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MIPS Error Messages 661-910

The following table shows MIPS error messages number 661 through 910.

No. Severity Message text
661 ERROR Immediate operand not -32768 to 32767
662 ERROR Immediate operand not allowed on fp
663 ERROR Statement extends past logical end
664 ERROR Should be floating point CC reg
665 ERROR Invalid symbol for address
666 ERROR Label expected
667 ERROR Symbol is not a label
668 ERROR Label or number expected
669 ERROR Cannot find symbol
670 ERROR .shift_addr expression not 1
671 ERROR .align expression not to 12
672 ERROR String literal expected
673 ERROR Byte value must be -128 to 255
674 ERROR Identifer expected
675 ERROR Number expected
676 ERROR Invalid symbol for .comm/.lcomm/.extern
677 ERROR Undefined assembler operation
678 ERROR .err directive encountered
680 ERROR Invalid symbol for .[a]ent: %s
681 ERROR Invalid symbol for .globl: %s
682 ERROR Invalid section name: %s
683 ERROR Invalid id in expression
684 ERROR Value must be -32768 to 65535
685 ERROR .repeat not allowed in struct
686 ERROR .repeat may not nest
687 ERROR .endr without preceding .repeat
688 ERROR Reserved name used as label
689 ERROR Colon must follow a local label
690 ERROR Malformed statement
691 ERROR %hi/%lo/%gprel not followed by (
692 WARN Invalid expression with %hi/%lo: %s
693 ERROR Expected \\""(\\"" before base register
694 ERROR Expected \\"")\\"" after base register
695 ERROR Macro expansion needs at register after .set noat
696 ERROR Code field in trap instruction not 0..1023
697 ERROR += expected after .
698 ERROR .text block missing .ent
699 ERROR .end without matching .ent
897 WARN Opcode used without -QMmips64 or -QMViper
898 WARN MIPSII opcode used without -QMmips32
899 WARN Opcode used without -QMmips32 or -QMmips4
900 WARN Opcode used without -QMmips32 or -QMmips64 or -QMViper
901 ERROR Shift value not 32 to 63 (inclusive)
905 ERROR Should be vector
906 ERROR Should be debug reg
907 WARN MIPS V opcode used without -QMmips5
908 WARN Mips viper opcode used without -QMViper
909 WARN Mips R5400 opcode used without -QMR5400
910 WARN Using unimplemented unaligned-access opcode

See Also

MIPS Guide | MIPS Error Messages 1-525 | MIPS Error Messages 526-610 | MIPS Error Messages 611-660 | MIPS Error Messages 911-980

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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