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URL Moniker Services Overview (Windows CE 5.0)

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The URL Moniker Services (Urlmon) functionality for Microsoft® Windows® CE provides Uniform Resource Locator (URL) management support in the form of URL monikers, asynchronous pluggable protocols, hit logging, and URL security zones.

A URL moniker is a system-provided moniker class that supports asynchronous binding to a URL. The URL moniker application programming interface (API) frees developers from the complexities of creating, managing, and using URL monikers.

Asynchronous pluggable protocols allow developers to create pluggable protocol handlers, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) filters, and namespace handlers that work with URL monikers in Internet Explorer for Windows CE browser.

The hit logging API allows Web developers to collect information about activity on their pages and to write customized entries in a log.

The URL security zones API allows developers to manage URL security zones and policies, as well as create custom URL security zone managers. Effective with version 4.2, OEMs can customize the information that Urlmon dialog boxes provide to users. For more information, see Replacement of the Urlmon User Interface.

OS Design Information

The following table shows operating system design information for URL Moniker Services.

Concept Description
Dependencies Requires WinInet and full communications (Windows Sockets, TCP/IP stack) implementation
Hardware considerations None.

Modules and Components

The following table shows the modules that implement the URL Moniker Services functionality.

Item Module Component
URL Moniker Services urlmon None.
Urlmon Replaceable User Interface urlmonui None.

Implementation Considerations

The following table shows the Sysgen variables that control the URL Moniker Services functionality.

Sysgen variable Description
SYSGEN_URLMON Adds URL moniker support, asynchronous pluggable protocols, hit logging, and URL security zones.

See Also

URL Moniker Services OS Design Development | URL Moniker Services Application Development

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