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Conditionally Defining Power Management in the NDIS Miniport Driver Object Identifier Functions (Windows CE 5.0)

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After you modify the NDIS miniport driver send and receive functions, modify the NDIS miniport driver object identifier functions.

To conditionally define power management for the NDIS miniport driver object identifier functions

  1. In the MPQueryInformation function definition, use the #ifdef, #ifndef, and #endif directives to conditionally include or exclude local variables that the Windows CE NDIS miniport driver build may or may not require, depending on the existence of defines such as WINCE_PM_ENABLE.

    The following code example shows how to exclude these local variables from the Windows CE build.

    #ifdef WINCE_PM_ENABLE    
        NDIS_PNP_CAPABILITIES       Power_Management_Capabilities;
        ULONG                       ulInfo = 0;
        ULONG64                     ul64Info = 0;
        USHORT                      usInfo = 0;
    #ifndef UNDER_CE    
        UCHAR                       arrInfo[ETH_LENGTH_OF_ADDRESS];
        PVOID                       pInfo = (PVOID) &ulInfo;
        ULONG                       ulInfoLen = sizeof(ulInfo);
        ULONG                       ulBytesAvailable = ulInfoLen;
    #ifndef UNDER_CE    
        PNDIS_TASK_OFFLOAD_HEADER   pNdisTaskOffloadHdr;
  2. In the MPQueryInformation function definition, exclude the case OID_GEN_SUPPORTED_GUIDS statement from the Windows CE build.

    The following code example shows how to exclude this statement from the build.

    #ifndef UNDER_CE
                // WMI support
            case OID_GEN_SUPPORTED_GUIDS:
                pInfo = (PUCHAR) &NICGuidList;
                ulBytesAvailable = ulInfoLen =  sizeof(NICGuidList);
  3. In the MPQueryInformation function definition, use WINCE_PM_ENABLE to conditionally include the case OID_PNP_CAPABILITIES and case OID_PNP_QUERY_POWER statements.

    The following code example shows how to conditionally include this statement.

    #ifdef WINCE_PM_ENABLE
            case OID_PNP_CAPABILITIES:
                MPFillPoMgmtCaps (Adapter, 
                if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                    pInfo = (PVOID) &Power_Management_Capabilities;
                    pInfo = NULL;
            case OID_PNP_QUERY_POWER:
                // Status is pre-set in this routine to Success
                Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; 
  4. In the MPSetInformation function definition, use WINCE_PM_ENABLE to conditionally include the NewPowerState local variable.

    The following code example shows how to conditionally include this variable.

    #ifdef WINCE_PM_ENABLE    
        NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE     NewPowerState;
  5. In the MPSetInformation function definition, use WINCE_PM_ENABLE to conditionally include the power related case statements.

    The following code example shows how to conditionally include these statements.

    #ifdef WINCE_PM_ENABLE
            case OID_PNP_SET_POWER:
                DBGPRINT(MP_LOUD, ("SET: Power State change, "PTR_FORMAT"!!!\n", InformationBuffer));
                if (InformationBufferLength != sizeof(NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE ))
                NewPowerState = *(PNDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE    )InformationBuffer;
                // Set the power state - Cannot fail this request
                MPSetPower(Adapter ,NewPowerState );
                *BytesRead = sizeof(NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE    );
                Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; 
            case OID_PNP_ADD_WAKE_UP_PATTERN:
                // call a function that would program the adapter's wake
                // up pattern, return success
                DBGPRINT(MP_LOUD, ("SET: Add Wake Up Pattern, !!!\n"));
                if (MPIsPoMgmtSupported(Adapter) )
                    Status = MPAddWakeUpPattern(Adapter,InformationBuffer, InformationBufferLength); 
                    if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                        *BytesRead = InformationBufferLength;   
                    Status = NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED;
                DBGPRINT(MP_LOUD, ("SET: Got a WakeUpPattern REMOVE Call\n"));
                // call a function that would remove the adapter's wake
                // up pattern, return success
                if (MPIsPoMgmtSupported(Adapter) )
                    Status = MPRemoveWakeUpPattern(Adapter,InformationBuffer, InformationBufferLength );
                    if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                        *BytesRead = InformationBufferLength;
                    Status = NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED;
            case OID_PNP_ENABLE_WAKE_UP:
                DBGPRINT(MP_LOUD, ("SET: Got a EnableWakeUp Call, "PTR_FORMAT"\n",InformationBuffer));
                // call a function that would enable wake up on the adapter
                // return success
                if (MPIsPoMgmtSupported(Adapter) )
                    *BytesRead = InformationBufferLength;                         
                    Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; 
                    Status = NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED;
    #endif  // WINCE_PM_ENABLE            
  6. Use WINCE_PM_ENABLE to conditionally include the MPSetPowerD0, MPSetPowerLow, and MPSetPower function definitions.

    The following code example shows how to conditionally include these functions.

    #ifdef WINCE_PM_ENABLE
        PMP_ADAPTER  Adapter
    Routine Description:
        This routine is called when the adapter receives a SetPower 
        to D0.
        Adapter                 Pointer to the adapter structure
        PowerState              NewPowerState
    Return Value:
        MPSetPowerD0Private (Adapter);       
        Adapter->CurrentPowerState = NdisDeviceStateD0;
    #ifdef WINCE_PM_ENABLE
        PMP_ADAPTER              Adapter ,
        NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE  PowerState 
    Routine Description:
        This routine is called when the adapter receives a SetPower 
        to a PowerState > D0
        Adapter                 Pointer to the adapter structure
        PowerState              NewPowerState
    Return Value:
            Adapter->NextPowerState = PowerState;
            // Stop sending packets. Create a new flag and make it part 
            // of the Send Fail Mask
            // Stop hardware from receiving packets - Set the RU to idle 
            // Check the current status of the receive unit
            if ((Adapter->CSRAddress->ScbStatus & SCB_RUS_MASK) != SCB_RUS_IDLE)
                // Issue an RU abort.  Since an interrupt will be issued, the
                // RU will be started by the DPC.
                Status = D100IssueScbCommand(Adapter, SCB_RUC_ABORT, TRUE);
            if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
            // Wait for outstanding Receive packets
            while (Adapter->PoMgmt.OutstandingRecv != 0)
                // Sleep for 2 Ms;
                NdisMSleep (2000);
            // Wait for all incoming sends to complete
            // Start Hardware specific part of the transition to low power state
            // Setting up wake-up patterns, filters, wake-up events etc
            Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        } while (FALSE);
    #ifdef WINCE_PM_ENABLE
        PMP_ADAPTER     Adapter ,
        NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE   PowerState 
    Routine Description:
        This routine is called when the adapter receives a SetPower 
        request. It redirects the call to an appropriate routine to
        Set the New PowerState
        Adapter                 Pointer to the adapter structure
        PowerState              NewPowerState
    Return Value:
        if (PowerState == NdisDeviceStateD0)
            MPSetPowerD0 (Adapter);
            MPSetPowerLow (Adapter, PowerState);
  7. Use WINCE_PM_ENABLE to conditionally include the MPAddWakeUpPattern function definition .

    The following code example shows how to conditionally include this function.

    #ifdef WINCE_PM_ENABLE
        IN PMP_ADAPTER  pAdapter,
        IN PVOID        InformationBuffer, 
        IN UINT         InformationBufferLength
    Routine Description:
        This routine will allocate a local memory structure, copy the pattern, 
        insert the pattern into a linked list and return success
        We are guaranteed that we wll get only one request at a time, so this is implemented
        without locks.
        Adapter                 Adapter structure
        InformationBuffer       Wake up Pattern
        InformationBufferLength Wake Up Pattern Length
    Return Value:
        Success - if successful.
        NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE - if memory allocation fails. 
        NDIS_STATUS         Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE;
        PMP_WAKE_PATTERN    pWakeUpPattern = NULL;
        UINT                AllocationLength = 0;
        ULONG               Signature = 0;
            pPmPattern = (PNDIS_PM_PACKET_PATTERN) InformationBuffer;
            // Calculate the e100 signature
            Status = MPCalculateE100PatternForFilter (
                (PUCHAR)pPmPattern+ pPmPattern->PatternOffset,
                (PUCHAR)pPmPattern +sizeof(NDIS_PM_PACKET_PATTERN),
                &Signature );
            if ( Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
            // Allocate the memory to hold the WakeUp Pattern
            AllocationLength = sizeof (MP_WAKE_PATTERN) + InformationBufferLength;
            Status = NdisAllocateMemoryWithTag( &pWakeUpPattern, 
                                                AllocationLength ,
                                                NIC_TAG );
            if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                pWakeUpPattern = NULL;
            // Initialize pWakeUpPattern
            NdisZeroMemory (pWakeUpPattern, AllocationLength);
            pWakeUpPattern->AllocationSize = AllocationLength;
            pWakeUpPattern->Signature = Signature;
            // Copy the pattern into local memory
            NdisMoveMemory (&pWakeUpPattern->Pattern[0],InformationBuffer, InformationBufferLength);
            // Insert the pattern into the list 
            NdisInterlockedInsertHeadList (&pAdapter->PoMgmt.PatternList, 
            Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS;
        } while (FALSE);
        return Status;
  8. From the IDE Build menu, choose Open Build Release Directory.

  9. Navigate to the directory containing your Windows CE NDIS miniport driver.

    Be sure your NDIS miniport driver is in %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\%_TGTPLAT%\Drivers\CENDISMiniport.

  10. Build the Windows CE NDIS miniport driver with the Build tool.

    For more information about the Build tool, see Build Tool. Microsoft recommends using the -c parameter with the Build tool to delete all object files.

See Also

How to Migrate a Windows-based Desktop NDIS Miniport Driver to Windows CE

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