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Msvm_SwitchPort class

Represents a port on the switch.

The following syntax is simplified Managed Object Format (MOF) code, and it includes all of the inherited properties.


[Dynamic, Provider("VmmsWmiInstanceAndMethodProvider"), AMENDMENT]
class Msvm_SwitchPort : CIM_SwitchPort
  string   Caption = "Switch Port";
  string   ElementName;
  datetime InstallDate;
  uint16   HealthState = 5;
  string   OtherEnabledState;
  uint16   RequestedState = 12;
  string   SystemCreationClassName = "Msvm_VirtualSwitch";
  string   SystemName;
  string   CreationClassName = "Msvm_SwitchPort";
  string   Description = "Microsoft Virtual Switch Port";
  uint16   OperationalStatus[] = 2;
  uint16   EnabledState = 5;
  datetime TimeOfLastStateChange;
  uint16   ProtocolType;
  uint16   ProtocolIFType = 1;
  uint16   PortNumber;
  String   StatusDescriptions[] = "OK";
  uint16   EnabledDefault = 2;
  String   Name;
  String   NameFormat;
  String   OtherTypeDescription = "Virtual Ethernet";
  boolean  BroadcastResetSupported = FALSE;
  string   ScopeOfResidence;
  string   Status;
  uint32   VMQOffloadWeight = 100;
  string   AllowedIPv6Addresses[];
  string   AllowedIPv4Addresses[];
  boolean  PreventIPSpoofing;
  uint32   ChimneyOffloadWeight = 0;
  uint32   VMQOffloadUsage;
  uint32   ChimneyOffloadUsage;
  uint32   VMQOffloadLimit;
  uint32   ChimneyOffloadLimit;
  boolean  AllowMacSpoofing;


The Msvm_SwitchPort class has these types of members:


The Msvm_SwitchPort class has these methods.

Method Description
BroadcastReset This method is not supported.
RequestStateChange This method is not supported.


The Msvm_SwitchPort class has these properties.


Data type: string array

Access type: Read/write

The list of IPv4 addresses which are valid in ARP and neighbor Discovery packets.

Each address in the list must point a text string of an IPv4 address in dotted-decimal notation as in "", an example of an IPv4 address in dotted-decimalnotation.


Data type: string array

Access type: Read/write

The list of IPv6 addresses which are valid in ARP and neighbor Discovery packets.The basic string representation consists of 8 hexadecimal numbers separated by colons.A string of consecutive zero numbers may be replaced with a double-colon.There can only be one double-colon in the string representation of the IPv6 address.The last 32 bits may be represented in IPv4-style dotted-octet notationif the address is a IPv4-compatible address.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

Indicates whether the port will allow MAC spoofing.

Value Meaning
The port will allow MAC addresses to be spoofed. All valid unicast MAC address values are allowed except those of ports with the AllowMacSpoofing property set to FALSE.
The port will allow only MAC addresses configured within Hyper-V management to be used.

Windows Server 2008: The AllowMacSpoofing property is not supported until Windows Server 2008 R2.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Experimental, MappingStrings ("FC-SWAPI.INCITS-T11|SWAPI_PORT_CONFIG_CAPS_T.PortForceLipSupported"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.BroadcastReset")

Indicates whether the instrumentation supports the BroadcastReset method. This property is inherited from CIM_SwitchPort and is always set to FALSE.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (64)

A short textual description (one- line string) of the object. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement and is always set to "Switch Port".


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read/write

The current TCP Chimney Offloading resources limit on this port. The limit is the maximum usage of TCP Chimney Offloading resources on the port.

Windows Server 2008: The ChimneyOffloadLimit property is not supported until Windows Server 2008 R2.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read/write

The current TCP Chimney Offloading usage on this port. The usage is the amount of TCP Chimney Offloading resources in use on the port.

Windows Server 2008: The ChimneyOffloadUsage property is not supported until Windows Server 2008 R2.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read/write

The weight assigned to this port for TCP Chimney Offloading. The weight is the relative importance when assigning TCP Chimney Offloading resources. Setting the ChimneyOffloadWeight property to 0 disables TCP Chimney Offloading on the port. The default is 0.

Windows Server 2008: The ChimneyOffloadWeight property is not supported until Windows Server 2008 R2.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Key, MaxLen (256)

The name of the class or the subclass used in the creation of an instance. This property is inherited from CIM_ServiceAccessPoint and is always set to "Msvm_SwitchPort".


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifDescr")

A textual description of the object. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to "Microsoft Virtual Switch Port".


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

A user-friendly name for the object. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read/write

An administrator's default or startup configuration for the Enabled State of an element. This property is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement and is always set to 2 (Enabled).


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifAdminStatus")

The enabled and disabled states of this element. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to 5 (Not Applicable).

Not Applicable (5)

The element does not support being enabled or disabled.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

The current health of the element. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement and is always set to 5 (OK).

OK (5)

The element is fully functional and operates within normal operational parameters and without error.


Data type: datetime

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIF.DMTF|ComponentID|001.5")

A datetime value that indicates when the object was installed. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement and is not used.


Data type: String

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (256)

A string that identifies this protocol endpoint with either a port or an interface on a device. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.


Data type: String

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (256)

The naming heuristic that is selected to ensure that the value of the Name property is unique. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is not used.


Data type: uint16 array

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifOperStatus")

The current statuses of the element. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to 2 (OK).

OK (2)

Full functionality without errors.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.EnabledState")

The enabled or disabled state of the element when the EnabledState property is set to 1 ("Other"). This property is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement and is not used.


Data type: String

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MaxLen (64), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolType", "CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType")

A string that describes the type of protocol endpoint when the Type property of this class (or any of its subclasses) is set to 1 ("Other"). This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to "Virtual Ethernet".


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|BRIDGE-MIB.dot1dPort")

The numeric identifier for a switch port. This property is inherited from CIM_SwitchPort but it is not used.


Data type: boolean

Access type: Read/write

Indicates whether the IP spoofing prevention is enabled on the port.

TRUE: IP Spoofing checks will be enabled on ARP and Neighbor Discoverypackets. Router Advertisements and Router redirects will be blocked from the port

FALSE: No IP spoofing checks will be performed.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifType"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.OtherTypeDescription")

The IANA ifType MIB. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is always set to 1 (Other).


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Deprecated ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.OtherTypeDescription")

Information to categorize and classify different instances of this class. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is not used.


Data type: uint16

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_EnabledLogicalElement.EnabledState")

The last requested or desired state for the management service. This property is inherited from CIM_EnabledLogicalElement and is always set to 12 (Not Applicable).

Not Applicable (12)

Indicates that this instance does not support the RequestedState property.


Data type: string

Access type: Read/write

The AzMan scope for the switch service. This scope will be used when performing access checks for the switch service.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Override (Status)

The current status of the object. Operational and non-operational status can be defined. Operational status can include "OK", "Degraded", and "Pred Fail". "Pred Fail" indicates whether an element is functioning properly, but is predicting a failure (for example, a SMART-enabled hard disk drive).

Non-operational status can include "Error", "Starting", "Stopping", and "Service". "Service" can apply during disk mirror-resilvering, reloading a user permissions list, or other administrative work. Not all such work is online, but the managed element is neither "OK" nor in one of the other states.

This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement


Data type: String array

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: ArrayType ("Indexed"), ModelCorrespondence ("CIM_ManagedSystemElement.OperationalStatus")

Strings that describe the various OperationalStatus array values. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedSystemElement and is always set to "OK".


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Key, Propagated ("CIM_System.CreationClassName"), MaxLen (256)

The creation class name of the scoping system. This property is inherited from CIM_ServiceAccessPoint and is always set to "Msvm_VirtualSwitch".


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Key, Propagated ("CIM_System.Name"), MaxLen (256)

The system name of the scoping system. This property is inherited from CIM_ServiceAccessPoint.


Data type: datetime

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: MappingStrings ("MIB.IETF|IF-MIB.ifLastChange")

The date or time when the enabled state of the element last changed. This property is inherited from CIM_ProtocolEndpoint and is not used.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read/write

The current VMQ offloading limit on this port. The limit is the maximum usage of VMQ offloading resources on the port.

Windows Server 2008: The VMQOffloadLimit property is not supported until Windows Server 2008 R2.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read/write

The current VMQ offloading usage on this port. The usage is the amount of VMQ resources in use on the port.

Windows Server 2008: The VMQOffloadUsage property is not supported until Windows Server 2008 R2.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read/write

The weight assigned to this port for virtual machine queue (VMQ) offloading. The weight is the relative importance when assigning VMQ resources. Setting the VMQOffloadWeight property to 0 disables VMQ on the port. The default is 100.

Value Meaning
Disables VMQ on the port.
Default value.

Windows Server 2008: The VMQOffloadWeight property is not supported until Windows Server 2008 R2.


Access to the Msvm_SwitchPort class might be restricted by UAC Filtering. For more information, see User Account Control and WMI.


See Querying Networking Objects.


Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008
End of client support
None supported
End of server support
Windows Server 2012 R2

See also



Networking Classes