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ldap_simple_bind (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function authenticates a client to a server using a clear text password.

ULONG ldap_simple_bind(LDAP* ld,UNICODE PTCHARdn,UNICODE PTCHARpasswd);


  • ld
    [in] Session handle.
  • dn
    [in] Distinguished name of the user used to bind. The bind operation uses the dn and passwd parameters to authenticate the user.
  • passwd
    [in] Password of the user specified in the dn parameter.

Return Values

If this function succeeds, it returns the message identifier of the operation initiated.

If this function fails, it returns -1 and sets the session error parameters in the LDAP data structure.


This function initiates a simple asynchronous bind operation to authenticate a client to an LDAP server. Subsequent bind calls can be used to re-authenticate over the same connection.

To authenticate as a specific user, provide both the distinguished name of the entry (user) and the password for that entry. To authenticate an anonymous user (when no access permissions are required), pass NULL to both the dn and passwd parameters.

As an asynchronous function, this function returns a message identifier for the operation. Call the ldap_result function with the message identifier to get the result of the operation. To cancel an asynchronous bind operation before it has completed, call ldap_abandon.

Note   If an LDAP 2 server is contacted, no other operations over the connection should be attempted before the bind call has successfully completed.

If you prefer to have the function return the results directly, use the synchronous routine ldap_simple_bind_s.

In a multithreading environment, bind calls are not safe because they apply to the connection as a whole. Use caution if threads share connections and try to thread binds with other operations.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Winldap.h.
Link Library: Wldap32.lib.

See Also

ldap_abandon | ldap_bind | ldap_bind_s | ldap_result | ldap_simple_bind_s

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