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Register the Extension to the Property Sheet of the Applications Snap-in

This topic discusses how to implement Steps 1 through 3 of the procedure, "To extend a primary snap-in property sheet", from the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) topic that discusses extending the property sheet of a snap-in. For more information, see Extending the Property Sheet of a Primary Snap-in.


In this topic, be aware that "{CLSID}", "{EXTID}", and "{nodetypeGUID}" all denote string representations of the specified CLSIDs and GUIDs. Strings must begin with an open brace ({) and end with a close brace (}).


As the steps are discussed, examples using the GUID values from the full code example will be included for illustration purposes. For more information about these GUID values, see the topic, Define All Required GUID Values.

  1. The CLSID of an extension to the property sheets of the Applications snap-in must be registered under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID key in the "{CLSID}" subkey as an in-process server DLL. The snap-in must also register a threading model for the snap-in CLSID. An apartment threading model is recommended.

    The code example uses a GUID of "{A2E38A7B-D9B2-4DFC-8569-1F5383061590}" to represent the extension to the property sheet for the Applications snap-in. The subkey created for this extension is:


    For more information about the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID key, see the CLSID Key topic in the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK). For more information and a code example, see Registering and Unregistering a Snap-in.

  2. All snap-ins must be registered under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns key in the "{snapinCLSID}" key. For more information about the SnapIns key, see Registering and Unregistering a Snap-in.

    For the code example, this key is as follows:


  3. Register the CLSID of the extension snap-in under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MMC\NodeTypes\{nodetypeGUID}\Extensions\PropertySheet subkey, where "{nodetypeGUID}" is the node type GUID of the node type whose property sheet is extended. For more information about the NodeTypes key, see Registration Requirements for Extension Snap-ins.

    For the Applications snap-in, all property sheet extensions will be registered under the following subkey:
