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This structure specifies the hash algorithm and the inner and outer strings that are to be used to calculate the HMAC hash.

typedef struct _HMAC_Info {ALG_IDHashAlgid;BYTE* pbInnerString;DWORDcbInnerString;BYTE* pbOuterString;DWORDcbOuterString;} HMAC_INFO, *PHMAC_INFO;


  • HashAlgid
    Hash algorithm to be used.
  • pbInnerString
    Pointer to the inner string to be used in the HMAC calculation. The default inner string is defined as the byte 0x36 repeated 64 times.
  • cbInnerString
    Count of bytes in pbInnerString. The CSP uses the default inner string if cbInnerString is equal to zero.
  • pbOuterString
    Pointer to the outer string to be used in the HMAC calculation. The default outer string is defined as the byte 0x5C repeated 64 times.
  • cbOuterString
    Count of bytes in pbOuterString. The CSP uses the default outer string if pbOuterString is equal to zero.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Wincrypt.h.

See Also

CryptCreateHash | CryptSetHashParam | ALG_ID

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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