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EapPeerGetInfo (Compact 2013)


Obtains a set of function pointers for an implementation of the EAP peer method EapPeerGetInfo currently loaded on the EAPHost service.


  __in   EAP_TYPE* pEapType,
  __out  EAP_ERROR** ppEapError


  • pEapType
    A pointer to an EAP_TYPE structure that contains the vendor data on the implementer of the APIs pointed to by the members of this structure.
  • pEapInfo
    A pointer to an EAP_PEER_METHOD_ROUTINES structure that contains the function pointers to EAP method-specific implementations of the APIs that correspond to supplicant calls made to the peer-based EAPHost.
  • ppEapError
    A pointer to a pointer to an EAP_ERROR structure that receives any errors raised during the execution of this function call. After using the error data, this memory must be freed by calling EapPeerFreeErrorMemory.


Every EAP peer method DLL must implement the following APIs:

  • EapPeerBeginSession
    Starts an EAP authentication session on the peer EAPHost by using the EAP method.
  • EapPeerGetIdentity
    Returns the user data and user identity after being called by EAPHost.
  • EapPeerGetResult
    Obtains the result of an authentication session from the EAP method.
  • EapPeerShutdown
    Shuts down the EAP method and prepares to unload its corresponding DLL.

These APIs correspond to calls made by a supplicant, and serve as a proxy between the supplicant's API calls and the public APIs exposed on the EAP method DLL. Therefore, when a supplicant makes a call to a peer-based EAPHost to establish an authentication session or to perform an operation during that session, the EAPHost calls the corresponding implemented function on the EAP method DLL with the parameters provided. The EAP method functions are managed by pointers to their respective entry points.

The other functions in the EAP Peer Method API set are called by a peer-based EAPHost without a corresponding supplicant call, and are used for connection validation or user interface invocation operations.

This call is performed by a peer-based EAPHost by using a function pointer to this API. This API must be implemented on the EAP method loaded by EAPHost, and must strictly comply with the syntax and parameter types that are specified in the documentation.

See Also


EAPHost Peer Method Run-Time Functions