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Creating a Profile-Enabled OS Image for a CEPC

  1. Set the following environment variables from the command prompt build window:

      Define this environment variable by typing the following command line.


      IMGPROFILER is used in the binary image builder (.bib) file as a flag to indicate that Nkprof.exe should be built into the OS image.


      Define this environment variable by typing the following command line.


      The mapfiles files (.map) must exist in the %_FLATRELEASEDIR% directory so that symbols are available to the profile-enabled kernel. By default, WINCEMAP is defined in the build environment.


      Define this environment variable by typing the following command line.


      You cannot perform kernel debugging on an OS image that includes Windows CE profiling.

  2. Run Blddemo.bat to build the selected modules and features. Blddemo.bat calls the following tools in sequence:
    1. Build.exe to build the project and platform code

    2. Buildrel.bat to import data to the %_FLATRELEASEDIR% directory

    3. Makeimg.exe to create the OS image, Nk.bin

      Note   To rebuild a profile-enabled kernel, you do not need to rebuild the entire project. You only need to run Build -cfs in %_WINCEROOT%\Platform\*\Kernel, and then run Makeimg.

See Also

Build Demo Tool | Build Tool | Environment Variables | Make Binary Image Tool | Platform Profiling

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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