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Using an Enrollment Configuration File

The configuration file specifies enrollment details that Enroll.exe uses in the process. These details are particular to your certificate server setup. For more information about the configuration file, see Configuring Enroll.exe.

To add the configuration file and enroll.exe to the CEPC platform

  1. If you are using the sample configuration file Enroll.cfg, perform the following steps:

    1. Copy Enroll.cfg from %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Sdk\Samples\Enroll directory to %_WINCEROOT%\Public\<Platform Name>\RelDir\CEPC_X86Release.
    2. Modify the file as needed. At a minimum, you must type the certificate server name in this file.

    - or -

    If you are using a different configuration file, copy the configuration file to %_WINCEROOT%\Public\<Platform Name>\RelDir\CEPC_X86Release.

  2. From the Workspace window, select the ParameterView tab.

  3. Expand the <Platform Name> parameters node and navigate to %WINCEROOT%\<Emulator or CEPC>\Project Specific Files. Double-click project.bib to open the file for editing.

    The project.bib file is located in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\<Platform Name>\WINCE420\<CEPC or Emulator>\oak\files directory.

  4. Add the following statements to the project.bib file and then save the file.

    <Configuration Filename>       $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\<Configuration Filename>              NK  
    enroll.exe       $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\enroll.exe              NK  

    This puts the configuration and enroll.exe files in the \Windows directory on your device.

    For example, if you are using the sample configuration file Enroll.cfg, you would type:

    enroll.cfg       $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\enroll.cfg              NK  
    enroll.exe       $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\enroll.exe              NK  
  5. From the Build menu, select Make Image.

After the process is completed, your image is ready to download.

See Also

Enrolling for a Certificate | Creating an Enrollment Environment | Configuring Enroll.exe

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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