Recognized Formats (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
The following list shows the two formats that the ACM codecs must recognize.
- PCM 16bits at either 8 or 16 KHz
- The particular format the codec handles (for example, G.723.1 or G.729)
Both of these formats are defined by a WAVEFORMATEX (Waveform Audio) structure. Therefore, all fields in the two recognized WAVEFORMATEX structures remain constant.
The following code example shows typical definition for the recognized WAVEFORMATEX structures.
WAVE_FORMAT_PCM, // wFormatTag
1, // nChannels
8000, // nSamplesPerSec
16000, // nAvgBytesPerSec
2, // nBlockAlign
16, // wBitsPerSample
2 // cbSize
WAVE_FORMAT_MSG711, // wFormatTag
1, // nChannels
8000, // nSamplesPerSec
800, // nAvgBytesPerSec
4, // nBlockAlign
0, // wBitsPerSample
2 // cbSize