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BSP Components (Compact 7)


The board support package (BSP) includes the boot loader, OEM adaptation layer (OAL), device drivers, configuration files, and the kernel independent transport layer (KITL). The OS features that you can use with your hardware platform are directly proportional to the enabling code that you provide in your BSP. The following figure shows the relationship between the BSP components and the kernel.

BSP components

The top layer of the system architecture consists of the applications and services. Both of these components interact with the next layer, the kernel. The layer below that is the BSP, which contains the OAL, device drivers, KITL, configuration files, and boot loader. Three BSP components, the OAL, the device drivers, and KITL, interact with the kernel and also with the bottom layer, which is the hardware.

In This Section

  • Boot Loader
    Discusses common boot loader tasks, such as initializing hardware, loading the OS image into memory, and jumping to the OS start routine.
  • OEM Adaptation Layer
    Discusses the purpose of the OAL and aspects such as power management, timers, and interrupts.
  • Kernel Independent Transport Layer
    Discusses the purpose of KITL, the difference between active and passive KITL, and the difference between interrupt-driven and polling KITL.
  • Configuration Files
    Discusses .bib files, which determine the modules that are included in the OS image, and .reg files, which contain registry settings for the run-time image.

See Also


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