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This structure contains detailed information about runtime exception processing. This structure has an uncompressed 20-byte format.

  ULONG BeginAddress;
  ULONG EndAddress;
  PVOID ExceptionHandler;
  PVOID HandlerData;
  ULONG PrologEndAddress;


  • BeginAddress
    Address of the first instruction in the function. It is the function's entry address.
  • EndAddress
    Address of the last instruction in the function. It is the function's end address.
  • ExceptionHandler
    Address of the exception handler for the function.
  • HandlerData
    Address of the exception handler data record for the function.
  • PrologEndAddress
    Address of the last instruction in the prolog.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: no public definition.

See Also

MIPS pdata Format

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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