Creating or Changing a Phone-Book Entry
To use the RasSetEntryProperties function to create or change registry phone-book entries
- Call RasValidateEntryName to be sure that the name does not exist.
- If you are editing an existing entry, call RasGetEntryProperties to retrieve the existing configuration.
- Call RasSetEntryProperties to set the new configuration. The parameters should be set as follows:
- The lpszName parameter should point to the null-terminated string containing the entry name in the lpszEntry parameter*.* If the existing name matches an existing entry, RasSetEntryProperties modifies the entry properties. If the entry does not exist, the function creates a new entry.
- The lpszEntry parameter should point to a RASENTRY structure, which should be filled with data for the connection, including the telephone number, device type, and name.
- The lpbDeviceInfo and dwDeviceInfoSize parameters can be used to set Telephony API (TAPI) device configuration data.
Creating a Phone-Book Entry Example
The following code example shows how to create a phone-book entry.
int CreateRasEntry (LPTSTR lpszName)
DWORD dwSize,
TCHAR szError[100];
// Validate the format of a connection entry name.
if (dwError = RasValidateEntryName (NULL, lpszName))
wsprintf (szError, TEXT("Unable to validate entry name.")
TEXT(" Error %ld"), dwError);
return FALSE;
// Initialize the RASENTRY structure.
memset (&RasEntry, 0, sizeof (RASENTRY));
dwSize = sizeof (RASENTRY);
RasEntry.dwSize = dwSize;
// Retrieve the entry properties.
if (dwError = RasGetEntryProperties (NULL, TEXT(""),
(LPBYTE)&RasEntry, &dwSize, NULL, NULL))
wsprintf (szError, TEXT("Unable to read default entry properties.")
TEXT(" Error %ld"), dwError);
return FALSE;
// Insert code here to fill the RASENTRY structure.
// ...
// Create a new phone-book entry.
if (dwError = RasSetEntryProperties (NULL, lpszName,
(LPBYTE)&RasEntry, sizeof (RASENTRY), NULL, 0))
wsprintf (szError, TEXT("Unable to create the phonebook entry.")
TEXT(" Error %ld"), dwError);
return FALSE;
// Initialize the RASDIALPARAMS structure.
memset (&RasDialParams, 0, sizeof (RASDIALPARAMS));
RasDialParams.dwSize = sizeof (RASDIALPARAMS);
_tcscpy (RasDialParams.szEntryName, lpszName);
// Insert code here to fill up the RASDIALPARAMS structure.
// ...
// Change the connection data.
if (dwError = RasSetEntryDialParams (NULL, &RasDialParams, FALSE))
wsprintf (szError, TEXT("Unable to set the connection information.")
TEXT(" Error %ld"), dwError);
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
See Also
Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004
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