ISchemaModelGroup Interface
[This feature was only implemented for MSXML 6.0.]
Provides a collection of some combination of the following objects: ISchemaElement
, ISchemaModelGroup
, and ISchemaAny
. The ISchemaModelGroup
object is returned from the modelGroups
property of the ISchema
interface or from the contentModel
property of the ISchemaComplexType
The types of items in the collection are specified in the itemType
property of the ISchemaItem
interface. The following table shows each itemType
and its corresponding collection content.
ISchema.itemType value | Content objects |
SOMITEM_ALL | A collection of one or more ISchemaElement objects. |
SOMITEM_CHOICE | A collection of one or more of the following objects: ISchemaElement , ISchemaModelGroup , and ISchemaAny . Each of these objects can occur zero or more times in the collection. |
SOMITEM_SEQUENCE | A collection of one or more of the following objects: ISchemaElement , ISchemaModelGroup , and ISchemaAny . Each of these objects can occur zero or more times in the collection. |
SOMITEM_EMPTYPARTICLE | An empty particle which contains a collection of zero particles. ISchemaComplexType.contentModel will return an empty particle when ISchemaComplexType.contentType = SCHEMACONTENTTYPE_EMPTY . |
particles | Retrieves the group model, based on the schema item type. This type is retrieved by calling ISchemaItem::itemType . |
JScript Syntax
var oSchemaModelGroups = oSchema.modelGroups
var oSchemaModelGroup = oSchemaModelGroups.item(index);
A long integer. An index of the item within the collection. The first item is zero.
Visual Basic Syntax
Set oSchemaModelGroups = oSchema.modelGroups
Set oSchemaModelGroup = oSchemaModelGroups.item
A long integer. An index of the item within the collection. The first item is zero.
C/C++ Syntax
HRESULT get_modelGroups(ISchemaItemCollection** particles);
HRESULT particles->get_item(long index, ISchemaModelGroup** modelGroup);
index [in]
A long integer. An index of the item within the collection. The first item is zero.
particles [out,retval]
An object. The ISchemaItemCollection
object of one or more of the following objects: ISchemaElement
, ISchemaModelGroup
, and ISchemaAny
, if any.
**Implementation:**msxml6.dll, msxml6.lib
Header and LIB files: msxml6.h, msxml6.lib, msxml6.idl
Inheritance: Inherits from the ISchemaParticle interface.
Implemented in: MSXML 6.0
See Also
ISchemaElement Interface
contentModel Property
ISchemaAny Interface
itemType Property1
SOM Reference