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How to Test an NDIS Miniport Driver (Windows CE 5.0)

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This procedure illustrates how to test an NDIS miniport driver for Windows CE-based devices. You will use the set of tests available in the Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 Test Kit (CETK) to test your driver.

After running these tests, the miniport driver for the NIC will qualify as a production quality driver.

Hardware and Software Assumptions

  • You are using the CETK to test your miniport driver. For more information about the CETK, see Windows CE Test Kit.

  • You are testing the driver for the following NICs:

    • Wired LAN NIC. The NIC must be designated as NdisMedium802_3, NdisMedium802_5, and NdisMediumFddi. The supported NICs can be retrieved by using OID_GEN_MEDIA_SUPPORTED.
    • Wireless LAN NIC (802.11)
    • RNDIS function driver
    • NDIS intermediate driver

    Note   This procedure does not apply to Bluetooth, IrDA, or Wireless WAN devices (CDMA/GPRS). Also, ATMs, Modems/Cable modems, or DSL devices cannot be tested using this procedure.

To track your progress in the following table, select the check box next to each step.

  Step Topic
1. Familiarize yourself with the CETK tests. How to Use the CETK to Test a Driver
2. Familiarize yourself with pass criteria for the NDIS tests. CETK NDIS Test Pass Criteria
3. Run all the test cases provided in the One-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test provided in the CETK. Running the One-Card NDIS Test

One-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test

4. Run all the test cases provided in the Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test provided in the CETK. Running the Two-Card NDIS Test

Two-Card Network Card Miniport Driver Test

5. Run all the test cases provided in the NDIS Two Card Network Test or Two Card in Two Machines Test provided in the CETK. Running the Two-Card in Two Machines NDIS Test for Media Sense
6. Run the Winsock Stress Test provided in the CETK to test Winsock and networking capabilities of the miniport driver by using the Perf_winsock2 tool. Running the Winsock Stress Test

Winsock Stress Test

7. Run the NDIS Performance test to measure the performance of the miniport driver by using Perf_ndis and Perf_winsock tools. Running Performance Tests for NDIS Miniport Drivers

NDIS Performance Test

8. (Optional) Run Winsock Performance test cases.
Note   This test is optional if you have already run the Winsock Stress Test described in Step 6.
Running Performance Tests for NDIS Miniport Drivers

Winsock Performance Test Cases

See Also

How to Develop a Connectionless NDIS Miniport Driver

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