Configuration Creation for a Project
When you create a project for a feature, Platform Builder sets the following default options for the debug configuration and release configuration for the project:
- The debug configuration contains full symbolic debugging information that the integrated debugger in Platform Builder can use. Platform Builder turns off optimizations in the debug configuration because they generally make debugging more difficult.
- The release configuration does not contain any symbolic debugging information and it uses any optimizations that you set after creating the projects.
Depending on your installation and the choices that you made when you created your project, you may have default configurations with other options, or you may have custom configurations with other options.
A project configuration consists of settings that determine the characteristics of the final output file for a project, and the configuration specifies the directories in which the intermediate and final files are created. When you create a new configuration for a project, it is based initially on the settings from an existing configuration that you select. Options that you select for the new configuration, such as the microprocessor, may modify those initial settings. The new configuration always uses the same set of files as the configuration on which it is based.
You can apply the options in the Project Settings dialog box to multiple projects, and to either a selected configuration or to all current configurations. For example, you can specify settings for the release configuration that do not apply to the debug configuration.
When you set the active configuration for a project, subsequent build commands build a feature based on that active configuration. You can build a feature based on a single configuration or the default configuration, or you can choose multiple configurations
For more information about building a feature, see Project Creation.
See Also
Creating a Configuration for a Project | Preventing a File or Files from Being Built in a Configuration | Deleting a Configuration from a Project | Specifying Project Settings | Setting the Active Configuration for a Project
Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004
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