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Bluetooth Architecture (Compact 2013)


This topic provides an overview of the layered Bluetooth architecture for Windows Embedded Compact 2013. Along with the related topics, it describes the layers of this architecture and how they relate to each other, so that embedded OS designers and developers can identify the components that are referenced in the documentation for Windows Embedded Compact 2013. Each layer is a collection of components that include protocol implementations, APIs, applications, and services. The description of each layer includes its contents, purpose, and location in relation to the Bluetooth stack. These layers are divided into three primary components.The following table describes these components from the highest to lowest level layers.



Bluetooth Host

Includes implementations of the core Bluetooth protocols: the Bluetooth stack and the high-level layers of the Bluetooth architecture, such as APIs and profiles

Host Controller Interface (HCI) Transport Layer

Delivers data between the Bluetooth host and the Bluetooth controller.

Bluetooth Controller

A Bluetooth device that implements the lowest levels of the Bluetooth architecture.

Windows Embedded Compact 2013 provides core implementations of the Bluetooth host and HCI transport layer that are compatible with Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR compliant Bluetooth controllers.

Figure 1 below displays the location of each layer in the Bluetooth architecture for Windows Embedded Compact 2013.

Figure 1: Bluetooth Layers

Bluetooth Layers

See Also



Other Resources

Bluetooth Stack Extension Layer