMediaPoolNameA |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsMediaPoolNameW |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsObjectAttributeA |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsObjectAttributeW |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsObjectInformationA |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsObjectInformationW |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsObjectSecurity |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsRequestOrder |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsUIOptionsA |
ntmsapi.dll | GetNtmsUIOptionsW |
ntmsapi.dll | GetVolumesFromDriveA |
ntmsapi.dll | GetVolumesFromDriveW |
ntmsapi.dll | IdentifyNtmsSlot |
ntmsapi.dll | ImportNtmsDatabase |
ntmsapi.dll | InjectNtmsCleaner |
ntmsapi.dll | InjectNtmsMedia |
ntmsapi.dll | InventoryNtmsLibrary |
ntmsapi.dll | MountNtmsMedia |
ntmsapi.dll | MoveToNtmsMediaPool |
ntmsapi.dll | OpenNtmsNotification |
ntmsapi.dll | OpenNtmsSessionA |
ntmsapi.dll | OpenNtmsSessionW |
ntmsapi.dll | ReleaseNtmsCleanerSlot |
ntmsapi.dll | ReserveNtmsCleanerSlot |
ntmsapi.dll | SatisfyNtmsOperatorRequest |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsDeviceChangeDetection |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsMediaComplete |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsObjectAttributeA |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsObjectAttributeW |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsObjectInformationA |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsObjectInformationW |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsObjectSecurity |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsRequestOrder |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsUIOptionsA |
ntmsapi.dll | SetNtmsUIOptionsW |
ntmsapi.dll | SubmitNtmsOperatorRequestA |
ntmsapi.dll | SubmitNtmsOperatorRequestW |
ntmsapi.dll | SwapNtmsMedia |
ntmsapi.dll | UpdateNtmsOmidInfo |
ntmsapi.dll | WaitForNtmsNotification |
ntmsapi.dll | WaitForNtmsOperatorRequest |
ole32.dll | BindMoniker |
ole32.dll | CLSIDFromProgID |
ole32.dll | CLSIDFromProgIDEx |
ole32.dll | CLSIDFromString |
ole32.dll | CoAddRefServerProcess |
ole32.dll | CoAllowSetForegroundWindow |
ole32.dll | CoBuildVersion |
ole32.dll | CoCancelCall |
ole32.dll | CoCopyProxy |
ole32.dll | CoCreateFreeThreadedMarshaler |
ole32.dll | CoCreateGuid |
ole32.dll | CoDisableCallCancellation |
ole32.dll | CoDosDateTimeToFileTime |
ole32.dll | CoEnableCallCancellation |
ole32.dll | CoFileTimeNow |
ole32.dll | CoFileTimeToDosDateTime |
ole32.dll | CoFreeLibrary |
ole32.dll | CoFreeUnusedLibraries |
ole32.dll | CoFreeUnusedLibrariesEx |
ole32.dll | CoGetCallerTID |
ole32.dll | CoGetCancelObject |
ole32.dll | CoGetContextToken |
ole32.dll | CoGetCurrentProcess |
ole32.dll | CoGetMalloc |
ole32.dll | CoGetTreatAsClass |
ole32.dll | CoInstall |
ole32.dll | CoInvalidateRemoteMachineBindings |
ole32.dll | CoIsHandlerConnected |
ole32.dll | CoIsOle1Class |
ole32.dll | CoMarshalHresult |
ole32.dll | CoQueryAuthenticationServices |
ole32.dll | CoQueryProxyBlanket |
ole32.dll | CoRegisterInitializeSpy |
ole32.dll | CoRegisterMallocSpy |
ole32.dll | CoRegisterMessageFilter |
ole32.dll | CoRegisterSurrogate |
ole32.dll | CoReleaseServerProcess |
ole32.dll | CoResumeClassObjects |
ole32.dll | CoRevokeInitializeSpy |
ole32.dll | CoRevokeMallocSpy |
ole32.dll | CoSetCancelObject |
ole32.dll | CoSetProxyBlanket |
ole32.dll | CoSuspendClassObjects |
ole32.dll | CoSwitchCallContext |
ole32.dll | CoTaskMemAlloc |
ole32.dll | CoTaskMemFree |
ole32.dll | CoTaskMemRealloc |
ole32.dll | CoTreatAsClass |
ole32.dll | CoUnmarshalHresult |
ole32.dll | CreateAntiMoniker |
ole32.dll | CreateBindCtx |
ole32.dll | CreateClassMoniker |
ole32.dll | CreateDataAdviseHolder |
ole32.dll | CreateDataCache |
ole32.dll | CreateFileMoniker |
ole32.dll | CreateGenericComposite |
ole32.dll | CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal |
ole32.dll | CreateItemMoniker |
ole32.dll | CreateObjrefMoniker |
ole32.dll | CreateOleAdviseHolder |
ole32.dll | CreatePointerMoniker |
ole32.dll | CreateStreamOnHGlobal |
ole32.dll | DllGetClassObject |
ole32.dll | FmtIdToPropStgName |
ole32.dll | FreePropVariantArray |
ole32.dll | GetConvertStg |
ole32.dll | GetHGlobalFromILockBytes |
ole32.dll | GetHGlobalFromStream |
ole32.dll | IIDFromString |
ole32.dll | IsAccelerator |
ole32.dll | IsEqualGUID |
ole32.dll | IsValidInterface |
ole32.dll | MonikerCommonPrefixWith |
ole32.dll | MonikerRelativePathTo |
ole32.dll | OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorage |
ole32.dll | OleConvertOLESTREAMToIStorageEx |
ole32.dll | OleCreateDefaultHandler |
ole32.dll | OleCreateEmbeddingHelper |
ole32.dll | OleCreateMenuDescriptor |
ole32.dll | OleDestroyMenuDescriptor |
ole32.dll | OleDoAutoConvert |
ole32.dll | OleDraw |
ole32.dll | OleDuplicateData |
ole32.dll | OleGetAutoConvert |
ole32.dll | OleGetIconOfClass |
ole32.dll | OleGetIconOfFile |
ole32.dll | OleIsCurrentClipboard |
ole32.dll | OleIsRunning |
ole32.dll | OleLockRunning |
ole32.dll | OleMetafilePictFromIconAndLabel |
ole32.dll | OleQueryCreateFromData |
ole32.dll | OleQueryLinkFromData |
ole32.dll | OleRegEnumFormatEtc |
ole32.dll | OleRegEnumVerbs |
ole32.dll | OleRegGetMiscStatus |
ole32.dll | OleRegGetUserType |
ole32.dll | OleRun |
ole32.dll | OleSave |
ole32.dll | OleSaveToStream |
ole32.dll | OleSetAutoConvert |
ole32.dll | OleSetContainedObject |
ole32.dll | OleSetMenuDescriptor |
ole32.dll | OleTranslateAccelerator |
ole32.dll | ProgIDFromCLSID |
ole32.dll | PropStgNameToFmtId |
ole32.dll | PropVariantClear |
ole32.dll | PropVariantCopy |
ole32.dll | ReadClassStg |
ole32.dll | ReadClassStm |
ole32.dll | ReadFmtUserTypeStg |
ole32.dll | ReleaseStgMedium |
ole32.dll | SetConvertStg |
ole32.dll | StgConvertPropertyToVariant |
ole32.dll | StgCreateDocfile |
ole32.dll | StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes |
ole32.dll | StgCreatePropSetStg |
ole32.dll | StgCreatePropStg |
ole32.dll | StgCreateStorageEx |
ole32.dll | StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile |
ole32.dll | StgGetIFillLockBytesOnILockBytes |
ole32.dll | StgIsStorageFile |
ole32.dll | StgIsStorageILockBytes |
ole32.dll | StgOpenAsyncDocfileOnIFillLockBytes |
ole32.dll | StgOpenPropStg |
ole32.dll | StgOpenStorage |
ole32.dll | StgOpenStorageEx |
ole32.dll | StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes |
ole32.dll | StgPropertyLengthAsVariant |
ole32.dll | StgSetTimes |
ole32.dll | StringFromCLSID |
ole32.dll | StringFromGUID2 |
ole32.dll | StringFromIID |
ole32.dll | WriteClassStg |
ole32.dll | WriteClassStm |
ole32.dll | WriteFmtUserTypeStg |
oleaut32.dll | BstrFromVector |
oleaut32.dll | CreateDispTypeInfo |
oleaut32.dll | CreateErrorInfo |
oleaut32.dll | CreateStdDispatch |
oleaut32.dll | DispGetIDsOfNames |
oleaut32.dll | DispGetParam |
oleaut32.dll | DispInvoke |
oleaut32.dll | DosDateTimeToVariantTime |
oleaut32.dll | GetAltMonthNames |
oleaut32.dll | GetErrorInfo |
oleaut32.dll | GetRecordInfoFromTypeInfo |
oleaut32.dll | LHashValOfNameSys |
oleaut32.dll | LoadTypeLib |
oleaut32.dll | LoadTypeLibEx |
oleaut32.dll | RegisterTypeLib |
oleaut32.dll | RegisterTypeLibForUser |
oleaut32.dll | RevokeActiveObject |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayAccessData |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayAllocData |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayAllocDescriptor |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayAllocDescriptorEx |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayCopy |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayCopyData |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayCreate |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayCreateEx |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayCreateVector |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayCreateVectorEx |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayDestroy |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayDestroyDescriptor |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayGetDim |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayGetElement |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayGetElemsize |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayGetIID |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayGetLBound |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayGetRecordInfo |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayGetUBound |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayGetVartype |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayLock |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayPtrOfIndex |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayPutElement |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayRedim |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArraySetIID |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArraySetRecordInfo |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayUnaccessData |
oleaut32.dll | SafeArrayUnlock |
oleaut32.dll | SetErrorInfo |
oleaut32.dll | SysAllocString |
oleaut32.dll | SysAllocStringByteLen |
oleaut32.dll | SysAllocStringLen |
oleaut32.dll | SysFreeString |
oleaut32.dll | SysReAllocString |
oleaut32.dll | SysReAllocStringLen |
oleaut32.dll | SystemTimeToVariantTime |
oleaut32.dll | UnRegisterTypeLib |
oleaut32.dll | UnRegisterTypeLibForUser |
oleaut32.dll | VarAbs |
oleaut32.dll | VarAdd |
oleaut32.dll | VarAnd |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBoolFromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrCat |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrCmp |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromBool |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromUI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarBstrFromUI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCat |
oleaut32.dll | VarCmp |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyAbs |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyAdd |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyCmp |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyCmpR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFix |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromUI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyFromUI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyInt |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyMul |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyMulI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyNeg |
oleaut32.dll | VarCyRound |
oleaut32.dll | VarCySub |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromBool |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromUdate |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromUdateEx |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromUI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDateFromUI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecAbs |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecAdd |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecCmp |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecCmpR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecDiv |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFix |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromBool |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromUI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecFromUI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecInt |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecMul |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecNeg |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecRound |
oleaut32.dll | VarDecSub |
oleaut32.dll | VarDiv |
oleaut32.dll | VarEqv |
oleaut32.dll | VarFix |
oleaut32.dll | VarFormat |
oleaut32.dll | VarFormatCurrency |
oleaut32.dll | VarFormatDateTime |
oleaut32.dll | VarFormatFromTokens |
oleaut32.dll | VarFormatNumber |
oleaut32.dll | VarFormatPercent |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromBool |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromUI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI1FromUI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromBool |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromUI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI2FromUI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromBool |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromUI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarI4FromUI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VariantChangeType |
oleaut32.dll | VariantChangeTypeEx |
oleaut32.dll | VariantClear |
oleaut32.dll | VariantCopy |
oleaut32.dll | VariantCopyInd |
oleaut32.dll | VariantInit |
oleaut32.dll | VariantTimeToDosDateTime |
oleaut32.dll | VariantTimeToSystemTime |
oleaut32.dll | VarIdiv |
oleaut32.dll | VarImp |
oleaut32.dll | VarInt |
oleaut32.dll | VarMod |
oleaut32.dll | VarMonthName |
oleaut32.dll | VarMul |
oleaut32.dll | VarNeg |
oleaut32.dll | VarNot |
oleaut32.dll | VarNumFromParseNum |
oleaut32.dll | VarOr |
oleaut32.dll | VarParseNumFromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarPow |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4CmpR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromBool |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromUI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR4FromUI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromUI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8FromUI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8Pow |
oleaut32.dll | VarR8Round |
oleaut32.dll | VarRound |
oleaut32.dll | VarSub |
oleaut32.dll | VarTokenizeFormatString |
oleaut32.dll | VarUdateFromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI1FromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI2FromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromCy |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromDate |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromDec |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromDisp |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromI1 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromI4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromR4 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromR8 |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromStr |
oleaut32.dll | VarUI4FromUI2 |
oleaut32.dll | VarWeekdayName |
oleaut32.dll | VarXor |
oleaut32.dll | VectorFromBstr |
pdh.dll | PdhCalculateCounterFromRawValue |
pdh.dll | PdhCollectQueryDataEx |
pdh.dll | PdhComputeCounterStatistics |
pdh.dll | PdhConnectMachineA |
pdh.dll | PdhConnectMachineW |
pdh.dll | PdhFormatFromRawValue |
pdh.dll | PdhGetCounterInfoA |
pdh.dll | PdhGetCounterInfoW |
pdh.dll | PdhGetDefaultPerfCounterA |
pdh.dll | PdhGetDefaultPerfCounterHA |
pdh.dll | PdhGetDefaultPerfCounterHW |
pdh.dll | PdhGetDefaultPerfCounterW |
pdh.dll | PdhGetDefaultPerfObjectA |
pdh.dll | PdhGetDefaultPerfObjectHA |
pdh.dll | PdhGetDefaultPerfObjectHW |
pdh.dll | PdhGetDefaultPerfObjectW |
pdh.dll | PdhGetDllVersion |
pdh.dll | PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayA |
pdh.dll | PdhGetFormattedCounterArrayW |
pdh.dll | PdhGetFormattedCounterValue |
pdh.dll | PdhGetLogFileSize |
pdh.dll | PdhGetRawCounterArrayA |
pdh.dll | PdhGetRawCounterArrayW |
pdh.dll | PdhGetRawCounterValue |
pdh.dll | PdhIsRealTimeQuery |
pdh.dll | PdhLookupPerfIndexByNameA |
pdh.dll | PdhLookupPerfIndexByNameW |
pdh.dll | PdhLookupPerfNameByIndexA |
pdh.dll | PdhLookupPerfNameByIndexW |
pdh.dll | PdhMakeCounterPathA |
pdh.dll | PdhMakeCounterPathW |
pdh.dll | PdhParseCounterPathA |
pdh.dll | PdhParseCounterPathW |
pdh.dll | PdhParseInstanceNameA |
pdh.dll | PdhParseInstanceNameW |
pdh.dll | PdhReadRawLogRecord |
pdh.dll | PdhRemoveCounter |
pdh.dll | PdhSetCounterScaleFactor |
pdh.dll | PdhSetDefaultRealTimeDataSource |
pdh.dll | PdhSetQueryTimeRange |
pdh.dll | PdhUpdateLogFileCatalog |
pdh.dll | PdhVbGetCounterPathElements |
pdh.dll | PdhVbGetCounterPathFromList |
pdh.dll | PdhVbGetDoubleCounterValue |
pdh.dll | PdhVbGetLogFileSize |
pdh.dll | PdhVbIsGoodStatus |
powrprof.dll | CallNtPowerInformation |
powrprof.dll | CanUserWritePwrScheme |
powrprof.dll | DeletePwrScheme |
powrprof.dll | DevicePowerClose |
powrprof.dll | DevicePowerEnumDevices |
powrprof.dll | DevicePowerOpen |
powrprof.dll | DevicePowerSetDeviceState |
powrprof.dll | EnumPwrSchemes |
powrprof.dll | GetActivePwrScheme |
powrprof.dll | GetCurrentPowerPolicies |
powrprof.dll | GetPwrCapabilities |
powrprof.dll | GetPwrDiskSpindownRange |
powrprof.dll | GUIDFormatToGlobalPowerPolicy |
powrprof.dll | GUIDFormatToPowerPolicy |
powrprof.dll | IsPwrHibernateAllowed |
powrprof.dll | IsPwrShutdownAllowed |
powrprof.dll | IsPwrSuspendAllowed |
powrprof.dll | PowerCanRestoreIndividualDefaultPowerScheme |
powrprof.dll | PowerCreatePossibleSetting |
powrprof.dll | PowerCreateSetting |
powrprof.dll | PowerDeleteScheme |
powrprof.dll | PowerDeterminePlatformRole |
powrprof.dll | PowerDuplicateScheme |
powrprof.dll | PowerEnumerate |
powrprof.dll | PowerGetActiveScheme |
powrprof.dll | PowerImportPowerScheme |
powrprof.dll | PowerOpenSystemPowerKey |
powrprof.dll | PowerOpenUserPowerKey |
powrprof.dll | PowerPolicyToGUIDFormat |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadACDefaultIndex |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadACValue |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadACValueIndex |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadDCDefaultIndex |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadDCValue |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadDCValueIndex |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadDescription |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadFriendlyName |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadIconResourceSpecifier |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadPossibleDescription |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadPossibleFriendlyName |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadPossibleValue |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadSettingAttributes |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadValueIncrement |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadValueMax |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadValueMin |
powrprof.dll | PowerReadValueUnitsSpecifier |
powrprof.dll | PowerRemovePowerSetting |
powrprof.dll | PowerReplaceDefaultPowerSchemes |
powrprof.dll | PowerRestoreDefaultPowerSchemes |
powrprof.dll | PowerRestoreIndividualDefaultPowerScheme |
powrprof.dll | PowerSetActiveScheme |
powrprof.dll | PowerSettingAccessCheck |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteACDefaultIndex |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteACValueIndex |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteDCDefaultIndex |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteDCValueIndex |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteDescription |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteFriendlyName |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteIconResourceSpecifier |
powrprof.dll | PowerWritePossibleDescription |
powrprof.dll | PowerWritePossibleFriendlyName |
powrprof.dll | PowerWritePossibleValue |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteSettingAttributes |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteValueIncrement |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteValueMax |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteValueMin |
powrprof.dll | PowerWriteValueUnitsSpecifier |
powrprof.dll | ReadGlobalPwrPolicy |
powrprof.dll | ReadProcessorPwrScheme |
powrprof.dll | ReadPwrScheme |
powrprof.dll | SetActivePwrScheme |
powrprof.dll | SetSuspendState |
powrprof.dll | WriteGlobalPwrPolicy |
powrprof.dll | WritePwrScheme |
psapi.dll | EmptyWorkingSet |
psapi.dll | EnumDeviceDrivers |
psapi.dll | EnumPageFilesA |
psapi.dll | EnumPageFilesW |
psapi.dll | EnumProcesses |
psapi.dll | EnumProcessModules |
psapi.dll | EnumProcessModulesEx |
psapi.dll | GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA |
psapi.dll | GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW |
psapi.dll | GetDeviceDriverFileNameA |
psapi.dll | GetDeviceDriverFileNameW |
psapi.dll | GetMappedFileNameA |
psapi.dll | GetMappedFileNameW |
psapi.dll | GetModuleBaseNameA |
psapi.dll | GetModuleBaseNameW |
psapi.dll | GetModuleFileNameExA |
psapi.dll | GetModuleFileNameExW |
psapi.dll | GetModuleInformation |
psapi.dll | GetPerformanceInfo |
psapi.dll | GetProcessImageFileNameA |
psapi.dll | GetProcessImageFileNameW |
psapi.dll | GetProcessMemoryInfo |
psapi.dll | GetWsChanges |
psapi.dll | GetWsChangesEx |
psapi.dll | InitializeProcessForWsWatch |
psapi.dll | QueryWorkingSet |
psapi.dll | QueryWorkingSetEx |
pstorec.dll | PStoreCreateInstance |
pstorec.dll | PStoreEnumProviders |
qutil.dll | AllocConnections |
qutil.dll | AllocCountedString |
qutil.dll | AllocFixupInfo |
qutil.dll | FreeConnections |
qutil.dll | FreeCountedString |
qutil.dll | FreeFixupInfo |
qutil.dll | FreeIsolationInfo |
qutil.dll | FreeNapComponentRegistrationInfoArray |
qutil.dll | FreeNetworkSoH |
qutil.dll | FreePrivateData |
qutil.dll | FreeSoH |
qutil.dll | FreeSoHAttributeValue |
qutil.dll | FreeSystemHealthAgentState |
qutil.dll | InitializeNapAgentNotifier |
qutil.dll | UninitializeNapAgentNotifier |
resutils.dll | ClusWorkerCheckTerminate |
resutils.dll | ClusWorkerCreate |
resutils.dll | ClusWorkerTerminate |
resutils.dll | ResUtilAddUnknownProperties |
resutils.dll | ResUtilCreateDirectoryTree |
resutils.dll | ResUtilDupParameterBlock |
resutils.dll | ResUtilDupString |
resutils.dll | ResUtilEnumPrivateProperties |
resutils.dll | ResUtilEnumProperties |
resutils.dll | ResUtilEnumResources |
resutils.dll | ResUtilEnumResourcesEx |
resutils.dll | ResUtilExpandEnvironmentStrings |
resutils.dll | ResUtilFindBinaryProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilFindDependentDiskResourceDriveLetter |
resutils.dll | ResUtilFindDwordProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilFindExpandedSzProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilFindExpandSzProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilFindLongProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilFindMultiSzProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilFreeEnvironment |
resutils.dll | ResUtilFreeParameterBlock |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetAllProperties |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetBinaryProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetBinaryValue |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetCoreClusterResources |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetDwordProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetDwordValue |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetEnvironmentWithNetName |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetMultiSzProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetPrivateProperties |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetProperties |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetPropertiesToParameterBlock |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetPropertyFormats |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetPropertySize |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetResourceDependency |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByClass |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetResourceDependencyByName |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetResourceDependentIPAddressProps |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetResourceName |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetResourceNameDependency |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetSzProperty |
resutils.dll | ResUtilGetSzValue |
resutils.dll | ResUtilIsPathValid |
resutils.dll | ResUtilIsResourceClassEqual |
resutils.dll | ResUtilPropertyListFromParameterBlock |
resutils.dll | ResUtilRemoveResourceServiceEnvironment |
resutils.dll | ResUtilResourcesEqual |
resutils.dll | ResUtilResourceTypesEqual |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetBinaryValue |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetDwordValue |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetExpandSzValue |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetMultiSzValue |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetPrivatePropertyList |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlock |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetPropertyParameterBlockEx |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetPropertyTable |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetPropertyTableEx |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetResourceServiceEnvironment |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetResourceServiceStartParameters |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetSzValue |
resutils.dll | ResUtilSetUnknownProperties |
resutils.dll | ResUtilStartResourceService |
resutils.dll | ResUtilStopResourceService |
resutils.dll | ResUtilStopService |
resutils.dll | ResUtilTerminateServiceProcessFromResDll |
resutils.dll | ResUtilVerifyPrivatePropertyList |
resutils.dll | ResUtilVerifyPropertyTable |
resutils.dll | ResUtilVerifyResourceService |
resutils.dll | ResUtilVerifyService |
rpcns4.dll | RpcNsBindingExportA |
rpcns4.dll | RpcNsBindingExportPnPA |
rpcns4.dll | RpcNsBindingExportW |
rpcns4.dll | RpcNsBindingLookupBeginA |
rpcns4.dll | RpcNsBindingUnexportA |
rpcns4.dll | RpcNsEntryExpandNameA |
rpcns4.dll | RpcNsProfileEltAddA |
rpcns4.dll | RpcNsProfileEltInqBeginA |
rpcrt4.dll | DceErrorInqTextA |
rpcrt4.dll | DceErrorInqTextW |
rpcrt4.dll | MesBufferHandleReset |
rpcrt4.dll | MesHandleFree |
rpcrt4.dll | MesIncrementalHandleReset |
rpcrt4.dll | NdrGetUserMarshalInfo |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcAsyncAbortCall |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcAsyncCancelCall |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcAsyncGetCallStatus |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcBindingReset |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcCancelThread |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcCancelThreadEx |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcErrorAddRecord |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcErrorClearInformation |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcErrorEndEnumeration |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcErrorGetNextRecord |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcErrorGetNumberOfRecords |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcErrorResetEnumeration |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcErrorStartEnumeration |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcFreeAuthorizationContext |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcMgmtEpUnregister |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcMgmtSetAuthorizationFn |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcNsBindingInqEntryNameA |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcRaiseException |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcServerInqBindingHandle |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcServerTestCancel |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSmClientFree |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSmDisableAllocate |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSmFree |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSmGetThreadHandle |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSmSetThreadHandle |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSsContextLockExclusive |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSsContextLockShared |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSsDisableAllocate |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSsDontSerializeContext |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSsFree |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSsGetThreadHandle |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcSsSetThreadHandle |
rpcrt4.dll | RpcTestCancel |
rpcrt4.dll | UuidCompare |
rpcrt4.dll | UuidCreate |
rpcrt4.dll | UuidCreateNil |
rpcrt4.dll | UuidEqual |
rpcrt4.dll | UuidFromStringW |
rpcrt4.dll | UuidHash |
rpcrt4.dll | UuidIsNil |
rtutils.dll | TraceDeregisterA |
rtutils.dll | TraceDeregisterExA |
scarddlg.dll | GetOpenCardNameA |
scarddlg.dll | GetOpenCardNameW |
scarddlg.dll | SCardUIDlgSelectCardA |
scarddlg.dll | SCardUIDlgSelectCardW |
Schannel.dll | SslEmptyCacheA |
Schannel.dll | SslEmptyCacheW |
Schannel.dll | SslFreeCertificate |
secur32.dll | AcceptSecurityContext |
secur32.dll | AcquireCredentialsHandleA |
secur32.dll | AcquireCredentialsHandleW |
secur32.dll | ApplyControlToken |
secur32.dll | CompleteAuthToken |
secur32.dll | DecryptMessage |
secur32.dll | DeleteSecurityContext |
secur32.dll | EncryptMessage |
secur32.dll | EnumerateSecurityPackagesA |
secur32.dll | EnumerateSecurityPackagesW |
secur32.dll | ExportSecurityContext |
secur32.dll | FreeContextBuffer |
secur32.dll | FreeCredentialsHandle |
secur32.dll | GetComputerObjectNameA |
secur32.dll | GetComputerObjectNameW |
secur32.dll | GetUserNameExA |
secur32.dll | GetUserNameExW |
secur32.dll | ImpersonateSecurityContext |
secur32.dll | ImportSecurityContextA |
secur32.dll | ImportSecurityContextW |
secur32.dll | InitializeSecurityContextA |
secur32.dll | InitializeSecurityContextW |
secur32.dll | InitSecurityInterfaceA |
secur32.dll | InitSecurityInterfaceW |
secur32.dll | LsaCallAuthenticationPackage |
secur32.dll | LsaConnectUntrusted |
secur32.dll | LsaDeregisterLogonProcess |
secur32.dll | LsaEnumerateLogonSessions |
secur32.dll | LsaFreeReturnBuffer |
secur32.dll | LsaGetLogonSessionData |
secur32.dll | LsaLogonUser |
secur32.dll | LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage |
secur32.dll | LsaRegisterLogonProcess |
secur32.dll | LsaRegisterPolicyChangeNotification |
secur32.dll | LsaUnregisterPolicyChangeNotification |
secur32.dll | MakeSignature |
secur32.dll | QueryContextAttributesA |
secur32.dll | QueryContextAttributesW |
secur32.dll | QueryCredentialsAttributesA |
secur32.dll | QueryCredentialsAttributesW |
secur32.dll | QuerySecurityContextToken |
secur32.dll | QuerySecurityPackageInfoA |
secur32.dll | QuerySecurityPackageInfoW |
secur32.dll | RevertSecurityContext |
secur32.dll | SaslAcceptSecurityContext |
secur32.dll | SaslEnumerateProfilesA |
secur32.dll | SaslEnumerateProfilesW |
secur32.dll | SaslGetContextOption |
secur32.dll | SaslGetProfilePackageA |
secur32.dll | SaslGetProfilePackageW |
secur32.dll | SaslIdentifyPackageA |
secur32.dll | SaslIdentifyPackageW |
secur32.dll | SaslInitializeSecurityContextA |
secur32.dll | SaslInitializeSecurityContextW |
secur32.dll | SaslSetContextOption |
secur32.dll | SetContextAttributesA |
secur32.dll | SetContextAttributesW |
secur32.dll | TranslateNameA |
secur32.dll | TranslateNameW |
secur32.dll | VerifySignature |
security.dll | SealMessage |
security.dll | UnsealMessage |
sensapi.dll | IsDestinationReachableA |
sensapi.dll | IsNetworkAlive |
setupapi.dll | CM_Get_Child |
setupapi.dll | CM_Get_Device_ID_ExW |
setupapi.dll | CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeW |
setupapi.dll | CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListW |
setupapi.dll | CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA |
setupapi.dll | CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW |
setupapi.dll | CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA |
setupapi.dll | CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW |
setupapi.dll | InstallHinfSectionA |
setupapi.dll | pSetupGetFileTitle |
setupapi.dll | pSetupGetGlobalFlags |
setupapi.dll | pSetupInstallCatalog |
setupapi.dll | pSetupIsUserAdmin |
setupapi.dll | pSetupSetGlobalFlags |
setupapi.dll | pSetupStringTableAddStringEx |
setupapi.dll | pSetupStringTableDestroy |
setupapi.dll | pSetupStringTableInitialize |
setupapi.dll | pSetupStringTableInitializeEx |
setupapi.dll | pSetupVerifyCatalogFile |
setupapi.dll | SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupAddToDiskSpaceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupAddToDiskSpaceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupAddToSourceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupAddToSourceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupCancelTemporarySourceList |
setupapi.dll | SetupCloseFileQueue |
setupapi.dll | SetupCloseInfFile |
setupapi.dll | SetupCloseLog |
setupapi.dll | SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSectionA |
setupapi.dll | SetupConfigureWmiFromInfSectionW |
setupapi.dll | SetupCreateDiskSpaceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupCreateDiskSpaceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoA |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoW |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceData |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceRegKey |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdA |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdW |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyExA |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyExW |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiOpenDeviceInfoA |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiOpenDeviceInfoW |
setupapi.dll | SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceRegKey |
setupapi.dll | SetupFindFirstLineA |
setupapi.dll | SetupFindFirstLineW |
setupapi.dll | SetupFindNextLine |
setupapi.dll | SetupFindNextMatchLineA |
setupapi.dll | SetupFindNextMatchLineW |
setupapi.dll | SetupFreeSourceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupFreeSourceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetBinaryField |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetFieldCount |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetFileQueueCount |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetFileQueueFlags |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetInfFileListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetInfFileListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetInfInformationA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetInfInformationW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetIntField |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetLineByIndexA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetLineByIndexW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetLineCountA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetLineCountW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetLineTextA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetLineTextW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetMultiSzFieldA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetMultiSzFieldW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetSourceFileLocationA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetSourceFileLocationW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetSourceFileSizeA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetSourceFileSizeW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetSourceInfoA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetSourceInfoW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetStringFieldA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetStringFieldW |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetTargetPathA |
setupapi.dll | SetupGetTargetPathW |
setupapi.dll | SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback |
setupapi.dll | SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx |
setupapi.dll | SetupInitializeFileLogA |
setupapi.dll | SetupInitializeFileLogW |
setupapi.dll | SetupLogErrorA |
setupapi.dll | SetupLogErrorW |
setupapi.dll | SetupLogFileA |
setupapi.dll | SetupLogFileW |
setupapi.dll | SetupOpenAppendInfFileA |
setupapi.dll | SetupOpenAppendInfFileW |
setupapi.dll | SetupOpenFileQueue |
setupapi.dll | SetupOpenInfFileA |
setupapi.dll | SetupOpenInfFileW |
setupapi.dll | SetupOpenLog |
setupapi.dll | SetupOpenMasterInf |
setupapi.dll | SetupPromptReboot |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueryDrivesInDiskSpaceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueryDrivesInDiskSpaceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueryFileLogA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueryFileLogW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueryInfFileInformationA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformationA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformationW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueryInfVersionInformationA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueryInfVersionInformationW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQuerySourceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQuerySourceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDriveA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDriveW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueCopyA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueCopyIndirectA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueCopyIndirectW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueCopySectionA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueCopySectionW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueCopyW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueDefaultCopyA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueDefaultCopyW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueDeleteA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueDeleteSectionA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueDeleteSectionW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueDeleteW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueRenameA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueRenameSectionA |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueRenameSectionW |
setupapi.dll | SetupQueueRenameW |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveFileLogEntryA |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveFileLogEntryW |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveFromDiskSpaceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveFromDiskSpaceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveFromSourceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveFromSourceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveInstallSectionFromDiskSpaceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveInstallSectionFromDiskSpaceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveSectionFromDiskSpaceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupRemoveSectionFromDiskSpaceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetDirectoryIdA |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetDirectoryIdExA |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetDirectoryIdExW |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetDirectoryIdW |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetFileQueueAlternatePlatformA |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetFileQueueAlternatePlatformW |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetFileQueueFlags |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetPlatformPathOverrideA |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetPlatformPathOverrideW |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetSourceListA |
setupapi.dll | SetupSetSourceListW |
setupapi.dll | SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback |
setupapi.dll | SetupTerminateFileLog |
setupapi.dll | SetupUninstallNewlyCopiedInfs |
setupapi.dll | SetupVerifyInfFileA |
setupapi.dll | SetupVerifyInfFileW |
sfc.dll | SfcGetNextProtectedFile |
sfc.dll | SfcIsFileProtected |
sfc.dll | SfcIsKeyProtected |
shell32.dll | CommandLineToArgvW |
shell32.dll | DoEnvironmentSubstA |
shell32.dll | DoEnvironmentSubstW |
shell32.dll | DragAcceptFiles |
shell32.dll | DragFinish |
shell32.dll | DragQueryFileA |
shell32.dll | DragQueryFileW |
shell32.dll | DragQueryPoint |
shell32.dll | DriveType |
shell32.dll | DuplicateIcon |
shell32.dll | ExtractIconA |
shell32.dll | ExtractIconExA |
shell32.dll | ExtractIconExW |
shell32.dll | ExtractIconW |
shell32.dll | ILAppendID |
shell32.dll | ILClone |
shell32.dll | ILCloneFirst |
shell32.dll | ILCombine |
shell32.dll | ILFindLastID |
shell32.dll | ILGetNext |
shell32.dll | ILGetSize |
shell32.dll | ILRemoveLastID |
shell32.dll | IsNetDrive |
shell32.dll | IsUserAnAdmin |
shell32.dll | OpenRegStream |
shell32.dll | ParseField |
shell32.dll | PathGetShortPath |
shell32.dll | PathIsExe |
shell32.dll | PifMgr_CloseProperties |
shell32.dll | PifMgr_GetProperties |
shell32.dll | PifMgr_OpenProperties |
shell32.dll | PifMgr_SetProperties |
shell32.dll | RealDriveType |
shell32.dll | SHAddFromPropSheetExtArray |
shell32.dll | SHAlloc |
shell32.dll | SHAppBarMessage |
shell32.dll | SHChangeNotification_Lock |
shell32.dll | SHChangeNotification_Unlock |
shell32.dll | SHCLSIDFromString |
shell32.dll | SHCreateProcessAsUserW |
shell32.dll | SHCreateQueryCancelAutoPlayMoniker |
shell32.dll | SHCreateShellItem |
shell32.dll | SHCreateStdEnumFmtEtc |
shell32.dll | SHDestroyPropSheetExtArray |
shell32.dll | Shell_MergeMenus |
shell32.dll | ShellMessageBoxA |
shell32.dll | SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsW |
shell32.dll | SHFlushSFCache |
shell32.dll | SHFreeNameMappings |
shell32.dll | SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExA |
shell32.dll | SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExW |
shell32.dll | SHGetMalloc |
shell32.dll | SHGetUnreadMailCountW |
shell32.dll | SHHandleUpdateImage |
shell32.dll | SHIsFileAvailableOffline |
shell32.dll | SHLoadNonloadedIconOverlayIdentifiers |
shell32.dll | SHPathPrepareForWriteA |
shell32.dll | SHPathPrepareForWriteW |
shell32.dll | SHPropStgCreate |
shell32.dll | SHPropStgReadMultiple |
shell32.dll | SHPropStgWriteMultiple |
shell32.dll | SHReplaceFromPropSheetExtArray |
shell32.dll | SHRestricted |
shell32.dll | SHSetInstanceExplorer |
shell32.dll | SHSetUnreadMailCountW |
shell32.dll | SHStartNetConnectionDialogA |
shell32.dll | SHStartNetConnectionDialogW |
shell32.dll | SHTestTokenMembership |
shell32.dll | SHValidateUNC |
shell32.dll | StrRetToStrN |
shlwapi.dll | AssocCreate |
shlwapi.dll | AssocGetPerceivedType |
shlwapi.dll | AssocIsDangerous |
shlwapi.dll | AssocQueryKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | AssocQueryKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | AssocQueryStringA |
shlwapi.dll | AssocQueryStringByKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | AssocQueryStringByKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | AssocQueryStringW |
shlwapi.dll | ChrCmpIA |
shlwapi.dll | ChrCmpIW |
shlwapi.dll | ColorAdjustLuma |
shlwapi.dll | ColorHLSToRGB |
shlwapi.dll | ColorRGBToHLS |
shlwapi.dll | GetAcceptLanguagesA |
shlwapi.dll | GetAcceptLanguagesW |
shlwapi.dll | GetMenuPosFromID |
shlwapi.dll | HashData |
shlwapi.dll | IsCharSpaceA |
shlwapi.dll | IsCharSpaceW |
shlwapi.dll | IsInternetESCEnabled |
shlwapi.dll | IsOS |
shlwapi.dll | IStream_Read |
shlwapi.dll | IStream_Reset |
shlwapi.dll | IStream_Size |
shlwapi.dll | IUnknown_AtomicRelease |
shlwapi.dll | ParseURLA |
shlwapi.dll | ParseURLW |
shlwapi.dll | PathAddBackslashA |
shlwapi.dll | PathAddBackslashW |
shlwapi.dll | PathAddExtensionA |
shlwapi.dll | PathAddExtensionW |
shlwapi.dll | PathAppendA |
shlwapi.dll | PathAppendW |
shlwapi.dll | PathBuildRootA |
shlwapi.dll | PathBuildRootW |
shlwapi.dll | PathCanonicalizeA |
shlwapi.dll | PathCanonicalizeW |
shlwapi.dll | PathCombineA |
shlwapi.dll | PathCombineW |
shlwapi.dll | PathCommonPrefixA |
shlwapi.dll | PathCommonPrefixW |
shlwapi.dll | PathCompactPathA |
shlwapi.dll | PathCompactPathExA |
shlwapi.dll | PathCompactPathExW |
shlwapi.dll | PathCompactPathW |
shlwapi.dll | PathCreateFromUrlA |
shlwapi.dll | PathCreateFromUrlW |
shlwapi.dll | PathFileExistsA |
shlwapi.dll | PathFileExistsW |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindExtensionA |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindExtensionW |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindFileNameA |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindFileNameW |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindNextComponentA |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindNextComponentW |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindOnPathA |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindOnPathW |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindSuffixArrayA |
shlwapi.dll | PathFindSuffixArrayW |
shlwapi.dll | PathGetArgsA |
shlwapi.dll | PathGetArgsW |
shlwapi.dll | PathGetCharTypeA |
shlwapi.dll | PathGetCharTypeW |
shlwapi.dll | PathGetDriveNumberA |
shlwapi.dll | PathGetDriveNumberW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsContentTypeA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsContentTypeW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsDirectoryA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsDirectoryEmptyA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsDirectoryEmptyW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsDirectoryW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsFileSpecA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsFileSpecW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsLFNFileSpecA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsLFNFileSpecW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsNetworkPathA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsNetworkPathW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsPrefixA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsPrefixW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsRelativeA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsRelativeW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsRootA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsRootW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsSameRootA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsSameRootW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsSystemFolderA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsSystemFolderW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsUNCA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsUNCServerA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsUNCServerShareA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsUNCServerShareW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsUNCServerW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsUNCW |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsURLA |
shlwapi.dll | PathIsURLW |
shlwapi.dll | PathMakePrettyA |
shlwapi.dll | PathMakePrettyW |
shlwapi.dll | PathMakeSystemFolderA |
shlwapi.dll | PathMakeSystemFolderW |
shlwapi.dll | PathMatchSpecA |
shlwapi.dll | PathMatchSpecW |
shlwapi.dll | PathParseIconLocationA |
shlwapi.dll | PathParseIconLocationW |
shlwapi.dll | PathQuoteSpacesA |
shlwapi.dll | PathQuoteSpacesW |
shlwapi.dll | PathRelativePathToA |
shlwapi.dll | PathRelativePathToW |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveArgsA |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveArgsW |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveBackslashA |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveBackslashW |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveBlanksA |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveBlanksW |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveExtensionA |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveExtensionW |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveFileSpecA |
shlwapi.dll | PathRemoveFileSpecW |
shlwapi.dll | PathRenameExtensionA |
shlwapi.dll | PathRenameExtensionW |
shlwapi.dll | PathSearchAndQualifyA |
shlwapi.dll | PathSearchAndQualifyW |
shlwapi.dll | PathSetDlgItemPathA |
shlwapi.dll | PathSetDlgItemPathW |
shlwapi.dll | PathSkipRootA |
shlwapi.dll | PathSkipRootW |
shlwapi.dll | PathStripPathA |
shlwapi.dll | PathStripPathW |
shlwapi.dll | PathStripToRootA |
shlwapi.dll | PathStripToRootW |
shlwapi.dll | PathUndecorateA |
shlwapi.dll | PathUndecorateW |
shlwapi.dll | PathUnExpandEnvStringsA |
shlwapi.dll | PathUnExpandEnvStringsW |
shlwapi.dll | PathUnmakeSystemFolderA |
shlwapi.dll | PathUnmakeSystemFolderW |
shlwapi.dll | PathUnquoteSpacesA |
shlwapi.dll | PathUnquoteSpacesW |
shlwapi.dll | QISearch |
shlwapi.dll | SHAnsiToAnsi |
shlwapi.dll | SHAnsiToUnicode |
shlwapi.dll | SHCopyKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | SHCopyKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | SHCreateMemStream |
shlwapi.dll | SHCreateShellPalette |
shlwapi.dll | SHCreateStreamOnFileA |
shlwapi.dll | SHCreateStreamOnFileEx |
shlwapi.dll | SHCreateStreamOnFileW |
shlwapi.dll | SHCreateThreadRef |
shlwapi.dll | SHDeleteEmptyKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | SHDeleteEmptyKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | SHDeleteKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | SHDeleteKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | SHDeleteValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHDeleteValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHEnumKeyExA |
shlwapi.dll | SHEnumKeyExW |
shlwapi.dll | SHEnumValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHEnumValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHFormatDateTimeA |
shlwapi.dll | SHFormatDateTimeW |
shlwapi.dll | SHGetInverseCMAP |
shlwapi.dll | SHGetThreadRef |
shlwapi.dll | SHGetValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHGetValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHIsChildOrSelf |
shlwapi.dll | SHOpenRegStream2A |
shlwapi.dll | SHOpenRegStream2W |
shlwapi.dll | SHOpenRegStreamA |
shlwapi.dll | SHOpenRegStreamW |
shlwapi.dll | SHQueryInfoKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | SHQueryInfoKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | SHQueryValueExA |
shlwapi.dll | SHQueryValueExW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegCloseUSKey |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegCreateUSKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegCreateUSKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegDeleteUSValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegDeleteUSValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegDuplicateHKey |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegEnumUSKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegEnumUSKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegEnumUSValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegEnumUSValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegGetBoolUSValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegGetBoolUSValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegGetIntW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegGetPathA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegGetPathW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegGetUSValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegGetUSValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegGetValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegGetValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegOpenUSKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegOpenUSKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegQueryUSValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegQueryUSValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegSetPathA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegSetPathW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegSetUSValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegSetUSValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegWriteUSValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHRegWriteUSValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHReleaseThreadRef |
shlwapi.dll | SHSendMessageBroadcastA |
shlwapi.dll | SHSendMessageBroadcastW |
shlwapi.dll | SHSetThreadRef |
shlwapi.dll | SHSetValueA |
shlwapi.dll | SHSetValueW |
shlwapi.dll | SHStrDupA |
shlwapi.dll | SHStrDupW |
shlwapi.dll | SHStripMneumonicA |
shlwapi.dll | SHStripMneumonicW |
shlwapi.dll | SHUnicodeToAnsi |
shlwapi.dll | SHUnicodeToUnicode |
shlwapi.dll | StrChrA |
shlwapi.dll | StrChrIA |
shlwapi.dll | StrChrIW |
shlwapi.dll | StrChrW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpCA |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpCW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpICA |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpICW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpIW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpLogicalW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpNA |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpNCA |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpNCW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpNIA |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpNICA |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpNICW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpNIW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpNW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCmpW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCSpnA |
shlwapi.dll | StrCSpnIA |
shlwapi.dll | StrCSpnIW |
shlwapi.dll | StrCSpnW |
shlwapi.dll | StrDupA |
shlwapi.dll | StrDupW |
shlwapi.dll | StrFormatByteSize64A |
shlwapi.dll | StrFormatByteSizeA |
shlwapi.dll | StrFormatByteSizeW |
shlwapi.dll | StrFormatKBSizeA |
shlwapi.dll | StrFormatKBSizeW |
shlwapi.dll | StrFromTimeIntervalA |
shlwapi.dll | StrFromTimeIntervalW |
shlwapi.dll | StrIsIntlEqualA |
shlwapi.dll | StrIsIntlEqualW |
shlwapi.dll | StrPBrkA |
shlwapi.dll | StrPBrkW |
shlwapi.dll | StrRChrA |
shlwapi.dll | StrRChrIA |
shlwapi.dll | StrRChrIW |
shlwapi.dll | StrRChrW |
shlwapi.dll | StrRetToBSTR |
shlwapi.dll | StrRetToBufA |
shlwapi.dll | StrRetToBufW |
shlwapi.dll | StrRetToStrA |
shlwapi.dll | StrRetToStrW |
shlwapi.dll | StrRStrIA |
shlwapi.dll | StrRStrIW |
shlwapi.dll | StrSpnA |
shlwapi.dll | StrSpnW |
shlwapi.dll | StrStrA |
shlwapi.dll | StrStrIA |
shlwapi.dll | StrStrIW |
shlwapi.dll | StrStrW |
shlwapi.dll | StrToInt64ExA |
shlwapi.dll | StrToInt64ExW |
shlwapi.dll | StrToIntA |
shlwapi.dll | StrToIntExA |
shlwapi.dll | StrToIntExW |
shlwapi.dll | StrToIntW |
shlwapi.dll | StrTrimA |
shlwapi.dll | StrTrimW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlApplySchemeA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlApplySchemeW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlCanonicalizeA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlCanonicalizeW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlCombineA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlCombineW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlCompareA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlCompareW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlCreateFromPathA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlCreateFromPathW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlEscapeA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlEscapeW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlFixupW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlGetLocationA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlGetLocationW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlGetPartA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlGetPartW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlHashA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlHashW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlIsA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlIsNoHistoryA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlIsNoHistoryW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlIsOpaqueA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlIsOpaqueW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlIsW |
shlwapi.dll | UrlUnescapeA |
shlwapi.dll | UrlUnescapeW |
shlwapi.dll | WhichPlatform |
smclib.sys | SmartcardSetDebugLevel |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpSvcGetUptime |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpSvcSetLogLevel |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpSvcSetLogType |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilAsnAnyCpy |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilAsnAnyFree |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilDbgPrint |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilIdsToA |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilMemAlloc |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilMemFree |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilMemReAlloc |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOctetsCmp |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOctetsCpy |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOctetsFree |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOctetsNCmp |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOidAppend |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOidCmp |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOidCpy |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOidFree |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOidNCmp |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilOidToA |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilPrintAsnAny |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilPrintOid |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilVarBindCpy |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilVarBindFree |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilVarBindListCpy |
snmpapi.dll | SnmpUtilVarBindListFree |
storprop.dll | CdromDisableDigitalPlayback |
storprop.dll | CdromEnableDigitalPlayback |
storprop.dll | CdromKnownGoodDigitalPlayback |
sxs.dll | CreateAssemblyCache |
sxs.dll | CreateAssemblyNameObject |
sxs.dll | SxsLookupClrGuid |
tdh.dll | TdhEnumerateProviders |
traffic.dll | TcAddFilter |
traffic.dll | TcAddFlow |
traffic.dll | TcCloseInterface |
traffic.dll | TcDeleteFilter |
traffic.dll | TcDeleteFlow |
traffic.dll | TcDeregisterClient |
traffic.dll | TcEnumerateFlows |
traffic.dll | TcEnumerateInterfaces |
traffic.dll | TcModifyFlow |
traffic.dll | TcQueryInterface |
traffic.dll | TcRegisterClient |
traffic.dll | TcSetInterface |
txfw32.dll | TxfGetThreadMiniVersionForCreate |
txfw32.dll | TxfReadMetadataInfo |
txfw32.dll | TxfSetThreadMiniVersionForCreate |
urlmon.dll | HlinkGoBack |
urlmon.dll | HlinkGoForward |
user32.dll | AdjustWindowRect |
user32.dll | AdjustWindowRectEx |
user32.dll | AllowSetForegroundWindow |
user32.dll | AnyPopup |
user32.dll | AppendMenuA |
user32.dll | AppendMenuW |
user32.dll | ArrangeIconicWindows |
user32.dll | BeginDeferWindowPos |
user32.dll | BringWindowToTop |
user32.dll | BroadcastSystemMessageExA |
user32.dll | BroadcastSystemMessageExW |
user32.dll | BroadcastSystemMessageW |
user32.dll | CallMsgFilterA |
user32.dll | CallMsgFilterW |
user32.dll | CallNextHookEx |
user32.dll | CallWindowProcA |
user32.dll | CallWindowProcW |
user32.dll | CascadeWindows |
user32.dll | CharLowerA |
user32.dll | CharLowerBuffA |
user32.dll | CharLowerBuffW |
user32.dll | CharLowerW |
user32.dll | CharNextA |
user32.dll | CharNextExA |
user32.dll | CharNextW |
user32.dll | CharPrevA |
user32.dll | CharPrevExA |
user32.dll | CharPrevW |
user32.dll | CharToOemBuffA |
user32.dll | CharToOemBuffW |
user32.dll | CharToOemW |
user32.dll | CharUpperA |
user32.dll | CharUpperBuffA |
user32.dll | CharUpperBuffW |
user32.dll | CharUpperW |
user32.dll | CheckMenuItem |
user32.dll | CheckMenuRadioItem |
user32.dll | ChildWindowFromPoint |
user32.dll | CloseWindow |
user32.dll | CopyAcceleratorTableA |
user32.dll | CopyIcon |
user32.dll | CreateAcceleratorTableA |
user32.dll | CreateCursor |
user32.dll | CreateDesktopA |
user32.dll | CreateDesktopExA |
user32.dll | CreateDesktopExW |
user32.dll | CreateDesktopW |
user32.dll | CreateIcon |
user32.dll | CreateIconIndirect |
user32.dll | CreateMenu |
user32.dll | CreatePopupMenu |
user32.dll | DdeAbandonTransaction |
user32.dll | DdeAccessData |
user32.dll | DdeAddData |
user32.dll | DdeCmpStringHandles |
user32.dll | DdeCreateDataHandle |
user32.dll | DdeCreateStringHandleA |
user32.dll | DdeCreateStringHandleW |
user32.dll | DdeFreeDataHandle |
user32.dll | DdeFreeStringHandle |
user32.dll | DdeGetData |
user32.dll | DdeGetLastError |
user32.dll | DdeImpersonateClient |
user32.dll | DdeKeepStringHandle |
user32.dll | DdeQueryConvInfo |
user32.dll | DdeQueryNextServer |
user32.dll | DdeQueryStringA |
user32.dll | DdeQueryStringW |
user32.dll | DdeSetQualityOfService |
user32.dll | DdeSetUserHandle |
user32.dll | DdeUnaccessData |
user32.dll | DdeUninitialize |
user32.dll | DefRawInputProc |
user32.dll | DeregisterShellHookWindow |
user32.dll | DestroyAcceleratorTable |
user32.dll | DestroyCaret |
user32.dll | DestroyCursor |
user32.dll | DisableProcessWindowsGhosting |
user32.dll | DispatchMessageA |
user32.dll | DispatchMessageW |
user32.dll | DrawIcon |
user32.dll | DrawIconEx |
user32.dll | DrawMenuBar |
user32.dll | EnableMenuItem |
user32.dll | EnableWindow |
user32.dll | EndDeferWindowPos |
user32.dll | EndTask |
user32.dll | EnumChildWindows |
user32.dll | EnumClipboardFormats |
user32.dll | EnumDesktopsA |
user32.dll | EnumDesktopsW |
user32.dll | EnumDesktopWindows |
user32.dll | EnumPropsA |
user32.dll | EnumPropsExA |
user32.dll | EnumPropsExW |
user32.dll | EnumPropsW |
user32.dll | EnumThreadWindows |
user32.dll | EnumWindows |
user32.dll | EnumWindowStationsA |
user32.dll | EnumWindowStationsW |
user32.dll | FindWindowA |
user32.dll | FindWindowExA |
user32.dll | FindWindowExW |
user32.dll | FindWindowW |
user32.dll | FlashWindow |
user32.dll | FreeDDElParam |
user32.dll | GetActiveWindow |
user32.dll | GetAltTabInfoA |
user32.dll | GetAltTabInfoW |
user32.dll | GetAsyncKeyState |
user32.dll | GetCapture |
user32.dll | GetClassLongA |
user32.dll | GetClassLongW |
user32.dll | GetClassNameA |
user32.dll | GetClassNameW |
user32.dll | GetClassWord |
user32.dll | GetClientRect |
user32.dll | GetClipboardData |
user32.dll | GetClipboardFormatNameA |
user32.dll | GetClipboardFormatNameW |
user32.dll | GetCursor |
user32.dll | GetCursorPos |
user32.dll | GetDesktopWindow |
user32.dll | GetDialogBaseUnits |
user32.dll | GetDlgCtrlID |
user32.dll | GetDlgItem |
user32.dll | GetFocus |
user32.dll | GetIconInfo |
user32.dll | GetInputState |
user32.dll | GetKBCodePage |
user32.dll | GetKeyboardLayout |
user32.dll | GetKeyboardLayoutNameA |
user32.dll | GetKeyboardLayoutNameW |
user32.dll | GetKeyboardType |
user32.dll | GetKeyNameTextA |
user32.dll | GetKeyNameTextW |
user32.dll | GetKeyState |
user32.dll | GetLastActivePopup |
user32.dll | GetLastInputInfo |
user32.dll | GetMenu |
user32.dll | GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions |
user32.dll | GetMenuContextHelpId |
user32.dll | GetMenuDefaultItem |
user32.dll | GetMenuInfo |
user32.dll | GetMenuItemCount |
user32.dll | GetMenuItemID |
user32.dll | GetMenuItemInfoA |
user32.dll | GetMenuItemInfoW |
user32.dll | GetMenuState |
user32.dll | GetMenuStringA |
user32.dll | GetMenuStringW |
user32.dll | GetMessageA |
user32.dll | GetMessageExtraInfo |
user32.dll | GetMessagePos |
user32.dll | GetMessageTime |
user32.dll | GetMessageW |
user32.dll | GetNextDlgGroupItem |
user32.dll | GetNextDlgTabItem |
user32.dll | GetParent |
user32.dll | GetProcessDefaultLayout |
user32.dll | GetPropA |
user32.dll | GetPropW |
user32.dll | GetQueueStatus |
user32.dll | GetRawInputBuffer |
user32.dll | GetRawInputDeviceInfoA |
user32.dll | GetRawInputDeviceInfoW |
user32.dll | GetShellWindow |
user32.dll | GetSubMenu |
user32.dll | GetSysColor |
user32.dll | GetSystemMetrics |
user32.dll | GetThreadDesktop |
user32.dll | GetTopWindow |
user32.dll | GetUserObjectInformationA |
user32.dll | GetUserObjectSecurity |
user32.dll | GetWindow |
user32.dll | GetWindowContextHelpId |
user32.dll | GetWindowInfo |
user32.dll | GetWindowLongA |
user32.dll | GetWindowLongW |
user32.dll | GetWindowModuleFileNameA |
user32.dll | GetWindowModuleFileNameW |
user32.dll | GetWindowRect |
user32.dll | GetWindowThreadProcessId |
user32.dll | InSendMessage |
user32.dll | InSendMessageEx |
user32.dll | InsertMenuA |
user32.dll | InsertMenuItemA |
user32.dll | InsertMenuItemW |
user32.dll | InsertMenuW |
user32.dll | InternalGetWindowText |
user32.dll | IsCharAlphaA |
user32.dll | IsCharAlphaNumericA |
user32.dll | IsCharAlphaNumericW |
user32.dll | IsCharAlphaW |
user32.dll | IsCharLowerA |
user32.dll | IsCharUpperA |
user32.dll | IsCharUpperW |
user32.dll | IsChild |
user32.dll | IsGUIThread |
user32.dll | IsHungAppWindow |
user32.dll | IsIconic |
user32.dll | IsMenu |
user32.dll | IsWindow |
user32.dll | IsWindowEnabled |
user32.dll | IsWindowUnicode |
user32.dll | IsWindowVisible |
user32.dll | IsWinEventHookInstalled |
user32.dll | IsWow64Message |
user32.dll | IsZoomed |
user32.dll | keybd_event |
user32.dll | LoadAcceleratorsA |
user32.dll | LoadAcceleratorsW |
user32.dll | LoadMenuA |
user32.dll | LoadMenuW |
user32.dll | LoadStringA |
user32.dll | LoadStringW |
user32.dll | LockSetForegroundWindow |
user32.dll | LookupIconIdFromDirectory |
user32.dll | LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx |
user32.dll | MapDialogRect |
user32.dll | MapVirtualKeyA |
user32.dll | MapVirtualKeyExA |
user32.dll | MapVirtualKeyExW |
user32.dll | MapVirtualKeyW |
user32.dll | MessageBeep |
user32.dll | ModifyMenuA |
user32.dll | ModifyMenuW |
user32.dll | mouse_event |
user32.dll | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects |
user32.dll | MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx |
user32.dll | OemKeyScan |
user32.dll | OemToCharBuffA |
user32.dll | OemToCharBuffW |
user32.dll | OpenClipboard |
user32.dll | OpenDesktopA |
user32.dll | OpenDesktopW |
user32.dll | OpenIcon |
user32.dll | OpenWindowStationA |
user32.dll | OpenWindowStationW |
user32.dll | PackDDElParam |
user32.dll | PeekMessageA |
user32.dll | PeekMessageW |
user32.dll | PostQuitMessage |
user32.dll | PostThreadMessageA |
user32.dll | PostThreadMessageW |
user32.dll | RealGetWindowClassW |
user32.dll | RegisterDeviceNotificationA |
user32.dll | RegisterDeviceNotificationW |
user32.dll | RegisterPowerSettingNotification |
user32.dll | RegisterShellHookWindow |
user32.dll | RegisterWindowMessageA |
user32.dll | RegisterWindowMessageW |
user32.dll | ReleaseCapture |
user32.dll | RemovePropA |
user32.dll | RemovePropW |
user32.dll | ReplyMessage |
user32.dll | ReuseDDElParam |
user32.dll | SendMessageCallbackA |
user32.dll | SendMessageCallbackW |
user32.dll | SendMessageTimeoutA |
user32.dll | SendMessageTimeoutW |
user32.dll | SendNotifyMessageA |
user32.dll | SendNotifyMessageW |
user32.dll | SetCaretBlinkTime |
user32.dll | SetCaretPos |
user32.dll | SetClassLongA |
user32.dll | SetClassLongW |
user32.dll | SetClipboardData |
user32.dll | SetCursorPos |
user32.dll | SetDoubleClickTime |
user32.dll | SetForegroundWindow |
user32.dll | SetLastErrorEx |
user32.dll | SetMenu |
user32.dll | SetMenuInfo |
user32.dll | SetMenuItemBitmaps |
user32.dll | SetMenuItemInfoA |
user32.dll | SetMenuItemInfoW |
user32.dll | SetMessageExtraInfo |
user32.dll | SetProcessDefaultLayout |
user32.dll | SetPropA |
user32.dll | SetPropW |
user32.dll | SetScrollInfo |
user32.dll | SetScrollPos |
user32.dll | SetScrollRange |
user32.dll | SetSysColors |
user32.dll | SetUserObjectSecurity |
user32.dll | SetWindowContextHelpId |
user32.dll | SetWindowLongA |
user32.dll | SetWindowLongW |
user32.dll | SetWindowsHookExA |
user32.dll | SetWindowsHookExW |
user32.dll | SetWinEventHook |
user32.dll | ShowCursor |
user32.dll | ShowOwnedPopups |
user32.dll | SwapMouseButton |
user32.dll | SwitchDesktop |
user32.dll | SwitchToThisWindow |
user32.dll | SystemParametersInfoA |
user32.dll | SystemParametersInfoW |
user32.dll | TileWindows |
user32.dll | ToAscii |
user32.dll | ToAsciiEx |
user32.dll | ToUnicode |
user32.dll | ToUnicodeEx |
user32.dll | TrackPopupMenu |
user32.dll | TranslateAcceleratorA |
user32.dll | TranslateAcceleratorW |
user32.dll | TranslateMessage |
user32.dll | UnloadKeyboardLayout |
user32.dll | UnpackDDElParam |
user32.dll | UnregisterClassA |
user32.dll | UnregisterClassW |
user32.dll | UnregisterDeviceNotification |
user32.dll | UnregisterPowerSettingNotification |
user32.dll | UpdateLayeredWindow |
user32.dll | VkKeyScanA |
user32.dll | VkKeyScanExA |
user32.dll | VkKeyScanExW |
user32.dll | VkKeyScanW |
user32.dll | WaitForInputIdle |
userenv.dll | CreateEnvironmentBlock |
userenv.dll | DeleteProfileA |
userenv.dll | DeleteProfileW |
userenv.dll | DestroyEnvironmentBlock |
userenv.dll | EnterCriticalPolicySection |
userenv.dll | ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserA |
userenv.dll | ExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW |
userenv.dll | FreeGPOListA |
userenv.dll | FreeGPOListW |
userenv.dll | GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryA |
userenv.dll | GetAllUsersProfileDirectoryW |
userenv.dll | GetAppliedGPOListA |
userenv.dll | GetAppliedGPOListW |
userenv.dll | GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryA |
userenv.dll | GetDefaultUserProfileDirectoryW |
userenv.dll | GetGPOListA |
userenv.dll | GetGPOListW |
userenv.dll | GetProfilesDirectoryA |
userenv.dll | GetProfilesDirectoryW |
userenv.dll | GetProfileType |
userenv.dll | GetUserProfileDirectoryA |
userenv.dll | GetUserProfileDirectoryW |
userenv.dll | LeaveCriticalPolicySection |
userenv.dll | LoadUserProfileA |
userenv.dll | LoadUserProfileW |
userenv.dll | ProcessGroupPolicyCompleted |
userenv.dll | ProcessGroupPolicyCompletedEx |
userenv.dll | RefreshPolicy |
userenv.dll | RefreshPolicyEx |
userenv.dll | RegisterGPNotification |
userenv.dll | RsopAccessCheckByType |
userenv.dll | RsopFileAccessCheck |
userenv.dll | RsopResetPolicySettingStatus |
userenv.dll | RsopSetPolicySettingStatus |
userenv.dll | UnloadUserProfile |
userenv.dll | UnregisterGPNotification |
verifier.dll | VerifierEnumerateResource |
version.dll | VerFindFileA |
version.dll | VerFindFileW |
version.dll | VerLanguageNameA |
version.dll | VerLanguageNameW |
version.dll | VerQueryValueA |
version.dll | VerQueryValueW |
vssapi.dll | CreateVssBackupComponentsInternal |
wecapi.dll | EcClose |
wecapi.dll | EcDeleteSubscription |
wecapi.dll | EcEnumNextSubscription |
wecapi.dll | EcGetObjectArrayProperty |
wecapi.dll | EcGetObjectArraySize |
wecapi.dll | EcGetSubscriptionProperty |
wecapi.dll | EcGetSubscriptionRunTimeStatus |
wecapi.dll | EcInsertObjectArrayElement |
wecapi.dll | EcOpenSubscription |
wecapi.dll | EcOpenSubscriptionEnum |
wecapi.dll | EcRemoveObjectArrayElement |
wecapi.dll | EcRetrySubscription |
wecapi.dll | EcSaveSubscription |
wecapi.dll | EcSetObjectArrayProperty |
wecapi.dll | EcSetSubscriptionProperty |
wer.dll | WerAddExcludedApplication |
wer.dll | WerRemoveExcludedApplication |
wer.dll | WerReportAddDump |
wer.dll | WerReportAddFile |
wer.dll | WerReportCloseHandle |
wer.dll | WerReportCreate |
wer.dll | WerReportSetParameter |
wer.dll | WerReportSetUIOption |
wevtapi.dll | EvtArchiveExportedLog |
wevtapi.dll | EvtCancel |
wevtapi.dll | EvtClearLog |
wevtapi.dll | EvtClose |
wevtapi.dll | EvtCreateBookmark |
wevtapi.dll | EvtCreateRenderContext |
wevtapi.dll | EvtExportLog |
wevtapi.dll | EvtFormatMessage |
wevtapi.dll | EvtGetChannelConfigProperty |
wevtapi.dll | EvtGetEventInfo |
wevtapi.dll | EvtGetEventMetadataProperty |
wevtapi.dll | EvtGetExtendedStatus |
wevtapi.dll | EvtGetLogInfo |
wevtapi.dll | EvtGetObjectArrayProperty |
wevtapi.dll | EvtGetObjectArraySize |
wevtapi.dll | EvtGetPublisherMetadataProperty |
wevtapi.dll | EvtNext |
wevtapi.dll | EvtNextChannelPath |
wevtapi.dll | EvtNextEventMetadata |
wevtapi.dll | EvtNextPublisherId |
wevtapi.dll | EvtOpenChannelConfig |
wevtapi.dll | EvtOpenChannelEnum |
wevtapi.dll | EvtOpenEventMetadataEnum |
wevtapi.dll | EvtOpenLog |
wevtapi.dll | EvtOpenPublisherEnum |
wevtapi.dll | EvtOpenPublisherMetadata |
wevtapi.dll | EvtOpenSession |
wevtapi.dll | EvtQuery |
wevtapi.dll | EvtRender |
wevtapi.dll | EvtSaveChannelConfig |
wevtapi.dll | EvtSeek |
wevtapi.dll | EvtSetChannelConfigProperty |
wevtapi.dll | EvtSubscribe |
wevtapi.dll | EvtUpdateBookmark |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpAddRequestHeaders |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpCheckPlatform |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpCrackUrl |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpCreateUrl |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpGetDefaultProxyConfiguration |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpQueryAuthSchemes |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpQueryDataAvailable |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpQueryHeaders |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpReadData |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpSetCredentials |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpSetTimeouts |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpTimeFromSystemTime |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpTimeToSystemTime |
winhttp.dll | WinHttpWriteData |
wininet.dll | CreateMD5SSOHash |
wininet.dll | FtpCommandA |
wininet.dll | FtpCommandW |
wininet.dll | FtpGetCurrentDirectoryA |
wininet.dll | FtpGetCurrentDirectoryW |
wininet.dll | FtpRemoveDirectoryA |
wininet.dll | FtpRemoveDirectoryW |
wininet.dll | FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA |
wininet.dll | FtpSetCurrentDirectoryW |
wininet.dll | GopherCreateLocatorA |
wininet.dll | GopherFindFirstFileA |
wininet.dll | GopherGetAttributeA |
wininet.dll | GopherGetLocatorTypeA |
wininet.dll | GopherOpenFileA |
wininet.dll | HttpAddRequestHeadersA |
wininet.dll | HttpAddRequestHeadersW |
wininet.dll | HttpQueryInfoA |
wininet.dll | HttpQueryInfoW |
wininet.dll | InternetCanonicalizeUrlA |
wininet.dll | InternetCanonicalizeUrlW |
wininet.dll | InternetClearAllPerSiteCookieDecisions |
wininet.dll | InternetCombineUrlA |
wininet.dll | InternetCombineUrlW |
wininet.dll | InternetCreateUrlA |
wininet.dll | InternetCreateUrlW |
wininet.dll | InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA |
wininet.dll | InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionW |
wininet.dll | InternetGetLastResponseInfoA |
wininet.dll | InternetGetLastResponseInfoW |
wininet.dll | InternetGetPerSiteCookieDecisionA |
wininet.dll | InternetGetPerSiteCookieDecisionW |
wininet.dll | InternetOpenUrlA |
wininet.dll | InternetOpenUrlW |
wininet.dll | InternetReadFileExA |
wininet.dll | InternetReadFileExW |
wininet.dll | InternetSetFilePointer |
wininet.dll | InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA |
wininet.dll | InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW |
wininet.dll | InternetTimeToSystemTimeA |
wininet.dll | InternetTimeToSystemTimeW |
wininet.dll | PrivacyGetZonePreferenceW |
wininet.dll | PrivacySetZonePreferenceW |
wininet.dll | ReadUrlCacheEntryStream |
wininet.dll | ResumeSuspendedDownload |
winmm.dll | mciDriverYield |
winmm.dll | mciFreeCommandResource |
winmm.dll | mciGetDriverData |
winmm.dll | mciSetDriverData |
winscard.dll | SCardAddReaderToGroupA |
winscard.dll | SCardAddReaderToGroupW |
winscard.dll | SCardBeginTransaction |
winscard.dll | SCardCancel |
winscard.dll | SCardControl |
winscard.dll | SCardDisconnect |
winscard.dll | SCardEndTransaction |
winscard.dll | SCardForgetCardTypeA |
winscard.dll | SCardForgetCardTypeW |
winscard.dll | SCardForgetReaderA |
winscard.dll | SCardForgetReaderGroupA |
winscard.dll | SCardForgetReaderGroupW |
winscard.dll | SCardForgetReaderW |
winscard.dll | SCardFreeMemory |
winscard.dll | SCardGetAttrib |
winscard.dll | SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameA |
winscard.dll | SCardGetCardTypeProviderNameW |
winscard.dll | SCardGetProviderIdA |
winscard.dll | SCardGetProviderIdW |
winscard.dll | SCardIntroduceCardTypeA |
winscard.dll | SCardIntroduceCardTypeW |
winscard.dll | SCardIntroduceReaderA |
winscard.dll | SCardIntroduceReaderGroupA |
winscard.dll | SCardIntroduceReaderGroupW |
winscard.dll | SCardIntroduceReaderW |
winscard.dll | SCardIsValidContext |
winscard.dll | SCardListCardsA |
winscard.dll | SCardListCardsW |
winscard.dll | SCardListInterfacesA |
winscard.dll | SCardListInterfacesW |
winscard.dll | SCardListReaderGroupsA |
winscard.dll | SCardListReaderGroupsW |
winscard.dll | SCardReconnect |
winscard.dll | SCardReleaseContext |
winscard.dll | SCardReleaseStartedEvent |
winscard.dll | SCardRemoveReaderFromGroupA |
winscard.dll | SCardRemoveReaderFromGroupW |
winscard.dll | SCardSetAttrib |
winscard.dll | SCardSetCardTypeProviderNameA |
winscard.dll | SCardSetCardTypeProviderNameW |
winscard.dll | SCardStatusA |
winscard.dll | SCardStatusW |
winscard.dll | SCardTransmit |
winsta.dll | WinStationQueryInformationW |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATAdminAcquireContext |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATAdminAddCatalog |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATAdminCalcHashFromFileHandle |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATAdminEnumCatalogFromHash |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATAdminReleaseCatalogContext |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATAdminReleaseContext |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATAdminRemoveCatalog |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATAdminResolveCatalogPath |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATCatalogInfoFromContext |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATClose |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATEnumerateAttr |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATEnumerateCatAttr |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATEnumerateMember |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATGetAttrInfo |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATGetMemberInfo |
wintrust.dll | CryptCATOpen |
wintrust.dll | IsCatalogFile |
wintrust.dll | OpenPersonalTrustDBDialog |
wintrust.dll | OpenPersonalTrustDBDialogEx |
wintrust.dll | WintrustAddActionID |
wintrust.dll | WintrustGetRegPolicyFlags |
wintrust.dll | WintrustRemoveActionID |
wintrust.dll | WintrustSetDefaultIncludePEPageHashes |
wintrust.dll | WintrustSetRegPolicyFlags |
wintrust.dll | WTHelperCertCheckValidSignature |
wintrust.dll | WTHelperCertFindIssuerCertificate |
wintrust.dll | WTHelperCertIsSelfSigned |
wintrust.dll | WTHelperGetProvCertFromChain |
wintrust.dll | WTHelperGetProvPrivateDataFromChain |
wintrust.dll | WTHelperGetProvSignerFromChain |
wldap32.dll | ber_alloc_t |
wldap32.dll | ber_bvdup |
wldap32.dll | ber_bvecfree |
wldap32.dll | ber_bvfree |
wldap32.dll | ber_first_element |
wldap32.dll | ber_flatten |
wldap32.dll | ber_free |
wldap32.dll | ber_init |
wldap32.dll | ber_next_element |
wldap32.dll | ber_peek_tag |
wldap32.dll | ber_printf |
wldap32.dll | ber_scanf |
wldap32.dll | ber_skip_tag |
wldap32.dll | ldap_check_filterA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_check_filterW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_conn_from_msg |
wldap32.dll | ldap_control_freeA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_control_freeW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_controls_freeA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_controls_freeW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_count_entries |
wldap32.dll | ldap_count_references |
wldap32.dll | ldap_count_values |
wldap32.dll | ldap_count_valuesW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_create_page_controlA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_create_page_controlW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_create_sort_controlA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_create_sort_controlW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_create_vlv_controlA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_create_vlv_controlW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_dn2ufn |
wldap32.dll | ldap_dn2ufnW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_encode_sort_controlA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_encode_sort_controlW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_err2string |
wldap32.dll | ldap_err2stringW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_escape_filter_element |
wldap32.dll | ldap_escape_filter_elementW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_explode_dn |
wldap32.dll | ldap_explode_dnW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_first_attribute |
wldap32.dll | ldap_first_attributeW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_first_entry |
wldap32.dll | ldap_first_reference |
wldap32.dll | ldap_get_dn |
wldap32.dll | ldap_get_dnW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_get_option |
wldap32.dll | ldap_get_optionW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_get_values |
wldap32.dll | ldap_get_values_len |
wldap32.dll | ldap_get_values_lenW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_get_valuesA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_get_valuesW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_memfree |
wldap32.dll | ldap_memfreeW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_msgfree |
wldap32.dll | ldap_next_attribute |
wldap32.dll | ldap_next_attributeW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_next_entry |
wldap32.dll | ldap_next_reference |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_extended_resultA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_extended_resultW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_page_controlA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_page_controlW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_referenceA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_referenceW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_resultA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_resultW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_sort_controlA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_sort_controlW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_vlv_controlA |
wldap32.dll | ldap_parse_vlv_controlW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_perror |
wldap32.dll | ldap_result2error |
wldap32.dll | ldap_ufn2dn |
wldap32.dll | ldap_ufn2dnW |
wldap32.dll | ldap_value_free |
wldap32.dll | ldap_value_freeW |
wldap32.dll | LdapGetLastError |
wldap32.dll | LdapMapErrorToWin32 |
wldap32.dll | LdapUnicodeToUTF8 |
wldap32.dll | LdapUTF8ToUnicode |
wow32.dll | WOWCallback16 |
wow32.dll | WOWCallback16Ex |
wow32.dll | WOWGetVDMPointer |
wow32.dll | WOWGlobalAlloc16 |
wow32.dll | WOWGlobalAllocLock16 |
wow32.dll | WOWGlobalFree16 |
wow32.dll | WOWGlobalLock16 |
wow32.dll | WOWGlobalLockSize16 |
wow32.dll | WOWGlobalUnlock16 |
wow32.dll | WOWGlobalUnlockFree16 |
wow32.dll | WOWHandle16 |
wow32.dll | WOWHandle32 |
ws2_32.dll | __WSAFDIsSet |
ws2_32.dll | accept |
ws2_32.dll | bind |
ws2_32.dll | closesocket |
ws2_32.dll | freeaddrinfo |
ws2_32.dll | FreeAddrInfoEx |
ws2_32.dll | getpeername |
ws2_32.dll | getprotobyname |
ws2_32.dll | getprotobynumber |
ws2_32.dll | getsockname |
ws2_32.dll | getsockopt |
ws2_32.dll | htonl |
ws2_32.dll | htons |
ws2_32.dll | inet_addr |
ws2_32.dll | ioctlsocket |
ws2_32.dll | listen |
ws2_32.dll | recv |
ws2_32.dll | recvfrom |
ws2_32.dll | select |
ws2_32.dll | send |
ws2_32.dll | sendto |
ws2_32.dll | setsockopt |
ws2_32.dll | shutdown |
ws2_32.dll | socket |
ws2_32.dll | WSAAccept |
ws2_32.dll | WSAAddressToStringA |
ws2_32.dll | WSAAddressToStringW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAAsyncSelect |
ws2_32.dll | WSACancelAsyncRequest |
ws2_32.dll | WSACleanup |
ws2_32.dll | WSACloseEvent |
ws2_32.dll | WSAConnect |
ws2_32.dll | WSAConnectByList |
ws2_32.dll | WSACreateEvent |
ws2_32.dll | WSADuplicateSocketA |
ws2_32.dll | WSADuplicateSocketW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersA |
ws2_32.dll | WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersExA |
ws2_32.dll | WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersExW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAEnumNameSpaceProvidersW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAEnumNetworkEvents |
ws2_32.dll | WSAEnumProtocolsA |
ws2_32.dll | WSAEnumProtocolsW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAEventSelect |
ws2_32.dll | WSAGetLastError |
ws2_32.dll | WSAGetOverlappedResult |
ws2_32.dll | WSAGetQOSByName |
ws2_32.dll | WSAGetServiceClassInfoA |
ws2_32.dll | WSAGetServiceClassInfoW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdA |
ws2_32.dll | WSAGetServiceClassNameByClassIdW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAHtonl |
ws2_32.dll | WSAHtons |
ws2_32.dll | WSAInstallServiceClassA |
ws2_32.dll | WSAInstallServiceClassW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAIoctl |
ws2_32.dll | WSAJoinLeaf |
ws2_32.dll | WSALookupServiceBeginA |
ws2_32.dll | WSALookupServiceBeginW |
ws2_32.dll | WSALookupServiceEnd |
ws2_32.dll | WSAPoll |
ws2_32.dll | WSAProviderConfigChange |
ws2_32.dll | WSARecv |
ws2_32.dll | WSARecvDisconnect |
ws2_32.dll | WSARecvFrom |
ws2_32.dll | WSARemoveServiceClass |
ws2_32.dll | WSAResetEvent |
ws2_32.dll | WSASend |
ws2_32.dll | WSASendDisconnect |
ws2_32.dll | WSASendMsg |
ws2_32.dll | WSASendTo |
ws2_32.dll | WSASetEvent |
ws2_32.dll | WSASetLastError |
ws2_32.dll | WSASetServiceA |
ws2_32.dll | WSASetServiceW |
ws2_32.dll | WSASocketA |
ws2_32.dll | WSASocketW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAStringToAddressA |
ws2_32.dll | WSAStringToAddressW |
ws2_32.dll | WSAWaitForMultipleEvents |
ws2_32.dll | WSCDeinstallProvider |
ws2_32.dll | WSCEnableNSProvider |
ws2_32.dll | WSCEnumProtocols |
ws2_32.dll | WSCGetApplicationCategory |
ws2_32.dll | WSCGetProviderInfo |
ws2_32.dll | WSCGetProviderPath |
ws2_32.dll | WSCInstallNameSpace |
ws2_32.dll | WSCInstallNameSpaceEx |
ws2_32.dll | WSCSetApplicationCategory |
ws2_32.dll | WSCSetProviderInfo |
ws2_32.dll | WSCUnInstallNameSpace |
ws2_32.dll | WSCUpdateProvider |
ws2_32.dll | WSCWriteNameSpaceOrder |
ws2_32.dll | WSCWriteProviderOrder |
wsdapi.dll | WSDAllocateLinkedMemory |
wsdapi.dll | WSDAttachLinkedMemory |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateDeviceHost |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateDeviceHostAdvanced |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateDeviceProxy |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateDeviceProxyAdvanced |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateDiscoveryProvider |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateHttpMessageParameters |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateOutboundAttachment |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateUdpMessageParameters |
wsdapi.dll | WSDCreateUdpTransport |
wsdapi.dll | WSDDetachLinkedMemory |
wsdapi.dll | WSDFreeLinkedMemory |
wsdapi.dll | WSDGenerateFault |
wsdapi.dll | WSDGenerateFaultEx |
wsdapi.dll | WSDXMLAddChild |
wsdapi.dll | WSDXMLAddSibling |
wsdapi.dll | WSDXMLBuildAnyForSingleElement |
wsdapi.dll | WSDXMLCreateContext |
wsdapi.dll | WSDXMLGetNameFromBuiltinNamespace |
wsdapi.dll | WSDXMLGetValueFromAny |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpCancelMsg |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpCleanup |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpCleanupEx |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpClose |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpContextToStr |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpCountVbl |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpCreatePdu |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpCreateSession |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpCreateVbl |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpDecodeMsg |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpDeleteVb |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpDuplicatePdu |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpDuplicateVbl |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpEncodeMsg |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpEntityToStr |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpFreeContext |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpFreeDescriptor |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpFreeEntity |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpFreePdu |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpFreeVbl |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpGetLastError |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpGetPduData |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpGetRetransmitMode |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpGetRetry |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpGetTimeout |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpGetTranslateMode |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpGetVb |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpGetVendorInfo |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpListen |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpOidCompare |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpOidCopy |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpOidToStr |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpOpen |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpRecvMsg |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpRegister |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpSendMsg |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpSetPduData |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpSetPort |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpSetRetransmitMode |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpSetRetry |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpSetTimeout |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpSetTranslateMode |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpSetVb |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpStartup |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpStartupEx |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpStrToContext |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpStrToEntity |
wsnmp32.dll | SnmpStrToOid |
wsock32.dll | EnumProtocolsA |
wsock32.dll | EnumProtocolsW |
wsock32.dll | GetAddressByNameA |
wsock32.dll | GetAddressByNameW |
wsock32.dll | GetNameByTypeA |
wsock32.dll | GetNameByTypeW |
wsock32.dll | getpeername |
wsock32.dll | GetServiceA |
wsock32.dll | GetServiceW |
wsock32.dll | getsockname |
wsock32.dll | GetTypeByNameA |
wsock32.dll | GetTypeByNameW |
wsock32.dll | SetServiceA |
wsock32.dll | SetServiceW |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSCloseServer |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSDisconnectSession |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSEnumerateProcessesA |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSEnumerateProcessesW |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSEnumerateServersA |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSEnumerateServersW |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSEnumerateSessionsA |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSEnumerateSessionsW |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSFreeMemory |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSLogoffSession |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSOpenServerA |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSOpenServerW |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSQuerySessionInformationA |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSQuerySessionInformationW |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSQueryUserConfigA |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSQueryUserConfigW |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSQueryUserToken |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSRegisterSessionNotification |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSSendMessageA |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSSendMessageW |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSSetUserConfigA |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSSetUserConfigW |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSShutdownSystem |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSTerminateProcess |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSUnRegisterSessionNotification |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSVirtualChannelClose |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSVirtualChannelOpen |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSVirtualChannelPurgeInput |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSVirtualChannelPurgeOutput |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSVirtualChannelQuery |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSVirtualChannelRead |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSVirtualChannelWrite |
wtsapi32.dll | WTSWaitSystemEvent |