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Basic Window Styles (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following table shows the styles supported by Windows Embedded CE.

Basic window style Description


Specifies a child window. This should not be changed after the window is created.


Excludes the area occupied by child windows when drawing occurs within the parent window. This style is used on the parent window. Windows Embedded CEā€“based windows always have the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style.


Excludes the area that is occupied by sibling windows above a window.


Specifies a window that is initially disabled. A disabled window cannot receive input from the user.


Specifies that a window cannot be activated. If a child window has this style, tapping it does not cause its top-level parent to activate. Although a window that has this style will still receive stylus events, neither it nor its child windows can get the focus.


Prevents a window from showing animated exploding and imploding rectangles and from having a button on the taskbar. This style is supported only by Windows Embedded CE.


Specifies a stationary window that cannot be dragged by its title bar. This style is supported only by Windows Embedded CE.


Creates a window that will be placed and remain above all non-topmost windows. To add or remove this style, use the SetWindowPos function.


Specifies the first control of a group of controls. This style is used primarily when creating dialog boxes. The group consists of this first control and all controls that are defined after it, up to the next control for which the WS_GROUP style is specified. Because the first control in each group often has the WS_TABSTOP style, a user can move from group to group.


Suppresses the Done button on the navigation bar. This style is only available when using the AYGShell API extensions.


Specifies a pop-up window. This style should not be changed after the window is created.


Specifies a control that can receive the keyboard focus when the user presses the TAB key. This style is used primarily when creating controls in a dialog box. Pressing the TAB key changes the keyboard focus to the next control with the WS_TABSTOP style.


Specifies a window that is initially visible. This style can be turned on and off to change window visibility.

See Also


Windows Reference


Window and Message Box Styles
Control Styles