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Keyboard Test (Compact 7)


The Keyboard Test is an interactive test that measures the functionality of a keyboard driver. The test verifies that all key sequences, chording, text editing, repeat rate, and delay are functioning properly.

Test Prerequisites

Your device must meet the following requirements before you run this test.

The following table shows the hardware requirement for the Keyboard Test.

Requirement Description


United States Keyboard supported by the keyboard driver being tested.

The following table shows the software requirements for the Keyboard Test.

Requirements Description


Test harness, required for executing the test


Logging engine, required for logging test data


Library containing the test cases

Keyboard driver

An installed keyboard driver such as Kbdmouse.dll


The table below lists the subtests included in this test.

SubTest ID Description



Describes the user interface used for running this test.


Manual key press

Displays keyboard events on the screen as they occur. This lets you verify that the keyboard events are correctly recognized. Press the SPACEBAR as indicated in the test to end the test. This test case fails only if you choose No at the end of the test.


Keyboard shortcut check

Tests the ability to detect key input correctly. This test requires that you press keys on the keyboard. Press each key in the order specified when you are prompted. This test case fails if you input an incorrect keystroke and then choose No when you are prompted to run the test again.


Key chording

Tests the ability to detect certain key combinations correctly. This test prompts you to press keys on the keyboard in a specified order. This test fails if you input incorrect keystrokes and then choose No when you are prompted to the test again. You must press and hold down keys that are part of a keyboard shortcut. For example, when you are prompted to press <CTRL+ALT+A>, press and hold the CTRL key, press and hold the ALT key, and then press the A key. You can then release all keys.


Text Editing

Provides a text box that lets you test all keys manually. When this test is finished, choose the box near the top of the screen to continue. This test fails only if you choose No at the end of the test.


Repeat rate and key delay

Tests the ability to speed up and slow down the key repeat rate and the ability to increase and decrease the delay before repeat. The test requires that you observe and remember the repeat rate and key delay and to respond to questions accordingly. This test fails only if you choose No when you are prompted.


Async key test

Tests that specific keys on the keyboard are detected correctly. This test prompts you to press keys on the keyboard in a specified order. This test fails if you input an incorrect keystroke and then choose No when you are prompted to the test again.

Setting Up the Test

This test has no additional setup requirements beyond the standard test environment setup.

Running the Test

Before running each test case, a dialog box prompts you to confirm that you want to continue with the test. All test cases require that you interact with the test. Follow the instructions on the screen in order to complete the tests.

After you run test cases 50, 53, and 54, the test prompts you with a question about the status of the test. If you choose Yes, the test is logged as passing. If you choose No, the test prompts you to run the test case again. If you choose No a second time, the test is logged as failing.

Test cases 51, 52, and 55 detect failure without your interaction and time out if no input is registered. If a failure is detected in these test cases, the test prompts you to run the test again. If you choose No, the test is logged as failing.

NOTE: On Windows Virtual PC the chording test (test 52) chord "Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Del" will not pass. This is by design, and is because the chord "Ctrl+Alt+Del" is captured by the host PC, and is not passed on to the virtual PC. This test will pass on all other platforms, including Microsoft Virtual PC 2007.

Verifying the Test

When the test completes running, it will report a PASS or FAIL result for all sub-tests in the test log.

Troubleshooting the Test

Ensure the keyboard being tested is a United States Keyboard supported by the keyboard driver being tested.

If the test passes, make sure to provide a positive response after each of the tests so that the tests doesn't time out and defaults to failure status.

For additional platform specific issues, consult the CTK articles on the TechNet wiki.

See Also

Other Resources

Input - Gesture, Keyboard, Mouse, Touch Driver Tests