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INTF_ENTRY_EX (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


This extended structure contains detailed information about an interface that is required by a remote procedure call (RPC) client.

It also includes information about the multicast cipher suite, Wireless Network Interface Card (WNIC) capabilities, and the pairwise master key (PMK) cache.


typedef struct
    LPWSTR          wszGuid;
    LPWSTR          wszDescr;
    ULONG           ulMediaState;
    ULONG           ulMediaType;
    ULONG           ulPhysicalMediaType;
    INT             nInfraMode;
    INT             nAuthMode;
    INT             nWepStatus;
    DWORD           dwCtlFlags;
    DWORD           dwCapabilities;
    RAW_DATA        rdSSID;
    RAW_DATA        rdBSSID;
    RAW_DATA        rdBSSIDList;
    RAW_DATA        rdStSSIDList;
    RAW_DATA        rdCtrlData;
    BOOL            bInitialized;
    DWORD           nWPAMCastCipher;
    ULONG           ulVersion;
    RAW_DATA        rdNicCapabilities;
    RAW_DATA        rdPMKCache;
    ULONG           PMKCacheFlags;


  • wszGuid
    Pointer to the interface GUID represented as a Unicode string in the following format: "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}".
  • wszDescr
    Pointer to a string that contains the interface description that is retrieved by the Wireless Automatic Configuration driver (WZCSVC) from Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS). For more information about this driver, see Automatic Configuration Subsystem.
  • ulMediaState
    Current NDIS media-connect state for the interface. The following table shows the possible values that are defined in Ndispnp.h.

    Media state Value







  • ulMediaType
    NDIS media types that the NIC currently uses. When queried, the value of this member is NdisMedium802_3 as defined in Ndispnp.h. For information about media types, see OID_GEN_MEDIA_IN_USE.
  • ulPhysicalMediaType
    NDIS media type for the interface. When queried, the value of this member is NdisPhysicalMediumWirelessLan as defined in Ndispnp.h. For more information about physical-media types, see OID_GEN_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM.
  • nWepStatus
    Current 802.11 Encryption mode set on the interface. The possible values are defined in the NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS enumeration.
  • dwCtlFlags
    Bitmask value that indicates how WZCSVC is operating on the interface. The following table shows the possible bit values.

    Value Description

    INTFCTL_CM_MASK (0x0007)

    Bitmask for the network-filter mode. INTFCTL_CM_MASK and dwCtlFlags result in a value of the type NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE. The resulting value indicates whether WZCSVC connects only to infrastructure networks, adhoc networks, or to both types of networks.

    INTFCTL_ENABLED (0x8000)

    Indicates whether or not WZCSVC should configure the interface.


    If a preferred network is not available, this value indicates whether WZCSVC should automatically configure the NIC to associate it to any available network.


    Indicates whether or not the NIC driver supports all the OIDs required by WZCSVC to function.


    Indicates whether or not the control flags for this interface should not be retained in the registry.

    INTFCTL_POLICY (0x0800)

    Indicates whether or not the control flags for this interface are pushed by a group policy.

    INTFCTL_8021XSUPP (0x1000)

    Indicates whether or not 802.1x support is enabled.

  • dwCapabilities
    Specifies the driver capabilities. The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description

    INTFCAP_MAX_CIPHER_MASK (0x000000ff)

    Bitmask value for the maximum supported cipher. INTFCAP_MAX_CIPHER_MASK and dwCapabilities result in a value of the type NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS

    INTFCAP_SSN (0x00000100)

    Indicates whether or not the NIC driver supports Wireless Protected Access.

  • rdSSID
    Binary data containing the 802.11 SSID currently configured on the interface. The pData member of rdSSID points to an NDIS_802_11_SSID object.
  • rdBSSID
    Binary data containing the 802.11 BSSID configured on the interface specified by an OID_802_11_BSSID value. The pData member of rdBSSID points to a variable of type NDIS_802_11_MAC_ADDRESS.
  • rdStSSIDList
    Binary data that contains the list of preferred networks configured for this interface. The pData member of rdStSSIDList points to a WZC_802_11_CONFIG_LIST object.
  • rdCtrlData
    Binary data used with other control flags, when setting additional parameters to the interface.
  • bInitialized
    Boolean value that determines if the caller using this structure has initialized it successfully.
  • nWPAMCastCipher
    DWORD that sets the multicast cipher suite. The possible values are defined in NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS.
  • ulVersion
    Specifies the version number.
  • rdNicCapabilities
    Points to an INTF_80211_CAPABILITY structure that indicates the capabilities of the NIC.
  • rdPMKCache
    Points to an NDIS_802_11_PMKID structure for the Wi-Fi driver that indicates the set of pairwise master key (PMK) IDs that should be set to the miniport adapter. For more information, see WPA2 Pre-Authentication.
  • PMKCacheFlags
    Specifies the pairwise master key (PMK) cache flags.

    The following table shows the possible values:

    Flag Value Description



    This value determines the enable/disable status of PMK caching.



    This value determines the enable/disable status of the opportunistic PMK cache algorithm.



    This value determines the enable/disable status of pre-authentication.



    This value is set-only, and it causes a PMK cache flush.

    For more information, see WPA2 Pre-Authentication.


The RAW_DATA structure is defined in Wzcsapi.h, as follows:

typedef struct
    DWORD   dwDataLen;
    LPBYTE  pData;

The pData member points to binary data. The dwDataLen indicates the number of bytes pointed by pData.


Header wzcsapi.h
Windows Embedded CE Windows Embedded CE 6.0 and later

See Also


Automatic Configuration Structures