Kernel.dll (Compact 7)
The kernel implements its own global structure, NKGLOBAL, which is populated with functions and variables that the OAL needs.
Kernel.dll, which is provided by the OS, links to oemstub.lib.
In Windows Embedded CE 6.0, the profiler is no longer in the kernel. You can use the standard profiler if the OAL exports a high-resolution timer. However, if you plan to port your BSP to Windows Embedded Compact 7, you may want to skip this step; in Windows Embedded Compact 7, the kernel defaults to using a 1-millisecond timer if no other is provided.
If you are only porting to Windows Embedded CE 6.0, you can find an example of a 1-millisecond version on MSDN at Windows CE Base Team Blog - Poor Man's Monte Carlo. To export the timer, you must implement functions of type PFN_QueryPerfCounter and PFN_QueryPerfFreq. For an example implementation, see %_WINCEROOT%\platform\BSPTemplate\src\oal\oallib\timer.c.